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  1. TONY-T

    Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition [PC] Game Update Details

    Did they fix the diagonal inputs so you can jump uf and ub with plug and play controllers like the ds4?
  2. TONY-T

    Match-up Discussion Deathstroke community MU chart thread/discussion

    If you have them in the corner and they do a wakeup teleport towards midscreen, you can do a jump back 3 (if you time it right) and it will hit them for combo. You have to anticipate it though.
  3. TONY-T

    Match-up Discussion Deathstroke community MU chart thread/discussion

    I can get a 1 bar 53% on big characters that starts with a ji3. Though i can probably bring that up using non conventional methods. The 1 bar 47% on small characters is pretty much the standard bnb. Im pretty sure i can get bigger though. Going into the lab now. EDIT: just nailed a 1 bar 50%...
  4. TONY-T

    Match-up Discussion Deathstroke community MU chart thread/discussion

    I just nailed a 3 bar 63% with DS. Situational and hard as hell, but here it is..
  5. TONY-T

    Match-up Discussion Deathstroke community MU chart thread/discussion

    The 60% is a little tricky, but the 55% isn't that hard. Both combos use 4 bars though, so they definitely are not bnb's.
  6. TONY-T

    Match-up Discussion Deathstroke community MU chart thread/discussion

    60% also, but on big characters only. On small characters, somewhere between 55% and 58%.
  7. TONY-T

    The "More Likes Than Posts" Club

    I'm in this club. Messages: 1,663 Likes Received: 2,514 :tonyt
  8. TONY-T

    Breakthrough Deathstroke's actual block advantage

    The reset is so so. Best way ive found to use it and the most reliable way of setting it up is after landing a 23~SS MB in the corner on a standing opponent. So its... 23~SS MB, d2~SS.... 23%. After the reset your anywhere from +10 to +15 Good way to set it up is after a blocked f23 in the...
  9. TONY-T

    Guide The Assassin's Combo Manual (Deathstroke Combo Thread)

    Would you mind explaining this safe jump tech? Not sure i follow.. In return, will post new combos.
  10. TONY-T

    This Kommunity Finally Fulfills Its Potential

    After watching the mk9 tourney, it made me realize just how hype the game still is. MK9 is so good to watch and even better to play. Congrats to @G4S Claude VonStroke & @AK Pig Of The Hut for putting on such a great tourney. I really hope mk9 can be played at future tournies along side mkx.
  11. TONY-T

    RG Sonic Fox Wins Mortal Kombat 9 [Side-Tournament] at EVO 2014!

    Congrats man! After seeing you play at NEC, i knew you would be the next big thing and now your time is here. Looking forward to seeing what you can do in MKX!
  12. TONY-T

    Question Death Stroke clearly top ten

    I personally think he is viable against EVERY character, even his worst matchups, its all about reads. His corner mixup game and corner combo damage is extremely good. His zoning is one of the best, essentially he can fight you anywhere on screen. His pokes and up close 50/50 mixups are fairly...
  13. TONY-T

    RG Sonic Fox wins Injustice: Gods Among Us at Evolution 2014!

    Does anyone have a link to the matches? I completely missed the whole thing.
  14. TONY-T

    General/Other - Raiden "WHO'S NEXT?" RAIDEN Revealed for Mortal Kombat X at Evolution 2014!

    Well shit! He looks awesome! Seriously cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Its going to look so sexy on ps4.
  15. TONY-T

    Question Death Stroke clearly top ten

    Very true, but imo its more when your at the very bottom of your life bar.
  16. TONY-T

    F2, Breath

    I think this one.. The midscreen stuff i think is still relevant, though im not 100%, i haven't done combos with this character in almost a year. the wall combos are out dated now. The vid is close to a year old. Also..
  17. TONY-T

    Guide Scorpion Community Combo Guide V2

    You guys have really been making some waves with these scorpion combos, especially you @1man3letters . Good stuff! I haven't toyed with him in a long time but i was messing with him a bit tonight and came up with this..
  18. TONY-T

    Tech Deathstroke Fortress trait setup - Unclashable!

    This is just a setup, its not a true combo (obviously). This is a setup i found on the Fortress of Solitude stage for Deathstroke. All hits are unclashable and cant be broken. Actually did the laser setup on my mate the other night. It works with all gun shots except non meter burned low gun...