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  1. TONY-T

    Guide The Batman Combo Thread

    Plaza 177%
  2. TONY-T

    Happy Birthday to My Hitta Rampage254

    Happy birthday Rampage!
  3. TONY-T

    Doomsday best combos, NEW 2014!

    The b3 isn't to bad on this stage, cos their is a bit more distance on the background bounce. I have the timing down pretty good. The 21d3~df3 MB after the j3 was the hard part. You need to catch them as high as you can when landing the 21d3, otherwise the MB venom misses. Imo, its viable...
  4. TONY-T

    Doomsday best combos, NEW 2014!

    Found this.. 1 bar 48%.
  5. TONY-T

    FRQ|Emperor Theo Wins Injustice: Gods Among Us at MLG:Anaheim 2014!

    Congrats to Theo! The diversity of characters in the top 8 really shows that Injustice is far more balanced then people think, especially when compared to MK9.
  6. TONY-T

    Mortal Kombat X Sound & Special FX

    When i first heard MK9 sound effects, I was very impressed. I hope MKX can do it as good or better. Btw, here is a list of tracks from all the MK games..
  7. TONY-T

    MLG Anaheim's Hype Tournament Moments - Discussion Thread

    Armas Batman is the truth! Very impressive!
  8. TONY-T

    TAG MODE in MK X: Community's request

    To everyone saying no, don't be so selfish. Its not like tag mode is going to be the main focus of the game. 1 v 1 will always be the preferred mode. However having tag mode as a side mode is perfectly fine. Tag mode is extremely fun. If you don't want to play it, that's fine, but don't...
  9. TONY-T

    Character Smoke seen in Kotal Kahn 'Sun God' variation, is it him?

    Regardless if it is smoke or not, I still think he will return. He may have died at the hands of Sindel, but he was also killed as an infant and took on a demon form and then began to murder his killers. Smoke can't die easily.
  10. TONY-T

    Doomsday best combos, NEW 2014!

    Thanks Max. I was mainly aiming to show his most damaging 1 bar combos at midscreen from all launchers, but I sort of took it a bit further. I know not all these combos are meant for tournament play, but their should be a bit of tech in there that people can still use.. I'm going to use...
  11. TONY-T

    2014 FIFA World Cup general discussion thread

    Believe it or not, i cant stand the game. I want Australia to lose and lose bad. The sooner Australia is out of the tournament, the sooner we as a nation can focus on better games such as rugby league. ;)
  12. TONY-T

    Any news about TAG mode?

    Tag mode was way better then 1 v 1 imo, even with its brokenness. I'd love for them to implement it, but i wont be holding my breath.
  13. TONY-T

    Mortal Kombat X Goes Live at 2:40 PM EST

    Seems the audio in these videos isn't playing properly . Its like only one channel is playing..
  14. TONY-T

    Did I discover the roster ?

    Neo and the Terminator win by default