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Bottom 5 Character Project

Red Son

I think that Jade it's the priority to buff...they could make her to build meter.
If I could use her Shadow Flash while I'm holding the block button it would be cool, and up it to 27 uses to build a meter, instead of 45.
So the opponent will have to get in, her zonning is not that good, and don't need to be, projectiles just to scare, there are so much zonners in the game, so make her a keep away character that builds meter, the other one that builds meter is Quan Chi, but he needs to get in to build meter, Jade will be the opposite. Up the damage on EN specials and you have a total different character. Jade will be more unique and good.
About Sindel, I think that her combos are the lowest damaging in the entire game, thats her problem.


Come On Die Young
Jade, Sheeva, Skarlet, Stryker and Kano are all bottom 5 IMO.
Just like Sindel I feel like people will be in for a rude awakening with Skarlet sometime too. I used to think she sucked, but considering her potential (something like 40%+ chip with 3 bars, basically a rune trap) someone's bound to show her off eventually.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Bottom 5 IMO are

Mileena, Stryker, Sheeva, Cyber-sub, Quan Chi
Pig's head is going to explode. Lol.

That's a heck of a choice, though, but I'm sure it's not without reason.Aside from lack of good fights, what makes you bottom her out?
Just like Sindel I feel like people will be in for a rude awakening with Skarlet sometime too. I used to think she sucked, but considering her potential (something like 40%+ chip with 3 bars, basically a rune trap) someone's bound to show her off eventually.
After I watched you Vs Detroit, I stopped underestimating Skarlet.
Just like guys like DanCock/Runway/the Sindelians have made me respect the Queen and gotten her some limelight.

As far as truly not-all-that-well-put-together characters, it really all comes down to Jade, sadly.
And she's far from unplayable. There's just too many people who are more playable/have further-reaching advantages. Does she even have an armored move?


Sex Kick
IMHO it looked like the standing 1 wasn't in active frames yet.
Plus Cage has a bad D1 for AA. I can never D1 anyone with him.

Even Jop fails at D1 anti air with Cage against Chris G's Reptile at Evo.
Even if Scorpion does have a better jump punch than most, it's still your on point timing that's making your jump punches work so well.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Scorp will jump punch attempts to lower your hitbox more than any other character. It's ridiculous.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Why are you still arguing about Scorps JiP? I mean... two top players are saying it has a difference, with video evidence. I'm sure some of the more vertical standing ones TRADE with the JiP ... but Scorps seems to have a smaller hit box when does it. So you basically have to hit is fist and not his body.


Sex Kick
Yeah but, Cage has no way to effectively lower his hitbox. He's just at regular crouch height with all his crouching moves.
It's not like Mileena's D3/D4...and even they can be hit with jump punches that have good timing. Kabal blows them up all the time.

Why are you still arguing about Scorps JiP? I mean... two top players are saying it has a difference, with video evidence. I'm sure some of the more vertical standing ones TRADE with the JiP ... but Scorps seems to have a smaller hit box when does it. So you basically have to hit is fist and not his body.
Who's arguing? I'm sure we both agree that these are all factors. I'm saying there's a great chance that they're right.

I'm just saying, as a Mileena player who D3/D4's to avoid jump punches, I've been caught by tons of characters jump punching with good timing. Inlcuding Kitana. I think the timing has more to do with it than the hitbox.
Well hopefully some people of NRS read this thing and really make the less liked and less usefull chars a bit better in a next patch, jade will need some rework, sindel needs armor and better damage output, striker capability to get it is allmost none, baraka is other char that needs rework and also a fix <- <- 1 some times hit even if it doesnt touch anyone.. stupid glitchy skill, sheevas hitbox is as big as a 15 floor building.. and her new techs are cool but now that people know it they wont duck vs her... everyone makes theyr lists based on something I seriously wonder that sindel, like some other said will surprise anyone i seriously doubt a top sindel will beat a top kitana/kabal/raiden/cyrax that in my oppinion are best 4 chars in game.


