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1001 Ways to Tell if You Play Too Much MK


This one's for you
44. Anytime you read the words "ex girlfriend" your first thought is that it's talking about the enhanced version.
45. When you try to get someone's attention and they completely ignore you, it feels like you just got whiff punished.
46. When your friend asks for advice after getting his girlfriend pregnant, your best response is "get babied bro".


Prince of Edenia
47. when you are listening to the only one song - "Prince - Purple Rain".
48. when you have a foot fetish and fap to Mileena's 3rd costume cuz of her bare feet.


50. When you're sitting bored in the classroom picturing swag combos in your head to go back home and try them in practice mode
51. When the first thing you think of when you hear "X-Ray" is someone getting their liver crushed, rather than their bones scanned.
52. When you nail that really difficult combo for the first time and feel great for the rest of the day
53. When you're legitimately appalled that there aren't too many people to play against online at 5 am in the morning.


|| Seven ||
54. You apply to work for Netherrealms in an attempt to buff your character.
55. You assume that people kill themselves (Hara-Kiri) to avoid a fatality.
56. To let your anger out, you beat up Kabal in practice mode.
57. Your favorite MK fighter is Jarek

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
44. Anytime you read the words "ex girlfriend" your first thought is that it's talking about the enhanced version.
45. When you try to get someone's attention and they completely ignore you, it feels like you just got whiff punished.
46. When your friend asks for advice after getting his girlfriend pregnant, your best response is "get babied bro".
Oh my god dude. This wins all around.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems


I don't play Runescape
60. When you shout "Finish Him" at any competition
61. you make the condiments fight at cook outs, specifically the ketchup and mustard
62. You wonder why Freddy doesn't zone more in Nightmare on Elm St.
63. You think Mortal Kombat during Bingo (B3?)
64. When some one says j/k you think they want to jump kick you
65. You wish you put the no blood code in after you cut yourself cooking
66. You shout "Fatality!" while cutting pizza


|| Seven ||
60. When you shout "Finish Him" at any competition
61. you make the condiments fight at cook outs, specifically the ketchup and mustard
62. You wonder why Freddy doesn't zone more in Nightmare on Elm St.
63. You think Mortal Kombat during Bingo (B3?)
64. When some one says j/k you think they want to jump kick you
65. You wish you put the no blood code in after you cut yourself cooking
66. You shout "Fatality!" while cutting pizza
My god these are beautiful!

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
26. When you hurt yourself and wonder how much meter you got from it
27. When you build tier lists for food and other assorted things
28. When you shout "SCOOBIYA" in snowball fights
29. When you start thinking of other drivers on the road as filthy spammers
30. When you feel you have to "Test Your Might" when it comes to a job that involves heavy lifting
31. When you crouch around the Burn Ward of your local hospital... just in case a gas blast goes off
32. When you try to block a gun shot to the face with your arms


I don't play Runescape
69. (bow chika wow wow) You have a crippling fear of ice sculptures
70. You feel wearing a hat will make you more powerful
71. You think spinning around very quickly should be viable in a fight
72. You expect the money you throw at a stripper to pass right through her
73. You call the clothes in your closet your "Alt costumes"
74. You're absolutely positive that blind dude across the street can kick your ass without ever moving towards you
75. You think you can speak perfectly if you get your lips removed and your teeth sharpened
76. Throw somthing, then duck down and hold your hands in front of your face. You'll be invincible, trust me
77. You think throwing globs of your own blood at people is a good way to hurt them


|| Seven ||
78. You're afraid to fight with kids because of their small hitbox.
79. Anytime you see a woman covering her mouth, you assume she's hiding her sharp teeth.
80. You've got extra copies of MK9, just in case one breaks.
81.When someone throws something at you, you stick your chest out trying to reflect it.
82. You don't like Batman for taking up half the cover on MK vs DC.
83. You start playing Street Fighter to prepare for Injustice.
84. When your son won't eat his peas, you yell "FINISH THEM"!
85. You compete with DragonPick to get more of these out.