A F0xy Grampa
Problem X Promotions
There is no tech in this game to stop him from being able to teleport, or to J3.Here is my final stance on the matter. We should give this more time. Until at least evo. See what everybody does to try and fight scorpion there, if tech to beat this shit is going to emerge, it will be there. If scorpion wins evo, he wins evo, no matter how stupid it looks. Will it look bad for the game? Yes. But so did this:
The scene will recover. What we will not recover from is if we start banning things prematurely and end up with a community who just wants to ban shit instead of getting better.
EDIT: before some starts trash talking me for not giving PL credit or something, i am just talking about the 24low hat loop thing. Obviously PL won evo, not kung lao, if that makes any sense.
Even if there is, it will be character specific, so you'll end up with fish characters again that are only there to get bent over and ass rammed the shit out of.
You know what that means?
It'll be Kenshi Kabal Kung Lao all over again.
Ban Scorpion and open up the possibilities of making everybody tournament viable.
Keep Scorpion and remove a vast amount of characters from being viable, because whether or not you like it, ALOT of characters get shat on by him, and people WILL play him.