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Castle Fight Night #8 - Long Island, New York - April 26 - 4/26/08


Yes, I asked if someone could bring Dazzle. If you can, great. If not, I understand. I only have a p3 laptop so it won't run terribly fast...LOL.

As for a ride, we'll do our best to get someone to pick you up. Check your PM for my cell number so you can contact me after thursday for info and whatnot.
I dun think I can give you one check, I'll ask around school to see if someone with a car wants to come along for brawl or something. I'll see what I can do bud
ok you guys, sorry i havent been around, ive been out all day and just got home.

i actually found a ride for this! since its on the weekend, my father said he would hook me up. hes probably gonna watch the tourny as well. lol

thanks 9.95 if anything goes wrong, ill give you a call. ill bring my capture device. i have no idea if it will work with a pentium 3. i will check it out before i go.

but i will be there 100% definitly and looking forward to my first ever tourny!

see you guys next saturday ; )


I can bring the Gamebridge and the software to the tournament for recording. It's a simple USB device with good quality recording, supplied by Dreemer. Check if you can't get a ride there is always the option of taking a cab.


Space Jockey
i will be on vacation in that area next week. i would love to go, but is anyone willing to pick me up from the long island train station? that would be my only chance of going. i hope so. i hear its 20 minutes from Castle Golf.

i leave for my vacation on thursday, please get back to me beforehand.
Ronkonkoma? someone can probably pick you up.. shoot me an email... [email protected]
nonetheless, i will bring my capture device as backup. i really dont mind.

shock, its going to see you are going. i look forward to finally meeting you. such a shame we never crossed paths in freehold ; )

i totally forgot how cheap taxis are in that area, lol. yeah, youre right, i most definitly could do that if worst comes to worst. i appreciate it man. it will be no problem whatsoever. i will be there 100% definitly, no questions asked.

ill try and get online sometime next week to confirm it once again in case there is any doubt.

i cant wait till this goes down. just one other question... i read the first post, so when exactly does the first 3 tournaments end? i have no interest in being there for any of them. i am guessing around 4 o clock? thanks in advance.
Ronkonkoma? someone can probably pick you up.. shoot me an email... [email protected]
thats good to know man, but i definitly got a ride to the venue. like i said, worst comes to worst. i will get in touch with you/everyone. but im pretty sure im safe for both rides. im sure while im there we can discuss any problems there might be. but i can almost assure you, there wont be any, i just need to know what time to be there after the first 3 tournaments end.


Well, the first games are starting around 1pm, so I assume 2 hours or so. My guess would be 3 or 4 to start registration for the second round of games. Try to be there for like 3pm so you can be sure to get registered as well as get some casuals in.


What's up 9.95 -- Yeah I'll try to make it for this one. Haven't touched UMK3 in like 995 years so someone wanna practice up?


3 hours away from my house. :'(

Doesn't seem all that far but it's 121 miles down I-87. I didn't know that I-87 even went down that far. God damn. Do you know if there are trains that go down near there?


3 hours away from my house. :'(

Doesn't seem all that far but it's 121 miles down I-87. I didn't know that I-87 even went down that far. God damn. Do you know if there are trains that go down near there?
I believe there's an Amtrak that goes to Penn from there.


Yo, I think Obstruction and I are going to go down together or some shit. It would be sick. :)

Edit: What are the prizes, just curious I'm not going down for the prizes.


Prize structure is listed in the first post I believe, but if it's not, most of them go by a 70/20/10 structure.

I believe we're going to be charging $5 per entry for the UMK3 tournament.

The 3rd Strike and UMK3 tournaments also have plaques for 1st/2nd/3rd Place.


If we get 16 players the prize split for $5 entry would be something like $55, $15, $10


Can't wait to see you guys, the list for the tournament is looking to be very good. At least 16 players I believe this time.
Shock, you gonna bring your sticks again? I wanna start getting used to one this time around for friendlys.

Phil what time you gonna be there so I can come down and help set up?


Kev, the tournament setup is different this time. We can't use the air hockey table like the last two CG's. I'll be there earlier to play and help with the ST tournament, but setup for UMK won't start till registration for the second wave of tournaments... figure those reg's to start about 3:30 or so, with the 2nd wave of tournaments starting at 4:30 or 5pm.

Depending on weather, we'll have access to the outside area, adjacent to the building for casuals.

I'll prob. be there about 11:30-noon or so.