Joker waiting room
about mixups, i only use them in open space, if i know theyre not doing anything after 2212 ill do it again, with a 4 slices ender its 12% chip and a bit over a bar of meter+ in 6f d3 range to redo slices if they dont neutral duck it, id mixup only if i dont have the lifeleadActually pretty good for being such a young character for you.
You've definitely done some of your homework on his traps, which is excellent.
One thing about them though that I have to say is, don't fuck around with stuff like 4xxSlices after one though. Stick to your main trap of F44 to catch them pressing buttons and your mix-ups when you feel they'll stay put.
Also, D4xxSlices needs to go. That's just worthless.
Other than that, very solid handle you've got on him. I'd just say try and be a little more methodical with him and wait people out a bit. He's not exactly fast enough to be running around so much.
And for using meter in mix-ups, I only use it on F2xxExSlices in the corner. B32xxExSlices is fine too if you don't wanna risk being so minus if they block a B31, but I'm very conservative with my meter in general that I just go for it.