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Brainiac Interactable Tech (May be applicable to other characters)


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Edit: Non of these work any more due to an early change that prevents you from releasing drone during the relevant interactable animations. Keeping them all up for the swag factor.

Brainiac's trait allows him to delay a projectile for about 7 seconds as long as he doesn't get hit or take chip. Besides all the other great stuff this makes for some swaggy and potentially very useful interactable combos. I'm not guaranteeing optimal combos.

First up we have the throw interactable in Atlantis on the right which is identical to the one in the Batcave.(Except on the left instead of right.) If you cross up you can combo into the throw and throw the opponent while they are blocking without it whiffing. The opponent can duck the throw if they block the crossup but you can jail into standing 1. Using Beta Strike at the right time leads to a big damage combo off of it.

THIS is the really good one. Similar idea, but the interactable in Khandaq is unblockable. From what I can tell the opponent's only options against this crossup if they block it are Super and backdash. If they backdash they will still have to deal with Beta Strike. You also use a different combo, the video shows 21(1+2) so you get them back in the corner.

Finally and less practically we have the Batcave's Brother Eye interactable. It's a throw that can be used both ways, using a well timed Beta Strike will allow for juggles, which are range dependent. The first video is facing to the left with the corner, the second is facing to the right and has a swag Xray combo.

Perhaps other characters could set up something with these interactables, worth looking into. Either way, I think the Khandaq interactable crossup is definitely worth looking into for general play as a nice low damage mixup, perhaps a round closer.
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Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Atrocitus can combo off of theses interactables as well with Dex-Starr. Though his will be more situational as he can only crossup with JI3. I think the one with Brother Eye in the Batcave is worth knowing though, it works both ways so it's realistic that you could pull it off in a real match. Note that where you stand can affect it, you may want to do shield instead depending on spacing.

Combos are not optimal.

First up is Batcave.

Next we have Khandaq's unblockable, doubt you'd get much use out of this one though.


FGC _ Wondered

Been here since MK9
I wanted to post a video but just decided to ask have you guys discovered his throw trait options? I was in lab and while he holds the trait ( mainly the airplane middle drop trait), he can throw an then release that trait to other them and give you more pressure . Also it's an unblockable so to speak because if they break the throw lol you can release it and it'll put them in blockstun!! lol it's awesome but just wanted to ask first .


Searching for an alt.
Lol decided to do it anyway guys. Hope we can get this out to the main top for all brainiac players to dive into and find things
This is awesome, we need more lab monsters with this character. Can you do throw tech to release trait to instant divekick or shoulder charge? Can he combo off throw tech?!? Gonna lab that in a few.

FGC _ Wondered

Been here since MK9
This is awesome, we need more lab monsters with this character. Can you do throw tech to release trait to instant divekick or shoulder charge? Can he combo off throw tech?!? Gonna lab that in a few.
Yea I'd imagine those options are possible too , he's got great trait pressure , it's very undiscovered. And yea I'm one of the biggest lab monsters lol, back in mk9 I was known on here for finding crazy things for characters like kenshi and Jade .


Searching for an alt.
Yea I'd imagine those options are possible too , he's got great trait pressure , it's very undiscovered. And yea I'm one of the biggest lab monsters lol, back in mk9 I was known on here for finding crazy things for characters like kenshi and Jade .
I remember, I was just lurking then, happy hunting!


This is awesome, we need more lab monsters with this character. Can you do throw tech to release trait to instant divekick or shoulder charge? Can he combo off throw tech?!? Gonna lab that in a few.
You should check out the general discussion more, posted this on the 16 th of June, we are labing this character hard:
So I found that just like Batman we can punish throw techs with a full combo, of course it is more situational for Brainiac cause he doesn't always have the trait drone stored


I wanted to post a video but just decided to ask have you guys discovered his throw trait options? I was in lab and while he holds the trait ( mainly the airplane middle drop trait), he can throw an then release that trait to other them and give you more pressure . Also it's an unblockable so to speak because if they break the throw lol you can release it and it'll put them in blockstun!! lol it's awesome but just wanted to ask first .
And this is June 1st:

Haven't tried to F3 after this. Going to bed now. You're welcome:)