If you looked at what I posted, he literally stole the kinetic energy from the guy he was fighting. That person isn't able to move now. Just standing absolutely still taking 100 years to blink. It's incredibly silly but he can do it to anyone.
OK. I'll try to explain things in more details, if you still gonna say that Flash can only be beaten by reality warpers after this, I'm done. Not going to spend the whole day explaining why Flash isn't as much of a threat as you make him to be. So what you're basically saying is that Flash auto-wins vs everyone who is not like Mr. Mxyzptlk. Let me remind you, last time I checked, Flash is just a human, right ? Correct me If I am wrong, good sir, but he doesn't have : any super-strength, any super-human durability/invulnerability, he can't fly (as far as I know), he can't breathe in space (again, feel free to correct me if that is not true), he ages, and etc...) So his only power is the god damn super-speed. Now Speed Force may be huge pile of PIS, but then again, what you're trying to say, is that whenever Flash is against someone, he automatically wins because he can steel kinetic energy from people ? OK, first of all, whenever some battle is created, the important thing is the conditions of the fight. You sound like every battle starts like both are on the ground and about to beat the shit out of each other. But here is the thing, if his opponent is in air (let's say Superman for example, Captain Atom, I don't know, any super-powered being who can fly at high speeds), can Flash reach him ? Again, if Flash can leap like Hulk at his level of speed, feel free to correct me, but I don't think he can. What is he going to do ? Not saying that the guy who is flying up in the air will catch him (depends on the character, though) but how can he steal kinetic energy from something he cannot even reach ? If this is example is not enough, I'll give another one. Flash doesn't have super durability, right ? I mean, 1 punch from Superman and he is dead. But that's not the case. Sure Flash would be fast enough to land the first hit, but what happens when he hits someone who is made of a pure energy ? I don't know much about pure energy beings from DC, the only coming to mind is Radiant, from Marvel, think about the X-ray, the Hulk villain from U-Foes team. He is made of pure energy, controls the whole radiation spectrum, so I'm pretty sure if a simple human (who Flash actually is) with no level of superhuman durability hits a being who emmits radiation/energy, he is gonna simply kill himself by just hitting that character. The arguement could also be made about forcefields, but most of Flash fanboys gonna whine "Derp, noooo, Flash is gonna hit the guy before he puts up a forcefield, yada yadaaaa!" so I guess pure energy being example would be better. Also for beings who can go intangible, Martian Manhunter comes to mind. What can Flash do to intangible being ? Can Flash resist telepathy ? I don't think so. Again, I could come up with different examples, but I hope you get my point. I mean, it's really an overexaggeration to say that a simple human whose only power is PIS empowered speed, or some kinetic energy stealing, who can be killed by just an explosion or a damn punch from super-powered being, can be beaten only by the likes of Mxyzptlk or Mad Jim Jaspers ? Comon, man, Juggernaut's forcefield could steal kinetic energy too, do you see people running around and saying he can beat anyone because of that ? Technically, Galactus isn't a pure reality warper (well, to some degree he is), are you saying Flash beats him too ? I mean, pulling powers like rainbows out of fingers or stealing kinetic energy is like me saying Hulk should rip Galactus because he torn the flame of gods designed to kill Celestials. Again, I am not trying to defend Batman here (he doesn't need it anyway, LOL, he is empowered by his fans), just pointing out that Flash is not that powerful to be compared to beings like reality warpers. Peace