His design sucks. Like really hard. With all those new hardware at disposal, he got a costume so bland it hurts my eyes.
The only thing that is hype about him is teleporter mode. Shit is dope.
totally agreed. his teleport mode looks fucking sick. otherwise the trailer was "yep, thats raiden from mk9."
his costume is absolutely understated, in fact i feel it is in some mid ground between too little and too much. i would prefer all white classic raiden, or caped brutal raiden than run of the mill 'heres raiden'.
im also tired of the ball lightning, this guy is a lightning god, and he is controlling the same shitty ball lightning as mk9. i want TO SEE SOME FUCKING LIGHTNING BOLTS. you know like, Rain or Shazam or .... mk3 raiden. lightning balls are super underwhelming and not flashy or impressive. its just lame. i want some fucking lightning and i did honestly expect it in mk10.
also the fatality is balls.
kotal kahns xray is still hype though.
ps. I still like this raiden but they dropped the ball making him about 25% as awesome as they could have. so far raiden is the most likely character i will use.