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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I'm going to ignore the entire PSN player base to make this point. Jared, go and do the math for those poll numbers (23,000) and divide it by the estimate current Xbox Live user base of 50 million. Please reply with only the solution.

Go dive 1000 by 60 million and then tell me with a straight face that yougov do not give accurate polls.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I want you to know JaredL I am not discrediting you here, but you are missing some facts too, though, as I said I don't support MS at all These policies I think are terrible too, also I am very unhappy with taht lil pun made toward sthe military earlier (the nuclear sub comment). Please understand I am not trying to attack, but rather help, if you make any claim that you are to call a fact, you must back it it up and show that is a true fact, I pointed out a few discrepencies in your post to at least show you waht I mean.

Apparently having less ram means its an opinion that you have worse hardware... lol


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
I have no words at how stupid you are. Polling is representative. Having a sample size that is 10 times bigger, does not make you 10 times more accurate. Just because 70 million were sold doesn't mean that 70 million customers exist considering all the fucking RRODs. I have two xboxes break down. Guess I am 3 people.

If the fact that polling is a representative tool used to gauge public opinion escapes you, then honestly, I'm glad you're buying the xbox one so I don't have to see or hear from your retarded ass. You deserve to let microsoft assfuck you. Your stupidity, warants you purchasing the inferior console. Its karma.

Uhh... okay. It's really useful to get angry over such an important issue, huh?

Anyway, care to make a wager? If these internet polls are representative of the eventual outcome, I believe it is safe to say that the PS4 will outsell the XB1 by a margin of at least 5 to 1. Would you be willing to bet a significant amount that the PS4 will outsell the XB1 by a margin of at least 5 to 1 when we hit street date +6 months?


It is a discussion about polling. Which you have no grasp of.

Polls can be accurate to their tailored audience and to display the information the poll was intended to display to said audience.

BTW yesterday Gametrailers had PS4 ahead of Xbox One on their main page ratings (bottom right) and just checked now and it's different. Vastly different.

Again, those polls don't mean shit. It's too soon and the people are not representative of the userbase of both PSN and XBL (and the key word here is representative).


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Apparently having less ram means its an opinion that you have worse hardware... lol
That is the issue though, by all means look at past consoles taht had infiror hardware and yet were able to out perform the others. It isn't the hardware that matters, it is how it is utilyzed. PS4 needs more RAM to support of disk running, XB1 runs from a HDD, it needs less and thus additional memory can be utilyzed as virtual memory which can also boost performance, this can be locked in place prior to use of the system and be a set aside chunk of memory.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
That is the issue though, by all means look at past consoles taht had infiror hardware and yet were able to out perform the others. It isn't the hardware that matters, it is how it is utilyzed. PS4 needs more RAM to support of disk running, XB1 runs from a HDD, it needs less and thus additional memory can be utilyzed as virtual memory which can also boost performance, this can be locked in place prior to use of the system and be a set aside chunk of memory.
This just in.. OUYA outperforms xbox 1 and PS4 because hardware specas re irrelevant.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
This just in.. OUYA outperforms xbox 1 and PS4 because hardware specas re irrelevant.
A cmopany posting their console's hardware specs is typically don in a way to show how pretty they are, teh specs really do not matter, because the system is designed to perform flawlessly off those specs.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Now I hate saying this, but right now XB1's downfall is its policies, but given that since it is going to use cloud features this also mean chunks of memory can also be allocated to amke up for the lack of RAM it has on the platform itself, which in turn can boost its performance even more, so even though it does have inferior hardware compared to a PS4 it can still get a better performance overall compared to the PS4. This can even mean that system could have very long life span, but its policies still overshadow many of its possibilities.
Now I hate saying this, but right now XB1's downfall is its policies, but given that since it is going to use cloud features this also mean chunks of memory can also be allocated to amke up for the lack of RAM it has on the platform itself, which in turn can boost its performance even more, so even though it does have inferior hardware compared to a PS4 it can still get a better performance overall compared to the PS4. This can even mean that system could have very long life span, but its policies still overshadow many of its possibilities.
Again more theory, let me hit you back with some theory and say that Sonys gaikai will do the same. For people that play offline that's not possible but then again if your offline you won't have an x1 in the first place my bad

Edit: since we are talking theory the ps4 is backwards compatible with ps3 ps2 and ps1 games over the cloud and so is the ps vita


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Again more theory, let me hit you back with some theory and say that Sonys gaikai will do the same. For people that play offline that's not possible but then again if your offline you won't have an x1 in the first place my bad

Edit: since we are talking theory the ps4 is backwards compatible with ps3 ps2 and ps1 games over the cloud and so is the ps vita

It's not theory when it is actually being used.



Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Again more theory, let me hit you back with some theory and say that Sonys gaikai will do the same. For people that play offline that's not possible but then again if your offline you won't have an x1 in the first place my bad

Edit: since we are talking theory the ps4 is backwards compatible with ps3 ps2 and ps1 games over the cloud and so is the ps vita
Well to be fair I never said it wasn't possible for the PS4 to do the same, I was only trying to help our boy JaredL understand why people were seeing a benefit to having the X1, dude I am done with MS and I will be going Sony all the way, I always hung with Sony and Nintendo. I don't agree with X1's policies at all, but I cannot deny why some of us here can truly see why it can compete with the PS4.

Anyway to further detail my statement, when you see hardware being thrown out it typically gather interest. The average buyer who is not as tech savy, will see larger numbers listed and think, " they are more powerful", when it isn't how strong it is its how it is used.


Ehhh... What did you see on PS4 that looked better visually than MGS5 Ryse and Titanfall?
Again I have both company's systems, so I'm not really partial to either side; but I think it's not-that-honest to argue that PS4 has the better looking games.
Didn't you read my response to you, which explained that the PS4 is the more powerful console? Experts say it will be around 30-50% more powerful, because of the DDR differences and the usage of it. You can be proud of the way Ryse looks, which is a very nice looking game indeed, but ...

1) In theory the game will stutter more, because the X-Box One has less DDR.
2) You don't even know if the game was running on a PC... When they showcased "Aliens: Colonial Marines" it looked better than the shipped product.
3) "Deep Down", which was showcased few months ago looked actually much better than Ryse and they say "Deep Down" is an exclusive game (yet I doubt that and to me it even looked like a tech demo).

Besides all of that, Titanfall is not a good looking game. It's simply not. Go back and re-watch it. There were visually more stunning shooters and Killzone was actually one of them.
MGS5 will undoubtely run better on the PS4 and as always ...

... all of the mentioned games, which will run on the PS4 as well, will tradeable, rentable and won't stop working, if you didn't establish an internet-connection within 24 hours.

1) That wasn't the question, but for me, yes. Used game sales are very damaging to the industry, but beyond that, I vastly prefer Steam to any physical media. I have a PC and Mac at work, a PC at home, and a PC at my in-laws' place. All of them have my Steam account. Awesome.
Who cares? Not even you should care. Publishers already came up with a solution to lessen the impact of used game sales:
  • Release Embargos, which forbid gaming sites to release reviews of the game, before it launches, so that gamers don't know if a game is bad or not and if they buy it, because they were excited for it, they're screwed.
  • Pre-order-bonuses, which sometimes have very tempting content. You pre-order the game day 1 and realize that the game is shit and you wouldn't have bought it in the first place. You payed too much money for it and have the desire to sell it, to get some of the money back.
  • Downloadable content, which very often pushes the price of games over 100$ if you want to have the games
  • Online passes, which force you to buy the game new, if you want exclusive content / access to the multiplayer.
  • There are probably more, but I can't remember right now.
Publishers are monetizing their games more than enough. If you wouldn't be able to sell used games, or buy used games - you as a gamer would be screwed. Now I know that gaming is a luxury and not everyone is supposed to to own every console and every game, but it's going that way.
Used games being cut off won't keep the prices down and they won't destroy some of the practices. All of it will stay and your wallet will be in serious trouble.

2) It is for me. Please stop assuming that you are the only consumer in the world. Some of us have families and children who love the thing.
It's very ironic how stupid you are, because that's exactly my point. YOU are not the only customer in the world. You might be a drone, who kisses the hand that slaps him, but that does not apply for all of us.

3) I live in the San Francisco. Using your logic, if a Kalahari Bushmen can't enjoy a PS4 because of their lack of access to power, than your devotion to the system makes you an insensitive "brick".
And for that statement you need to get slapped over and over again, because of the sheer stupidity and ignorace of that statement. Do you know how disrespectful it is what you just said?
So basically because some bushmen won't be able to have access to the X-Box One, it's not that big of a deal, since civilized people will have access to it?

You god damn, disgusting motherfucker. Didn't you see the countries the X-Box One supports? 21 countries. 21! Europe alone has twice the amount of countries and are you calling Europeans bushmen? You're exactly the type of insensitive dork, who lives in his America-bubble and praises Barrack Obama, who gets a Nobel prize for nothing. Germany on the other hand already called out Microsoft on the privacy issues which come with Kinect. I wouldn't wonder if Germany would decide to forbid the X-Box One, because of it's policies and then you would end up with only 20 countries.

You're a tool. A mindless drone, just like I said.

( Tim Static STORMS, feel free to ban me after that statement )

4) You have no idea what you're talking about. The integration they have NOW with the 360 is already very cool. I can use my iPad to surf and then swap over to controlling the Xbox. Great stuff, and a huge advantage for me.
This is what the problem is. These gimmicks you're so into don't have any kind of value for gamers. Every gamer will prefer a controller over waving with his hands like an idiot, hoping that the console will respond to him. It wasn't working that great in the past and no one knows if it will be working great in the future.
You might be into that. You might be a casual gamer, who wants an entertainment box. Feel free to buy one, but why in hells name would you try to mess with core gamers, who don't believe in such practices and simply want a great gaming experience? That gaming exprience comes with the PS4 and not with the X-Box One, a console that threats gamers like potential criminals and scans their bodies to increase Microsofts own profits.

