I like to play bad characters
I hate them not being there. Executions are my single favorite thing to do in the game next to maybe Boltok poping or grenade tagging people. It did make a massive impact on the hardcore communitiy and even the casual one. I want them back everyone does. They claim they wanted a fast game with no DBNO and faster spawns. The objective being E-sports and more people wanting to play it due to faster paced gameplay. There are so many things they fucked up that it's hard to say which it was that made it fall short. The top of the list for me is: Terrible maps and gametypes, lethal grenades at spawn, broken melee, stims. See if those things weren't there perhaps we'd be more accepting to no DBNO or Locust since it would be a fixed Gears as far as weapon balance. But then other things are different too like verticallity, movement speed etc. I'll tell you how it affected the community. There are currently 3X the amount or more people playing GOW3 as GOWJ. I only play Judgment with a group of friends for private games. Other than that I play GOW3.What is your opinion on the down but not out and the locust being gone because this has really Effected the community. I really doubt they will take out the stopping power for the next gears of war game bro. Especially when people can fly is not making the mechanics with the game no more.
I have no problem with no active but It just wouldn't be a gears of war game without it. I would say just make the mechanics better then gears of war 3 and not judgment. I can deal with that. And they can put no active or put active on the power weapons and not the weapons you start with. Great idea huh? So people wouldn't complain when they are doing a shotgun battle. Do you like this idea? Be honest. Just trying to help the community.
Overpass In judgment was great. I can give them that.
I love this game with a passion son. You just don't know. I mostly always come first place on my team anyway. But judgement is trash. I wonder how many people are playing it?
That's not a bad idea, i've seen it before also. Just keep it out all together. The power weapons in GOWJ are overall more powerful than previously. That's how they got around it and it works well.
And you mean Overrun. Yes it's a blast. Probobly one of the better game modes of that game.