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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Absolute drivel. Even if what he says is true, it would drive up wages (bc the talent needed to make aaa is expensive) which would in time lead to more people getting skills needed to make aaa games, thus forcing wages for said talent down. Same way cars have been getting cheaper while offering more features.
Cliffy B has a tendency to spout off bullshit


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Absolute drivel. Even if what he says is true, it would drive up wages (bc the talent needed to make aaa is expensive) which would in time lead to more people getting skills needed to make aaa games, thus forcing wages for said talent down. Same way cars have been getting cheaper while offering more features.
Eh, I think he's correct on this one. AAA is so expensive and so risky that they really can't afford to lose revenue to the second hand market.

Concerning the skills and wages thing... I'm not so sure. The skills necessary to make AAA games are very specialized and generally require many years of working in the industry. It's also a creative field, so it's not like everyone who goes through a 4 year design course will graduate and be able to product high quality content.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Has anyone seen this shared games thing work on xbone?
Well I guess nobody has seen a xbone work...but I mean will the cloud game thing even be viable...I know I have issues with youtube and such ...
Will it be unplayable laggy like many online games?
Because even those games have the stuff on your machine...

This goes for the ps4 streaming games also but I do know that they bought a company that's main thing is game streaming...
I guess my question is ..what will determine it working? The game...the cloud..the inet connection?

Sent under duress.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Has anyone seen this shared games thing work on xbone?
I can only imagine it will be a download->install thing for the most part. Streaming a modern game sounds insane.

Same with the PS4 "downloading while playing the game" concept. There are so many technical hurdles in that I don't even know where to begin. As a developer, you would have to engineer the project from the beginning to be compatible with this, and it would create massive restrictions on what you could do with your data structures.... and hell, even your code.


Unique flower
How is that great news? I mean what kind of harm do cheaters do to warrant losing hundreds of dollars? That is going to lose a lot of sales as well. I mean I don't want to take the chance, the very notion is ludicrous. I don't necessarily hack or cheat... but if there is even a slight chance my account would be banned for no reason... I wouldn't be comfortable buying that system. I mean seriously... I can already hear the complaining now. I think there is a website called "Why Was I Banned" or something like that. Essentially everyone banned on Xbox that thinks they were banned unfairly submit their defense or whatever. Most of the participants obviously deserve to be banned. Some seem like they were banned for no reason. All I can say is the Microsoft better step up its system. I mean I don't think their current "ban" staff is contactable by phone only through that website. I mean that is ridiculous. They are going to have to submit some pretty detailed reasons as to why someone was banned if they go through with this bullshit. Currently they just give you the run around until you give up.

So much good stuff in this post.

Best one being clearly "I don't necessarily hack or cheat".

Still the important thing is people are temp suspended more than they're banned, and you can contest disciplinary action. As 'why was I banned?' shows, MS knows exactly what you did, and how many times.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I can only imagine it will be a download->install thing for the most part. Streaming a modern game sounds insane.

Same with the PS4 "downloading while playing the game" concept. There are so many technical hurdles in that I don't even know where to begin. As a developer, you would have to engineer the project from the beginning to be compatible with this, and it would create massive restrictions on what you could do with your data structures.... and hell, even your code.
That's what I was thinking but everything they say seems like its what they are doing...and without either being ready at launch its hard to say...
But MS keeps saying the whole library is online and you pick from that without any DL mention..they keep saying its in the cloud...
I wish they had people that just said what the hell was up with all this besides little bits and pieces or sometimes conflicting info...
That also makes the online part go back to being drm instead of its how you play and share like they said ...
Sent under duress.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
That's what I was thinking but everything they say seems like its what they are doing...and without either being ready at launch its hard to say...
But MS keeps saying the whole library is online and you pick from that without any DL mention..they keep saying its in the cloud...
I wish they had people that just said what the hell was up with all this besides little bits and pieces or sometimes conflicting info...

Sent under duress.
The whole library is online, like the Steam library. Every game will be available for download if the user has the appropriate license rights (bought the game, loaned it, player is in "family", etc.)

Cloud Gaming is a different thing. The basic idea is that some of the computing necessary for a game to run is being done on a remote server, and the results of the computation are sent to the user, who only requires a "thin client". This allows for very complex computations to be handled by the remote, so more processing power is available for the local client to use. The... thickness(?)... of the "thin client" is what I'm curious about, because there are some things that are easy to stream (results of AI heuristics, for example) and some things that are very heavy (content packages).

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
The whole library is online, like the Steam library. Every game will be available for download if the user has the appropriate license rights (bought the game, loaned it, player is in "family", etc.)

Cloud Gaming is a different thing. The basic idea is that some of the computing necessary for a game to run is being done on a remote server, and the results of the computation are sent to the user, who only requires a "thin client". This allows for very complex computations to be handled by the remote, so more processing power is available for the local client to use. The... thickness(?)... of the "thin client" is what I'm curious about, because there are some things that are easy to stream (results of AI heuristics, for example) and some things that are very heavy (content packages).
So its prettymuch like the PS3 multi system DLs ...but made to work with multiple people...
That's not how its explained but would be the best way to work it...
Hope so or that feature is crippled without magic...
Stock up on HD space....

