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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1

I understand our difference if opinion. And that's fine..
Don't want to see you or anyone for that matter hoarding all your physical print newspaper, CD's, DVD's, games as consoles pining for the past and what could have been once this medium has flatlined...Digital is the proven way to go.. The writing is on the wall and its like a rocket launch sequence.. That annoying voice has already started the count down...
What a strawman you've set up there. You and only you have made this a digital vs. retail release battle. You know full well that isn't the issue here, as many of us buy digital games already.

Microsoft isn't going all digital becaue they need both markets, and the consumer will see no value being added to their game purchases because your "bold" company is too stingy and greedy to make their policies worth our while with good deals.

But keep telling yourself this is all about physical media dinosaurs vs. the post-singularity digital age if that makes you sleep better at night.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
The fastest way to get people to stop buying consoles, is to stop making consoles convenient and reliable ie Microsoft's business plan.
People buy platforms for the software. That's it. Every generation has shown this.

The Intellivision was more capable than the Atari VCS. The VCS had a wider selection of titles, so the VCS won.

The Sega Master System was technically superior to the NES. NES won because it had a massive library.

The PS3 with its mandatory install times was more inconvenient than the Xbox. There is no equivalent disadvantage with the 360. It didn't matter, sales are comparable, because software is either shared or exclusives are roughly similar.

iOS devices are fragile, bound to a single app vendor, expensive, and not terrible powerful compared to devices that are cheaper. It has the apps people want. It wins.

Seven generations of consoles, this has always been the case. Convenience/reliability is not a factor.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
To me its no so much MS is trying to do away or reduce the need for physical media, but its more about control. Now this is my actual opinion and nothing more, but the 24 hour check in is the biggest piece of evidence to make one even think that. IMHO its less about bring a next generation of gaming and more about controlling the generation by reduction of the consumer's options. Now that is my opinion and nothing more.
I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game. Sony gives you the option to have an actual hard copy of the game that you can play anywhere you want regardless of what ps4 is being used and whether or not you have Internet connection. I don't see how limiting the consumers options and ability to play the game is contributing to the future of gaming


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I remember when I was looking to purchase a "next gen" system, and had to choose between the Nintendo 64 and the PS1. My friends were telling me that "disks are the way of the future"... and they were right. But I purchased my Nintendo 64, and even now, looking back on the two systems, I think I made the right choice.

XB1 is looking to try new things... and I'm not sure that being an early adopter is a good idea. I'll stick with PS4 this time around, and wait until the generation after, when things have been perfected, before I reevaluate my decision.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game. Sony gives you the option to have an actual hard copy of the game that you can play anywhere you want regardless of what ps4 is being used and whether or not you have Internet connection. I don't see how limiting the consumers options and ability to play the game is contributing to the future of gaming
Cause MS said so, you forgot to drink your Kool-Aid today haven't you :)


Unique flower
I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game. Sony gives you the option to have an actual hard copy of the game that you can play anywhere you want regardless of what ps4 is being used and whether or not you have Internet connection. I don't see how limiting the consumers options and ability to play the game is contributing to the future of gaming

You just compared owning physical media to seeing a live performance?

They're not even a tiny itty bitty remotely vaguely bit similar.

I think you're confusing this with the 'online play will totally destroy all in-person events' discussion that folks used to have.


Too old for this Shit
I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game. Sony gives you the option to have an actual hard copy of the game that you can play anywhere you want regardless of what ps4 is being used and whether or not you have Internet connection. I don't see how limiting the consumers options and ability to play the game is contributing to the future of gaming
Ever head a sporting event? MMA, Boxing..Hell even pro wrestling.. "To the thousands in attendance, and MILLIONS watching worldwide..." You need to widen your scope man.. Sony and Microsoft are catering to its customers to make the transition easier (because it is human nature to be fickle and nostalgic) Sony, Microsoft.. ANY media outlet/developer knows that digital is our future...

My problem is NOT with Sony.. I am not pro either at this point.. My issue lies in the bigger picture if where my #1 hobby is headed.


Too old for this Shit
I remember when I was looking to purchase a "next gen" system, and had to choose between the Nintendo 64 and the PS1. My friends were telling me that "disks are the way of the future"... and they were right. But I purchased my Nintendo 64, and even now, looking back on the two systems, I think I made the right choice.

