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Anime discussion thread

DJ L Toro

I HATED the ending to that. Felt so ripped off

In other news, for anyone looking for a new anime to watch and can't find one, holy shit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is amazing. Especially the movie. Blew me away
that's been on my to watch list for like 3 years :/
I'll watch it this summer for sure.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I HATED the ending to that. Felt so ripped off

In other news, for anyone looking for a new anime to watch and can't find one, holy shit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is amazing. Especially the movie. Blew me away
I liked the ending. It was super sad and shit but then it was nice. I like happy endings.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
that's been on my to watch list for like 3 years :/
I'll watch it this summer for sure.
So good. You know that empty feeling you get when you get finished a good anime? I still got that feeling and I finished it last week lol. (And when you do get around to it, tell me what you think of the Endless Eight arc)

I liked the ending. It was super sad and shit but then it was nice. I like happy endings.
*actually uses the spoiler tag to post a spoiler and not a funny picture*

I hated it. Like, it was all a dream? Really? Forget that. IMO, a happier ending would have been him finding a way to cope with everything that he lost and became a great successful man. I was shocked and I felt so bad. Like, the guy lost everything, and he continued to just get kicked while he was down by life. Going through that emotional roller coaster only to have the show go "PSYCHE never happened" pissed me off.


I HATED the ending to that. Felt so ripped off

In other news, for anyone looking for a new anime to watch and can't find one, holy shit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is amazing. Especially the movie. Blew me away
I just started watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because I finally have some free time :). I'm on episode 4 or 5 and I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I just started watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because I finally have some free time :). I'm on episode 4 or 5 and I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it.
Easily a top 3 fav for me. Sorry I'm replying to everyone who even mentions it but I've been wanting to discuss it, but none of my friends have seen it :( Let me know when you finish it

DJ L Toro

Anyone on here that likes science fiction absolutely NEEDS too watch Steins;gate (yes that's a semicolon with no space. that is intentional). It is really good scifi in that they ACTUALLY DO SCIENCE in the show :D On top of that there's an awesome time travel theme and a great plot (be ready to cry, it's that good). My friend who is a computer science major at stanford and decorated employee of google (on his off time from school) has also confirmed that the cracking protocol used in the show is actually what is done in real life, lol. gotta love authenticity :p

DJ L Toro

Anime has to be the most overrated thing on this planet right now.
*shrug* maybe, but i've been a fan since i can remember (3 or 4 years old) thanks to things like sailor moon and dragonball z, then one piece since i was 8 (still watching because it's still amazing 14 years and 594 episodes later), and a slew of other smaller shows in various different genres, so i figure i have a legitimate reason to love it since it has been such a large part of my life.

Also, one could say that <insert anything you enjoy> has to be the most overrated thing on the planet. people like what they like, if you dont then leave them alone, but saying things like that is really unproductive.
why did you come to this thread if you dont like anime? just to say that?


Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
I used to like anime, until I realized that the quality of each anime began to suffer overtime for the same repeated garbage and nonsense.

There's only so much of a good thing you can have before it starts to feel repetitive and boring.

Anime mass produces anime to please the otaku. I am not an otaku. I don't worship anime like it's some form of deity, speaking in kawaii-desu nonsense.

It's clear why it's mass produced and the same concepts and tropes are repeated. If the otaku like it, they will continue to do it.

Still, bias prejudice doesn't throw out the fact that if you analyze exactly what originality and great storytelling encompasses, anime doesn't deliver true quality as often as it used to back in the 90's anymore. Maybe you will get one good anime in a sea of 20 school life harem nonsense with the same repeated jokes as the last school life harem.

Again, bias prejudice won't hold up against true criticism and analysis.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I used to like anime, until I realized that the quality of each anime began to suffer overtime for the same repeated garbage and nonsense.

There's only so much of a good thing you can have before it starts to feel repetitive and boring.

Anime mass produces anime to please the otaku. I am not an otaku. I don't worship anime like it's some form of deity, speaking in kawaii-desu nonsense.

It's clear why it's mass produced and the same concepts and tropes are repeated. If the otaku like it, they will continue to do it.

Still, bias prejudice doesn't throw out the fact that if you analyze exactly what originality and great storytelling encompasses, anime doesn't deliver true quality as often as it used to back in the 90's anymore. Maybe you will get one good anime in a sea of 20 school life harem nonsense with the same repeated jokes as the last school life harem.

