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ask scorpion thread

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I'm trying to make a vid but the record function in this game is terrible. I record one thing then a totally different thing happens when I play the recording. I don't have a capture card so I have to use my phone to record. I'll have better luck drawing the fucking shit out in MS paint.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
The jf tp is hella hard. No matter how much you practice it you won't be able to get it consistantly. (Although a Hitbox might solve that problem :p) I have days where I'm on point and get it more than about 75%%, other days I can get it maybe like 50%. You actually seem me try it a few times in my tourney vids from FighterxShooter but fail miserably lol (don't play on ps3 pad very much) But its extremely useful in a lot of scenarios, if you could do this consistantly, Raiden would instantly be obsolete.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
One of the things that makes it really hard to do in this game is the fact that if you press up too fast it wont even register. You actually have to hold up for a certain amount of time or you wont jump. I actually wanna try it on the hitbox but I'm probably not going to want to convert even if it works out.


One of the things that makes it really hard to do in this game is the fact that if you press up too fast it wont even register. You actually have to hold up for a certain amount of time or you wont jump. I actually wanna try it on the hitbox but I'm probably not going to want to convert even if it works out.
It's sort of weird.

On hitbox,(I have one,) you can do the inputs way too fast. The input bug is 10x worse than on pad or stick. You actually need to slow down on it and get to be very accurate with how you press the inputs..

instant air anything is easy, it's just when you start doing it really fast it begins to come down to muscle memory. You have to press the inputs in the correct order at such a fast rate or you get nothing/wrong move and end up eating it. I'll try to get the movement down and record it for you guys. I'll keep you posted

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Cool thanks. Btw I'm playing on a SF TE stick, I can do it somewhat consistently on one side so I have an idea about how it's done but it's just so risky lol.


Cool thanks. Btw I'm playing on a SF TE stick, I can do it somewhat consistently on one side so I have an idea about how it's done but it's just so risky lol.
Yeah I'm with you. I'll show a few examples of what you can do on hitbox comparatively to pad, like kabal dash cancel, dash carries, instant air teleports and fireballs etc etc etc.

hell even raiden teleport lol. it makes it 4-5 input and execution.(2-3 frames to execute, 2 active frames before switch sides)

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Yeah I've been witness to how that stuff works cause reo has been using it at vsm the last few weeks. It's like using a keyboard or something. Pretty crazy. I would take a ton of time to get used to something like that though.


Yeah I've been witness to how that stuff works cause reo has been using it at vsm the last few weeks. It's like using a keyboard or something. Pretty crazy. I would take a ton of time to get used to something like that though.
I'm still getting used to it and I got it about a month ago.

Jumping feels really weird at first and dashing is.. different. I didn't even remember to block for the first like week of having it because I had to get used to bnb's and stuff. I can't do jump in kick combos with scorpion yet so his bnb is null for me LOL. But i'm working on it


Yeah I've been witness to how that stuff works cause reo has been using it at vsm the last few weeks. It's like using a keyboard or something. Pretty crazy. I would take a ton of time to get used to something like that though.
I personally got better on it than I was on a stick in about a month.

You can get back to doing B&B combos in a day or two, if you're a PC gamer or a musician.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
On hitbox,(I have one,) you can do the inputs way too fast. The input bug is 10x worse than on pad or stick. You actually need to slow down on it and get to be very accurate with how you press the inputs..
Is this input bug everybody's crutch now? Is it at all possible you're not giving the game time to execute the move before inputting the next one?

Ok, after posting my vids in the input bug thread, I feel a little like a dick for this comment, but only a little. I'm really tired of hearing "input bug" for every mistake a player makes, but there are some issues that are real. Hard to say which is which in the middle of a match. Anyways, you can't tap jump in this game, it has to be held for more than 1 frame. What you can do with the hitbox, is just hold jump while doing the iaTP, it will come out anyways and you wont miss the jump. Keep in mind the jump wont come out on frame 1 since the jump button needs to register for longer, so you still need to work the timing.


