Here is the match. I am going to go through it like I would my own match, making a point of decisions I agree with and disagree with.
Riyo, please dont be insulted if I disagree with anything you did, obviously being objective and having all the time to analyze is different than heat of the moment when making decisions, so dont worry about it. Hopefully though we can see what decisions can be made in what situations so that we all dont make the same mistake over and over. So, here we go.
1:02 - Good start. Black Adams Anti air kind of sucks, so he often has to air to air. You show him here that he cant just sit back and throw lightning, he will have to stop your jump. You happen to get a full combo, but choose to try a gimmicky reset. I always suggest fwd 2 1+3 against Black Adam. If you did and guessed right, you would have opened up a huge health lead and would have been in a great spot to win, with an 70 percent lead. Instead you let him initiate some offense.
1 :15 - I disagree with this FTD. Obviously it got you punished, but here is why I actually disagree. You just showed him that he would have to air to air you to stop your offense. Then you give him something he can punish by jumping. Since you had a health lead, i would have tried to be more patient, see if he was willing to jump (you could probably d2 that dive kick) or if he still wanted to throw lightning, which you could have tom bradyed and traded chip since you had the health lead, etc. No need to rush everything, you had the advantage here.
1:25 - 1:40 - This is tough to deal with. Just have to work on your blocking, and take the chip. Better than getting hit, even though it still sucks.
1:44 - Just a missed hit confirm I guess?
1:53 - This is really where the match ends. You could have MB b3ed, but he really seemed to catch you off guard. Just a good read from Rico.
The rest of the match is kind of frantic and not really worth commenting on. Unfortunately, the match was kind of over.
Match 2
3:10 - 3:20 - Great start. You baited him into playing the spacing game, which is good for aquaman. He jumped (which you conditioned earlier with the air to air mindgame as well) and you punished. You went for the oki setup, but guessed wrong, theres not much you can do. You tried to back dash lightning, but looking at the match objectively, you can see that he would probably MB because he was going for chip, otherwise, he could have used lightning hands for the same purpose with no risk. OBviously that is really hard to see coming in tournament, which is why I suggest the back dash only when he has no meter.
3:46 - Wow, you really have got him with this jumping mind game. Good stuff. Another great read.
3:54 - The oki setup works out for you. Unfortunately, the health bar system screws you over and you cant get a large health lead. Also, mb wasnt necessary, but not a big deal.
4:04 - Another jump in. Way to abuse what works. That is really important. Once again, you guess wrong on the oki setup. Not much to say, this is just how it works out sometimes.
4:15 - 4:22 -Just have to be more patient and block those lightnings. If you did that, you might have forced him to come to you. Then he might overextend, and you could have gotten a punish. Even if he caught you, it wouldnt be that big of a deal because you would only lose that first health bar. Instead, you kind of threw it away.
4:26 - He finally is willing to AtA. At this point I would be looking for this, he needed the damage. But once again, really hard to see in a tournament set.
4:30 - 4:45 - This is a really really hard situation. It is hard, but you can jump over MB lightning, and then he wouldnt get the chip. Otherwise, I would have just taken it. You would be down on life, but had a huge meter lead, so it would have been a very winnable game, especially if you could get off a random trident into a quick 20 percent.
4:46 - This is really the read you needed to make. You had meter, so you probably could of MB b3ed, or jump, or even just blocked and made a risky read on his pressure afterwards.
5:01 This is over. Trait is a killer.
Overall, the main things were better blocking, and blowing up instant divekick. Otherwise, you played it very well. Riyo, if you want to give your thoughts on this, maybe what was going through your head in the match, or if anybody has anything to add or discuss. Lets figure this match out.
I am going to tag
OZZYGUITAR, my sparring partner who plays Black Adam and see if he has anything to add as well.