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1001 Ways to Tell if You Play Too Much MK


|| Seven ||
69. (bow chika wow wow) You have a crippling fear of ice sculptures
70. You feel wearing a hat will make you more powerful
71. You think spinning around very quickly should be viable in a fight
72. You expect the money you throw at a stripper to pass right through her
73. You call the clothes in your closet your "Alt costumes"
74. You're absolutely positive that blind dude across the street can kick your ass without ever moving towards you
75. You think you can speak perfectly if you get your lips removed and your teeth sharpened
76. Throw somthing, then duck down and hold your hands in front of your face. You'll be invincible, trust me
77. You think throwing globs of your own blood at people is a good way to hurt them
#73 is AMAZING!


I don't play Runescape
92. You try and figure out which moves of yours have armor
93. You jump up before you pass balls to people when you play sports
94. You don't worry about your bones being broken, they'll be ok in just a sec
95. You try and figure out which types of lightning you can block and which you can't
96. You think about low tiers at a seafood buffet
97. When you're late for work or class, you blame the lag that slowed you down
98. When you're waking up, you try to flip out of bed with an attack... just in case
99. You expect to be invincible when you're getting up off of the ground
100. You shout, "GET OVER HERE!" during a game of tug o war


101. Your significant other asks if you're playing Shawn Tee Sung and without skipping a beat you just say "yes" and keep playing.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
108. When you see skipping out of your job to play MK as a legitimate and reliable 50/50 (that has the potential to be unsafe if they guess right).
109. When you run at someone in a fight and don't worry about their tactic - you'll most likely stop abruptly after passing through them and nail them in the face with your elbow because you're gonna catch them "pressing buttons".


110. When you try to explain the concept of frame data to your friends and how it is exactly like maths.
111. When you walk as if you are living in a 2D world and you do that corny ass side walk all the time (or dash if you wish).
112. When you are walking on a bridge and you are tempted to uppercut an innocent passer-by into the shark-infested waters. FATALITY!
113. When you use epic phrases from MK9 story mode in real life.
114. You insult someone by calling them a "trash bitch".

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
117. When you replace the phrase "Having sex" for "NDC" or "doing blockstrings"
118. When a girl rejects you and you tell to your friend "She zones a lot"
119. When you wake up at late nights to practice new techs with your main
120. When you spend half of the time on TYM posting buff threads about jade
121. When you waste your time crying on skarlet forums about how skarlet players are bunch of liars
122. When you take MU charts too seriously and start to disrespect each other talking about tournament placings
123. When everything you say always has the "LBSH" initials on it
124. When you look to a girls ass and say "She has a big hitbox"