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my question is how do i link anything after 33 in combos? I can do tele to shocker but i can't get anything at all to hit after 33.

B W1zZ

my question is how do i link anything after 33 in combos? I can do tele to shocker but i can't get anything at all to hit after 33.
Could you be a little more specific? Exactly what combo are you trying to do?

Also doing a 334 tele straight into shocker won't work after PSN gets the patch.
Could you be a little more specific? Exactly what combo are you trying to do?

Also doing a 334 tele straight into shocker won't work after PSN gets the patch.
334,334,33,shocker,33,superman. is the combo i'm trying to do. I can't connect the shocker after the 33.
figured it out. It's not so much about being quick as it is about being early. They keys are when doing the 33s to input the special move motions in between the animation of the 2 3s hitting. If you wait for the second 3 to animate then do the special raiden will never hit it. So for 33 to shocker hit 33 then as the first 3 hits but before the second 3 hits do qcb+2. If done correctly you should be hitting 2 as the second 3 connects.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
What are Raiden's best midscreen xray combos? Also what can i do off of an air to air? Can't seem to manage more then 16% with b312 superman.

P.S. If there is a better xray combo in the corner than F24, D1, Shocker, F24, D1 Xray i would love to hear it.
What are Raiden's best midscreen xray combos? Also what can i do off of an air to air? Can't seem to manage more then 16% with b312 superman.

P.S. If there is a better xray combo in the corner than F24, D1, Shocker, F24, D1 Xray i would love to hear it.
The first question depends on your preferences. I like BnB combos that I can stick an X-Ray into at the drop of a hat, since the more combos I have to remember, the more likely I am to drop one. That said, I use the following:

b312, dash, shocker, f2~vicinity blast, dash, f2~xray (45%)
334~teleport, f2~shocker, f2~vicinity blast, dash, f2~xray (44%)

The value of the above is that they don't differ from my regular BnBs except at the end, they're pretty close to max damage, and you can stick the xray into the middle after ANY of the f2's.

To my knowledge, there is no better X-Ray combo in the corner than the one you listed if you're going for damage and simplicity. That said, that second d1 is a bitch to hit and not reliable enough, imo. I would just sub the end with f23~xray instead of the f24 and d1. You sacrifice 3 or 4% damage, but it's so easy you could hit it while having an epileptic seizure.

Edit: forgot you asked about air-to-air options. What you listed is a good one for reliability. Here are a couple others that are possible:
(a2a jp) b312~shocker, b31~superman
(a2a jp) dash, shocker, 334 (or b312)~superman


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Edit: forgot you asked about air-to-air options. What you listed is a good one for reliability. Here are a couple others that are possible:
(a2a jp) b312~shocker, b31~superman
(a2a jp) dash, shocker, 334 (or b312)~superman
What!?!? No way could you hit that they fall to fast for a shocker and after b312 they are too low for shocker. You sure about this?
What!?!? No way could you hit that they fall to fast for a shocker and after b312 they are too low for shocker. You sure about this?
They do work, but your timing's gotta be pretty good. I don't usually use the second one, since it's gotta be damn-near perfect. But the first one is quite versatile, because you can hit-confirm on the height of it. If you dash into the b31 and they're high enough, you can finish the string into shocker. But if they fell a little too low before you caught them, cut out the 2 and just do b31~shocker b31~superman and it'll connect.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
They do work, but your timing's gotta be pretty good. I don't usually use the second one, since it's gotta be damn-near perfect. But the first one is quite versatile, because you can hit-confirm on the height of it. If you dash into the b31 and they're high enough, you can finish the string into shocker. But if they fell a little too low before you caught them, cut out the 2 and just do b31~shocker b31~superman and it'll connect.
Alright, Thanks ill mess around with the for a little while.
How do we punish Reptile's blocked shoulder dash? Online, i can't get anything to work consistently. I tried 1xxshocker, but the shocker doesnt land everytime because he's too far away.
It's difficult to punish (without reading it) offline. Good luck doing it online. Still, if you want to try, do 121~shocker for speed or f24 - superman for distance.


too smart to play MKX
Online, Reptile's dash is basically 100% safe. Seriously, Reptile can spam that dash all day and there's really very little Raiden can do to stop it... online. It really sucks.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Tom brady mentioned something about JOP tech on the DigitalDojo stream and i was wondering what this is?

Shout outs to the stream chat for saying "JOP tech is like fight club and we do not talk about fight club" <--- Trolling at its finest.

B W1zZ

Tom brady mentioned something about JOP tech on the DigitalDojo stream and i was wondering what this is?

Shout outs to the stream chat for saying "JOP tech is like fight club and we do not talk about fight club" <--- Trolling at its finest.
Well according to Tom Brady JOP is the absolute best Raiden on the planet, but most likely he's talking about superman/teleport mixup options on wakeup after a superman etc..probably nothing new.

Unless I see any of this supposed "JOP Tech" I'm going to assume it's just playing runaway and using only the F24 string.


too smart to play MKX
Unless I see any of this supposed "JOP Tech" I'm going to assume it's just playing runaway and using only the F24 string.
I lol'd... Preeeeeetty hard. But I fully support this playstyle.

Anyway, WTF ever happened to JOP? I heard he defected the MK9 competitive scene.


too smart to play MKX
Well the only one i know is tele then throw or do a attack string but that isn't very good.
To me a "mixup" means overhead/low trickery. Everything else would be a "mind game."

Yeah, basically if they don't punish your teleport they have to flat out guess what you're going to do after it. Doesn't have to be just a throw or an attack string.
To me a "mixup" means overhead/low trickery. Everything else would be a "mind game."

Yeah, basically if they don't punish your teleport they have to flat out guess what you're going to do after it. Doesn't have to be just a throw or an attack string.
yea i'm mainly looking for low/over head mixups.

B W1zZ

yea i'm mainly looking for low/over head mixups.
Raiden has a few low/overhead options after a jump in punch:

Do a jump in punch into a D4 or D4xTeleport. On hit this gives advantage and allows for an uninterruptable 334 or B312, also gives enough advantage to do his F4 overhead.

Jump in punch into F4 overhead. If the F4 is blocked you are safe and can either block or quickly do a poke or 121 shocker before they try to counter attack. This isn't really hit confirmable into dash shocker (unless you do a dash into 1 or F2 ex shocker) so if the jump in punch hits you might as well buffer a dash into shocker, followed by F2 DB2 B3 superman, 334 superman, or F2 DB2 dash 334 (full screen splat). These all do 34% damage with the jump in punch.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Raiden has a few low/overhead options after a jump in punch:

Do a jump in punch into a D4 or D4xTeleport. On hit this gives advantage and allows for an uninterruptable 334 or B312, also gives enough advantage to do his F4 overhead.

Jump in punch into F4 overhead. If the F4 is blocked you are safe and can either block or quickly do a poke or 121 shocker before they try to counter attack. This isn't really hit confirmable into dash shocker (unless you do a dash into 1 or F2 ex shocker) so if the jump in punch hits you might as well buffer a dash into shocker, followed by F2 DB2 B3 superman, 334 superman, or F2 DB2 dash 334 (full screen splat). These all do 34% damage with the jump in punch.
Really that much advantage off D4 tele huh? Well that just helped my game out going to cancel B3 into D4 more often then.