Again, bias prejudice won't hold up against true criticism and analysis.
While I agree, I recently discovered these school-life harems and am (shamefully) liking it so far. But not all of them are just fan service though. I've recently been reading the "Tsukihime: Lunar Legend" manga and its spin-off/sequel the "Melty Blood" series and it's pretty good. Despite how overrated vampires are nowadays I still find this series' interpretation of them pretty good.

Plus Melty Blood is a fighting game. A HUUUUGE plus.

Shiki Tohno/Nanaya pretty much replaces Itachi as my fav anime character.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
On a somehow related note, 2 questions:

1) Who is your favorite anime character, and why?
2)Who would be an anime character who resemble you in any way, and how?

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I used to like anime, until I realized that the quality of each anime began to suffer overtime for the same repeated garbage and nonsense.

There's only so much of a good thing you can have before it starts to feel repetitive and boring.

Anime mass produces anime to please the otaku. I am not an otaku. I don't worship anime like it's some form of deity, speaking in kawaii-desu nonsense.

It's clear why it's mass produced and the same concepts and tropes are repeated. If the otaku like it, they will continue to do it.

Still, bias prejudice doesn't throw out the fact that if you analyze exactly what originality and great storytelling encompasses, anime doesn't deliver true quality as often as it used to back in the 90's anymore. Maybe you will get one good anime in a sea of 20 school life harem nonsense with the same repeated jokes as the last school life harem.

Again, bias prejudice won't hold up against true criticism and analysis.
You should try "Death Note". I recently got into it and I don't usually like Anime. It's more "normal" than other Anime I've seen and is full of great plot twists...


El Psy Congroo
Been watching Oreimo and Attack on Titan. Enjoying the hell out of them both for very different reasons. Attack on Titan should applea to a lot of people, Oreimo is a more meta anime.
On a somehow related note, 2 questions:

1) Who is your favorite anime character, and why?
2)Who would be an anime character who resemble you in any way, and how?
1) Tie between Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica and Uryuu Minene from Mirai Nikki. Sayaka because her side-story during the main storyline of Madoka being a wishy-washy bitch when it came to being a magical girl was very good, and even though its kinda one-sided, I really liked the Kyouko n Sayaka relationship/episode. Best seiyuus, best ED, best characters, best way to destroy my heart ;-;. As for Uryuu, I really liked her character growth throughout the show. She started as a simple contestant in the game that happened to be a terrorist with weird fashion taste and became this (quite literally) godlike character.

Kafuka Fuura gets an honorable mention, but only because of the ending to SZS in the manga. I still get chills thinking about it *shudders*

2) I'm actually not so sure about this one lol. I have kinda long, dark hair, and I can't exactly think of a male character that doesn't have that typical male student look, with short hair n shit.
steins;gate is awesome because reasons.

how have i not seen this post here yet, HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN STEINS;GATE. This is like, in my top 3 shows. Too amazing. The characters, plot, you name it. Just....glorious.

Recently been grinding out trying to finish Mondaji-tachi ga Iseka Kara Kuru Desu yo? and Dantalian no Shoka. Datalian is pretty interesting, really like how it's playing out so far, and Dalian is too moe. Mondaji is godlike, one of my favorites from 2013 for sure. This ED has been stuck in my head, and I love Kurosagi's everything in the video.


DJ L Toro

how have i not seen this post here yet, HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN STEINS;GATE. This is like, in my top 3 shows. Too amazing. The characters, plot, you name it. Just....glorious.

Recently been grinding out trying to finish Mondaji-tachi ga Iseka Kara Kuru Desu yo? and Dantalian no Shoka. Datalian is pretty interesting, really like how it's playing out so far, and Dalian is too moe. Mondaji is godlike, one of my favorites from 2013 for sure. This ED has been stuck in my head, and I love Kurosagi's everything in the video.

I liked dantalian no shoka at first (btw it was 2011... but that's somewhat unimportant), but it got stale pretty quickly for me. If you like the character design and thoughtful shows, you might like Gosick. That show was from the season before, the main characters look like palette swaps, and the girl is a much stronger character, but it's more of a mystery show and generally more thoughtful and exciting in my opinion.
I liked dantalian no shoka at first (btw it was 2011... but that's somewhat unimportant), but it got stale pretty quickly for me. If you like the character design and thoughtful shows, you might like Gosick. That show was from the season before, the main characters look like palette swaps, and the girl is a much stronger character, but it's more of a mystery show and generally more thoughtful and exciting in my opinion.
I've been meaning to give Gosick a try for a while now, will definitely do so after I finish Dantalian/Mondaji. Thanks!