Going to try to get some discussion about the Post patch MUs. I wanna discuss MUs i think are "Bad" now. Feel free to disagree, discuss, blow me up, IDGAF.
Raven 4-6
I think she outzones him, builds more meter, equals him in damage, and now after sould crush you cant just check her with lightning without the possibility of getting punished by her jumping it and soul scrushing on land. You basically have to rush her down and use Adam's offense with limited ability to open her up only using trait throws etc.
Blind_Man what do you think?
Aquaman 5-5 (could be 4-6)
Similar to raven the long range game is now actually more even cause he can jump reversal lightning. His footsie tools and easy ability to deal with offense mostly because of trait is troubling. I need to play it more but I think the number may have flopped or be even now.
Zod 4-6
Rules the screen vs Adam with jump backs and Zod balls. Trait goes toe to toe with Adam's and gives him interactible advantage as well. Ive played Pig enough to know the feel but still need to play it more after the patch.
Batman, Sinestro, Lantern, and MMH i also wanna discuss and see what other people think.