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Question Changes for MK9 PC. Can we agree on a tournament mod?


Skarlet who ?
Yeah, so fuck letting kabal matches go that way anymore. What aren't you getting about this? We're attempting to make the character BALANCED, not leave him a lob-sided spam fest. If he lost the IAGB then the Kabal player has to think all match, if he keeps them he doesn't until he gets to the corner. Then even more kabals would just pick rooftop day and fuck there goes your patient waiting game.

And if you'd take your head out of your ass you would see I've already said flash parry should go, and for about the millionth time NDC ISN'T THE PROBLEM.
You can't remove all 3. Either flash parry and ndc leaves, IAGB remains, or the opposite ( which is dumb). Plus, you're not taking into account the buffs of other characters. Too pity I have to explain this all for you.


Original Liu Kang cop.
You can't remove all 3. Either flash parry and ndc leaves, IAGB remains, or the opposite ( which is dumb). Plus, you're not taking into account the buffs of other characters. Too pity I have to explain this all for you.

No your way is stupid. 3 people have disagreed with you at this point, it's a pity I have to explain this to you. I've sat here and told you why keeping IAGB is stupid and you haven't given a decent argument to back up my claim, you just continue to say that it isn't stupid when it's one of the stupidest things in the game.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
One more thing about Kabal's dash cancel...if you remove the ability to cancel the dash, YOU KILL HIS METAGAME COMPLETELY. He will end up having no footsies at all, no pressure, no nothing up close. I'll go so far as calling him Jade tier if that was the case.


Skarlet who ?
No your way is stupid. 3 people have disagreed with you at this point, it's a pity I have to explain this to you. I've sat here and told you why keeping IAGB is stupid and you haven't given a decent argument to back up my claim, you just continue to say that it isn't stupid when it's one of the stupidest things in the game.
Like I care if you disagree with me. Look at those Infra suggestions, those just plain bury Kabal. Your suggestions bury Kabal too. Bringing up some people disagreeing as an arguement, where we are at ? You don't see me saying "well dawg look at OP he suggests remove cancel on EX ND too, that means you wrong bro, hold dat sh*t bro". Whatever. Peace.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
No way does Kang have better IAFB simply because they recover slower. And kabal has a better footsie game because he as moves with similar range to kang but is at advantage on block, unlike kang.
As far as I'm aware the startup is slower for Liu's, but they're both played within the same spacing anyway. I guess we won't know until we see it in practice, after all, nobody saw IAGB as a problem in the first place until after the last patch. That's essentially my point, no point in nerfing one character to find out we're back at square one.


Skarlet who ?
One more thing about Kabal's dash cancel...if you remove the ability to cancel the dash, YOU KILL HIS METAGAME COMPLETELY. He will end up having no footsies at all, no pressure, no nothing up close. I'll go so far as calling him Jade tier if that was the case.
"iaGB 6% and slightly slower recovering iaGB‘s
More recovery frames on a whiffed buzz saw and less safer on block.
F4 no longer leaves opponents standing.
Nomad Charge no longer cancelable, but phases projectiles.
Cyclone Slam is armored.
2/NDC now +4 on block no longer a block infinite.

This is a start for nerfing Kabal while still keeping his metagame intact."

Dem hypocrites. Stay free, bro. Kabal bottom 1 with your changes.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Like I care if you disagree with me. Look at those Infra suggestions, those just plain bury Kabal. Your suggestions bury Kabal too. Bringing up some people disagreeing as an arguement, where we are at ? You don't see me saying "well dawg look at OP he suggests remove cancel on EX ND too, that means you wrong bro, hold dat sh*t bro". Whatever. Peace.
Thank fuck you don't work for NRS.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
- Can no longer cancel Nomad Dash ( couldn't cancel it in other games, so no reason he should do it here)
- Remove the pushback on Sawblades
- Remove the pushback on his Overhead special
So I get called a hypocrite but I see this? Don't make me laugh. What a joke.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Which is why I suggested character forum specific threads for this but oh well...
Problem with that..... is then you get a bunch of people just making their character OP

This needs like 5 people to sit there and go... OK.... what are the worst MU's in the game. Why are they the worst MU in the game? How do we make the MU in the 6-4, 5-5, 4-6 range?

Everyone wants everything to be 5-5..... and that will never be possible. But if you can iron out the 2-8 and 3-7 MU..... then the game has a chance.

Instead you have a hoard of people just finding ways to make characters worse and in turn..... create other problems.

Right now, everyone is giving answers to the wrong questions.


All of you guys need to relax. All Kabal needs to be ok is less damage. Think about all those players who learned Kabal the way he is right now. If you take away his NDC all those hours of practice will go to waste. The most practical change is to decrease his damage. For example, his projectiles are only 5% of damage. And his combos also do lower damage.

Removal of NDC or IAGB will destroy the character. He might even move to A tower. The point is to make him not so broken. Just a small reasonable change. He should remain the best but with less difference from other characters.


This thread is turning into a counter-productive clusterfuck. Every character forum should come up with a list of buffs and then decide which buffs/nerfs are actually necessary. While it may feel like a character needs a lot of buffs, sometimes only a few simple changes can improve a character's viability. If it turns out we can't patch the PC version of MK9 at least it will have brought interest back to MK9.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Problem with that..... is then you get a bunch of people just making their character OP

This needs like 5 people to sit there and go... OK.... what are the worst MU's in the game. Why are they the worst MU in the game? How do we make the MU in the 6-4, 5-5, 4-6 range?

Everyone wants everything to be 5-5..... and that will never be possible. But if you can iron out the 2-8 and 3-7 MU..... then the game has a chance.

Instead you have a hoard of people just finding ways to make characters worse and in turn..... create other problems.

Right now, everyone is giving answers to the wrong questions.
As long as the character mod is there to oversee it, then everything should be reasonable.

The Scorp forums for example are pretty unanimous in agreement into what his bad matchups are and why, rushdown and lack of ability to start his own rushdown (at least to have his other options respected outside of the vortex), so advantageous pokes and a neutral on block mid, none of that will end up flipping those matchups in his favor and he only has a few 6-4s against characters that need help anyway.

Jade is a bit of a gray area since her problems are flash/glow related, and helps her at other times. But the majority of submissions to a mod should be straight forward.


Get over here!
That would make him broken in the corner. He doesn't need armor on EX upknee. No way sir.

Yeah you are probably right. I was just looking for some form of "get off of me" armor move but given the corner pressure with portals and whatnot I guess that would be too much and make his corner traps inescapable.


Revenant Jade
increase range on n3
n3 i9, +2blk
3,4,2 combos into itself (launches a bit forwards not full map) like Liu's b312 for a total of 40% damage before it drops.
4 in 342 +4 on block, 2 in 342 -10 on block

EnGLOW no longer takes double damage.

b1 mid.

ALL she needs to be good.
F2 overhead
F212 overhead-low-mid mix up
2,3,F2 no longer have gaps in between
B2 0 on block
Staff Grab now 0 on block instead of -10
B3 now links to Staff Overhead
4 now links to Staff Overhead
F2 now links to Staff Overhead
1,2 now links to Staff Overhead
1,2,2 high-high-overhead and safe on block.
original damage nerf restored
U3 nerf now restored
Up, Straight, Low Boomerangs now the speed of Kano's Knives
Large hitbox adjusted to Kitana's small hitbox size
Current D4 changed to Mileena's D4 type