I'm not even planning on purchasing either system... I'm merely advocating that people step away from the tribalism and make an attempt to understand why decisions are made, and that their individual needs are not the only needs that should be catered to.
No, what you're doing is upsetting people, who feel offended and threatened by Microsofts policy and plans for the future and they have a very good reason to do so. The negative effects of the X-Box One easily outshine the good ones and you're basically calling people out for disagreeing with all of that, calling them out, because in your eyes they don't see the advantages and the bigger picture of it.
In your eyes they don't realize that Microsoft is one step closer to an advanced future with the X-Box One, but what you don't realize is that this future is based on less rights for the consumers and more control from the companies.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Didn't you read my response to you, which explained that the PS4 is the more powerful console? Experts say it will be around 30-50% more powerful, because of the DDR differences and the usage of it. You can be proud of the way Ryse looks, which is a very nice looking game indeed, but ...

1) In theory the game will stutter more, because the X-Box One has less DDR.
2) You don't even know if the game was running on a PC... When they showcased "Aliens: Colonial Marines" it looked better than the shipped product.
3) "Deep Down", which was showcased few months ago looked actually much better than Ryse and they say "Deep Down" is an exclusive game (yet I doubt that and to me it even looked like a tech demo).
How does that in any way change the fact that the Xbox titles look better? Specs and speculation don't make graphics, systems and developers make graphics.

Theoretical power advantage is a logical fallacy that has been disproven multiple times over in previous game systems.

Otherwise PS3 would be the tournament system of choice.


How does that in any way change the fact that the Xbox titles look better? Specs and speculation don't make graphics, systems and developers make graphics.
A good looking game will look and run better on a more powerful system. There is no speculation.

Besides that it's also about the long run. Do I think that Ryse is the best looking next gen game as for now? Yes I do, but at the same time Ryse seems to be heavily scripeted and you're basically comanding the way a cutscene goes by the press of one of four buttons. And to get back to the long run ... the more years pass, the better looking the games will become, because the skills of the developers evolve on a regular basis. Even if the X-Box One has the better looking games as for now (which it doesn't), it won't be the same in few years, because the PS4 has the more powerful specs.

And what really disappoints me now CrimsonShadow and this is now directed directly towards you ...
... did you already forget about the rumors that Microsoft was offering big money to publishers so that they wouldn't showcase certain games on the PS4 stage, but exclusivly on the X-Box One stage? One could say that they only did it so that there was no comparision afterwards and everyone would be amazed by the X-Box One versions. I thought that no one would fall for that cheap ass tactic, but by looking at you I guess I was wrong.
People do fall for it and are blinded by the easiest tactics.

Now run along and hunt some more likes.


Administrator and Community Engineer
A good looking game will look and run better on a more powerful system. There is no speculation.

Besides that it's also about the long run. Do I think that Ryse is the best looking next gen game as for now? Yes I do, but at the same time Ryse seems to be heavily scripeted and you're basically comanding the way a cutscene goes by the press of one of four buttons. And to get back to the long run ... the more years pass, the better looking the games will become, because the skills of the developers evolve on a regular basis. Even if the X-Box One has the better looking games as for now (which it doesn't), it won't be the same in few years, because the PS4 has the more powerful specs.
Again this has been disproven multiple times in previous generations. Why do you think TO's are running games on Xbox.. Again, specs alone do not make the performance; systems and developers make the performance.

(I say this as a programmer -- it's not a guess; it's a fact of how these systems work).


Again this has been disproven multiple times in previous generations. Why do you think TO's are running games on Xbox.. Again, specs alone do not make the performance; systems and develops make the performance.
The reason behind that is that the PS3 was a system that was very hard to develop for. It was new at it's time and devs rarely spent the time to learn it properly. The X-Box 360 was much, much closer to a PC and developing the games for that sytem was very easy. Besides that it launched before the PS3 and that was one more reason for the developers to focus on that system.
Games were developed for the PC and the X-Box 360 first and then ported over to the PS3 and many of these ports were not good.

The first statement Sony released when it came to the reveal of the PS4 was that it features the right, developer-friendly parts. It's much closer to a PC now and it's much easier to develop for that system. It won't have the disadvantage it has now in this gen and it had that disadvantage only, because Sony was arrogant many years ago, blinded by their success and thought people would go with it.
Microsoft is making exactly the same mistake with the X-Box One.

If you really don't get all of that and think that everything will fall in the right place, then you're beyond helpless as well. But as always, not that it matters. Feel free to buy your X-Box One. I won't and neither will many other people - mainly core games, since core gamers are smarter than that.
I'm looking forward to a system, which will the home for the core gamers who actually care about games and the system, as well a system released by a company who does the right thing.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I have to say reading the part disscusing polls had in laughing in tear...
It was. Like reading a bizaro power girl/batgirl topic...

Sent under duress.