XB1 is looking to try new things... and I'm not sure that being an early adopter is a good idea. I'll stick with PS4 this time around, and wait until the generation after, when things have been perfected, before I reevaluate my decision.
Solid and understandable decision.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game. Sony gives you the option to have an actual hard copy of the game that you can play anywhere you want regardless of what ps4 is being used and whether or not you have Internet connection. I don't see how limiting the consumers options and ability to play the game is contributing to the future of gaming
The sports analogy is just strange. The experience of watching something on TV is very different than seeing it in person. Your analogy isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and snare drums.

Anyway, the hard copy vs. digital thing is an observable phenomenon, not some wild theory MS suddenly came up with. We can see the trend in PC games, but let's go beyond that and look at newspapers, magazines, movie rentals, music stores... it's very clear that digital distribution is growing rapidly and will become the standard. You may not like the future, but it is what it is.


Too old for this Shit
The sports analogy is just strange. The experience of watching something on TV is very different than seeing it in person. Your analogy isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and snare drums.

Anyway, the hard copy vs. digital thing is an observable phenomenon, not some wild theory MS suddenly came up with. We can see the trend in PC games, but let's go beyond that and look at newspapers, magazines, movie rentals, music stores... it's very clear that digital distribution is growing rapidly and will become the standard. You may not like the future, but it is what it is.
To piggyback into this.. How long during this current gen life span has digital media taken off? Half? Final quarter?


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The sports analogy is just strange. The experience of watching something on TV is very different than seeing it in person. Your analogy isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and snare drums.

Apples and Snare Drums I like That

Anyway, the hard copy vs. digital thing is an observable phenomenon, not some wild theory MS suddenly came up with. We can see the trend in PC games, but let's go beyond that and look at newspapers, magazines, movie rentals, music stores... it's very clear that digital distribution is growing rapidly and will become the standard. You may not like the future, but it is what it is.
I see where your going with this, IMO yeah eventually we are looking at an all digital future, which I find a bit frightening, but I just don't feel many are just ready for it, mainly the console audience. Now MS isn't fully ditching the idea of physical media, but to those who aren't as savvy as us in the IT field just can't see this concept, due to the policies in place. Its just very restrictive!

Now here is a concept, I do seem to see some flaws in this if you this system, for example if you can share a game to friends that have been on your list for 30 days, well in a way one could sell games under the table abusing this system. Just an idea.


Unique flower
I see where your going with this, IMO yeah eventually we are looking at an all digital future, which I find a bit frightening, but I just don't feel many are just ready for it, mainly the console audience. Now MS isn't fully ditching the idea of physical media, but to those who aren't as savvy as us in the IT field just can't see this concept, due to the policies in place. Its just very restrictive!

Now here is a concept, I do seem to see some flaws in this if you this system, for example if you can share a game to friends that have been on your list for 30 days, well in a way one could sell games under the table abusing this system. Just an idea.

Honestly I think it's just a natural reaction to change thing. Once all the hubbub dies down and people see what games are out, all this sound and fury will fade away to nothing.

So yeah, it's exactly that. The hardcore core console gamers aren't used to/ready for the inevitable change.

Which is the interesting thing in this hubbub for me, MS is saying 'we see the future of consoles and gaming and we want to be on top of it', while Sony is saying "Let's just say what core gamers want to hear, that's a good longterm strategy!" I'm firmly convinced that Sony knows the way things are going too, and this whole 'conflict' is just an "Emotion Chip" style PR blitz.


Too old for this Shit
Honestly I think it's just a natural reaction to change thing. Once all the hubbub dies down and people see what games are out, all this sound and fury will fade away to nothing.

So yeah, it's exactly that. The hardcore core console gamers aren't used to/ready for the inevitable change.

Which is the interesting thing in this hubbub for me, MS is saying 'we see the fugure of consoles and gaming and we want to be on top of it', while Sony is saying "Let's just say what core gamers want to hear, that's a good longterm strategy!" I'm firmly convinced that Sony knows the way things are going too, and this whole 'conflict' is just an "Emotion Chip" style PR blitz.
Well said and overall agreed on
PS4 obviously looks like the better system. You fanboys are just grasping at straws at this point
Thank you for truly bringing something new to the table with your unbiased, non-derogatory and self-absorbed reply.

I find it funny that people think that only downloadable games are the future with actual disks having no use. Using that idea professional sports leagues would only show their games on TV and their would be nobody going to the game but the fact is people still pay extra money to actually go to the game.
A physical video game =/= a sporting event. Terrible argument. Also, many distributors don't see what's so funny about the notion of downloadable media trumping out physical media... it's as if you've never heard of iTunes, Steam, Netflix, etc...