Sent under duress.
You guys realize the reason that Microsoft was running off Windows with Nividia was because the dev kits they had were overheating right?

So XBones overheat and die, just like 360s.

Microsoft was never good at hardware, I have 2 dead 360s to prove that.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
You guys realize the reason that Microsoft was running off Windows with Nividia was because the dev kits they had were overheating right?

So XBones overheat and die, just like 360s.

Microsoft was never good at hardware, I have 2 dead 360s to prove that.
Was that confirmed as the reason why somewhere?

Sent under duress.


Too old for this Shit
Was that confirmed as the reason why somewhere?

Sent under duress.
This was of course my biggest reservation on why I held off with any type of reserve....
Simple logic.. if overheating and console failure was a MAJOR issue this generation... what will the next generation console (XB1) do differently to address this.. since it is also suppose to be on "longer" if not "all the time" not just for gaming but for television and movies as well....
Microsoft's "vision" has serious deficiences Web. See NSA:" “User’s Guide for PRISM Skype Collection”

http://rt.com/usa/gallagher-nsa-microsoft-skype-653/ And they lied to their consumers.

Microsoft owns Skype, and jumped at the chance to give the government info with a backdoor to spy.

Now look at Kinect. You can "turn it off" without it ever really being off. All you have to say is "Xbox on" and that shut down device turns on again.

So it isn't paranoia at all to say "this company has betrayed consumer trust before very recently with their products, and now has a built-in method to do it again."


Too old for this Shit
Microsoft's "vision" has serious deficiences Web. See NSA:" “User’s Guide for PRISM Skype Collection”

Microsoft owns Skype, and jumped at the chance to give the government info with a backdoor to spy.

Now look at Kinect. You can "turn it off" without it ever really being off. All you have to say is "Xbox on" and that shut down device turns on again.

So it isn't paranoia at all to say "this company has betrayed consumer trust before with their products, and now has a built-in method to do it again."

You know what Borax.. your right... with all the new information being produced, with all the self serving double talk (i.e.: We Americans are against terrorists!! We do not tolerate them nor should we! But then the paranoia that the MAN is watching...I have yet to hear someone bring up the point... what if the government IS watching... the RIGHT guy...? Not our government.. no sir.. they are only interested in Aunt Roses pasta sauce recipe and banning YOU from YOUR gaming system..) its truly all one big steaming pile of bullshit at the end of the day.. we are all sitting here.. typing at our leisure, about leisurely things from our internet and our computers/smart phones... while real life is just outside (being as fucked up as it always has been)... Why hope you know? I will just adapt my hobby of 25 years of fun, entertainment and love deduced to IOS games at $.99 a pop... so catch you later on guys.. got to go ask my 11 year old how to play Plants vs Zombies... seems apparent that we console gamers are gonna need that kinda info.
You know what Borax.. your right... with all the new information being produced, with all the self serving double talk (i.e.: We Americans are against terrorists!! We do not tolerate them nor should we! But then the paranoia that the MAN is watching...I have yet to hear someone bring up the point... what if the government IS watching... the RIGHT guy...? Not our government.. no sir.. they are only interested in Aunt Roses pasta sauce recipe and banning YOU from YOUR gaming system..) its truly all one big steaming pile of bullshit at the end of the day.. we are all sitting here.. typing at our leisure, about leisurely things from our internet and our computers/smart phones... while real life is just outside (being as fucked up as it always has been)... Why hope you know? I will just adapt my hobby of 25 years of fun, entertainment and love deduced to IOS games at $.99 a pop... so catch you later on guys.. got to go ask my 11 year old how to play Plants vs Zombies... seems apparent that we console gamers are gonna need that kinda info.
You still don't get it sir. The fastest way to get people to stop buying consoles, is to stop making consoles convenient and reliable ie Microsoft's business plan.

So twitter on about "visions" and "looking to the future" while the "bold" company you support with all your heart sink their own fortunes.

But blame us, the consumers, and not the company for lying to our faces.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Sorry if this has been posted already, but here is a document clearing up a lot of the misconceptions people have been making about the console.

Great post, Ketchup. I was looking for an article that summed all the misconceptions up nicely.

Fact of the matter is, you're going to be able to do everything that you have been able to do before, developers are just going to determine restrictions (like they won't do that with ANY console.)


Too old for this Shit
You still don't get it sir. The fastest way to get people to stop buying consoles, is to stop making consoles convenient and reliable ie Microsoft's business plan.

So twitter on about "visions" and "looking to the future" while the "bold" company you support with all your heart sink their own fortunes.

But blame us, the consumers, and not the company for lying to our faces.
I understand our difference if opinion. And that's fine..
Don't want to see you or anyone for that matter hoarding all your physical print newspaper, CD's, DVD's, games as consoles pining for the past and what could have been once this medium has flatlined...Digital is the proven way to go.. The writing is on the wall and its like a rocket launch sequence.. That annoying voice has already started the count down...