Is this input bug everybody's crutch now? Is it at all possible you're not giving the game time to execute the move before inputting the next one?

Ok, after posting my vids in the input bug thread, I feel a little like a dick for this comment, but only a little. I'm really tired of hearing "input bug" for every mistake a player makes, but there are some issues that are real. Hard to say which is which in the middle of a match. Anyways, you can't tap jump in this game, it has to be held for more than 1 frame. What you can do with the hitbox, is just hold jump while doing the iaTP, it will come out anyways and you wont miss the jump. Keep in mind the jump wont come out on frame 1 since the jump button needs to register for longer, so you still need to work the timing.
I wasn't saying this is every mistake I make. But it comes out about once a match for me. I've always noticed it, it's just that recently a LOT of attention has been brought to it and that it makes it seem like I'm blaming it all on the bug. Which I'm not.. I am NOT a great player and I recognize this lol.. it's why I'm active on these forums.. I want to become better.

It isn't a game breaker for me, but it does negatively affect my gameplay in a fairly large way with it happening at least once a match.. It gets more annoying than anything.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I wasn't saying this is every mistake I make. But it comes out about once a match for me. I've always noticed it, it's just that recently a LOT of attention has been brought to it and that it makes it seem like I'm blaming it all on the bug. Which I'm not.. I am NOT a great player and I recognize this lol.. it's why I'm active on these forums.. I want to become better.

It isn't a game breaker for me, but it does negatively affect my gameplay in a fairly large way with it happening at least once a match.. It gets more annoying than anything.
If there really is a 1 frame input drop, I think that is game breaking. What's the point if your moves aren't working as input?


You can use it in the same manor that its used for smoke and thats to lock your opponent into some crazy pressure. You dont have to use it after a BnB combo per se, but it works best that way.

I had the pleasure of playing a few matches against Slips the other night and he used it to pressure the hell out of me and gave me no room to breathe. He would also used it after a tick throw to lock me down. It also stopped me from using wake-ups because he got to the other side so fast that the input got screwed.

The :en version is a thing of beauty. Its more forgiving because of the second hit and you cannot be uppercutted out of it ( I tried w/ Sektor ) so your forced to block and get locked into pressure. I thought I out smarted Slips by letting the :en TP connect but he just did a regular instant TP and locked me down again.

Its worth leaning, I have the :en version down perfect but the normal version is a pain in the ass!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this isn't already mentioned, it also builds meter no?


Congrats Scorp players, takedown is awesome, not that I love it, but don't hate on it either :)


I found that this safe take down (if any bothers to say not, leave it be) is really useful at building meter like ending the 111 string into it takes 3/4 of one meter.
Then with that given, if we have combo to vortex set-up and having the number of special moves used in the combo, then would it take the meter into near 3.1~3.5/4 of one meter?

Example is a combo having 3 teleport punches and a spear then ending with the given: Blocked jump-in 1 - 111 xx take down.

I know sometimes it won't work because it can be ducked or easily countered by higher ranked specials.
But the alternative normals are either 21 xx take down or 334 / 33 xx take down.
Uh... No. As some who used this all the time, I realized that 1 , 1+2 can be fuzzy guarded pretty consistently. People would hold down and guard, and if the first attack is the low kick then followed by a blocked spear, you get blown up. But if the first attack is a punch instead, they let go of down to block the 1 + 2. I now find that B+2 if much better since in some situation, it is actually pretty safe, but not always.


Okay I guess you can't really "confirm" the teleport or takedown anymore because of the recent patch changing the negative edge stuff. Anyways yea it is better to just use B2 or 2,1,2.


Okay I guess you can't really "confirm" the teleport or takedown anymore because of the recent patch changing the negative edge stuff. Anyways yea it is better to just use B2 or 2,1,2.
You have never been able to confirm it if you ask me but we discussed this in another thread so I won't get into it.

We didn't come to a conclusion there.


You have never been able to confirm it if you ask me but we discussed this in another thread so I won't get into it.

We didn't come to a conclusion there.
Ok well for me, I have been able to react with a teleport or takedown before the patch. I can't do it now.