In the video you can see that Dizzy mistimed the AAs...Scorpion jip doesn't have any difference with the others imho.


Sex Kick
In the video you can see that Dizzy mistimed the AAs...Scorpion jip doesn't have any difference with the others imho,
I don't know man...this is Mortal Kombat. D1/2/3/4's are all different. Why shouldn't jump punches be different too?
But really the only way to tell, is to hook one controller up to multiple systems at a time, pick Kitana on one system since she probably has the worst Jump Punch, and Scorpion or Kabal on the other system since they probably have the best...and time the jump punches against a crouching Mileena.


missiles are coming
1) Jade - too slow, punishable, no block strings, no mix ups, meter dependent

2) Sheeva - too punishable, too slow, special moves and normals create for plenty of bad match ups

3) Stryker - zoning capabilities are limited versions of other tournament viable zoning characters (Kenshi, Kabal, Kitana, Noob)

4) Cyber Sub Zero - negative edge issues, minimal damage, special moves create for plenty of bad match ups

5) Sektor (I'm not trolling) - all strings are unsafe and punishable by full combo or uppercut, meter dependent, no block strings, limited version of other tournament viable zoning characters (Kenshi, Kabal, Kitana, Noob)

The only three characters that I feel are non tournament viable are Jade, Sheeva, and Stryker.


Nightwolf wannabe
Pig's head is going to explode. Lol.

That's a heck of a choice, though, but I'm sure it's not without reason.Aside from lack of good fights, what makes you bottom her out?

After I watched you Vs Detroit, I stopped underestimating Skarlet.
Just like guys like DanCock/Runway/the Sindelians have made me respect the Queen and gotten her some limelight.

As far as truly not-all-that-well-put-together characters, it really all comes down to Jade, sadly.
And she's far from unplayable. There's just too many people who are more playable/have further-reaching advantages. Does she even have an armored move?
Jade is so underrated her enh overhead staff is armored, the only way to punish her regular staff overhead is to catch her in mid air which is pretty tough on reaction. I just got stomped by boys3x jade. i was usin sindel i couldn't even land a spit, then when she got close her 1,2 and b2 pop up were killin me. ntm her specials besides her boomerang are all pretty safe.
you are right, there are more playable characters, but that doesn't make jade bad she just has a higher learning curve. imo she's still bottom of mid tier. her enh shadow kick is armored too, full screen goes through projectiles and i think can only be punished by ducking. i didn't know her u3 got nerfed but this still doesn't make her worst in the game
At 5:18 you can see Scorp punish JC's standing 1 as well in the same vid.
when you look at it, its really only scorpions arm that stretches over to jc, it looks very logical actually, if jc would win the trade it would mean that scorpion would get juggled by getting his arm hit... its a hitbox thing I think

even from the eyes of a non mk player, you would think that jp would win the trade. this definitely deserves some research in the lab.


Go to hell.
no way jade is the worst character

Noob? In the bottom 5?
....Whatever you say. You should shoot Sage Leviathan/Hitoshura/DR/etc a challenge. I'd accept, but I feel like my Noob has fallen behind due to the purple and gold.

1) Jade - too slow, punishable, no block strings, no mix ups, meter dependent

2) Sheeva - too punishable, too slow, special moves and normals create for plenty of bad match ups

3) Stryker - zoning capabilities are limited versions of other tournament viable zoning characters (Kenshi, Kabal, Kitana, Noob)

4) Cyber Sub Zero - negative edge issues, minimal damage, special moves create for plenty of bad match ups

5) Sektor (I'm not trolling) - all strings are unsafe and punishable by full combo or uppercut, meter dependent, no block strings, limited version of other tournament viable zoning characters (Kenshi, Kabal, Kitana, Noob)

The only three characters that I feel are non tournament viable are Jade, Sheeva, and Stryker.

Just because I say I'm not white, doesn't mean I'm not white. I really, really, don't believe you.