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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The problem with polls is taht you cannot get full accurate numbers out of them, because you typically cannot ad them all together, because a margin of error has to be considered, due to the fact of peopel voting on more than one poll. Also with statistics its gets even more twitchy because statistics can be taylored into a bias view as well.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Oh right my bad. Doesn't change that it is a very small sample size still:p And people answering those polls and posting in forums are not a random sample. They are most likely pretty hardcore gamers. There are a lot of casual players who does not bother posting about consols and game on the net.

Most scientific polls done for electoral reasons are 1000 people.

Do you have any grasp how polling works?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
The problem with polls is taht you cannot get full accurate numbers out of them, because you typically cannot ad them all together, because a margin of error has to be considered, due to the fact of peopel voting on more than one poll. Also with statistics its gets even more twitchy because statistics can be taylored into a bias view as well.

Its a binary poll. You have two options. There is no way to spin it. 94% on amazon prefer sony.

Look at the pre order charts... they indicate sales. Sony are winning too.


Too old for this Shit
Are you literally saying that unless you have a scientific census, all polls are useless?
This is business.... Money talks.. Bullshit walks (bullshit being unofficial polls, public opinion, and the kitchen sink)
ALSO.. As some have pointed out in this thread.. Gamers in general are more bark than bite, and they vote much differently with words, polls and forums than they do with money... Ilthuain said it best.. What major game boycott has been a success? Yet I have seen MANY a poll siting boycotts of Capcom, Blizzard, EA, Call of Duty, etc..

What I am literally saying is...WAKE UP JARED AND PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS..


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
This is business.... Money talks.. Bullshit walks (bullshit being unofficial polls, public opinion, and the kitchen sink)
ALSO.. As some have pointe out in this thread.. Gamers in general are more bark than bite, and they vote much differently with words, polls and forums than they do with money... @Ithuan said it best.. What major game boycott has been a success? Yet I have seen MANY a poll siting boycotts of Capcom, Blizzard, EA, Call of Duty, etc..

What I am literally saying is...WAKE UP JARED AND PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS..

Then look at the fucking pre order charts you blind fanboy. Look at it and tell me how the money is talking.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
Most scientific polls done for electoral reasons are 1000 people.

Do you have any grasp how polling works?
Maybe not, but I am familiar with scientific research, but I guess the criteria for these kind of polls are waaaay more lenient than scientific calculations:p

I am pretty sure though, that if anyone wants to make claims from a small sample size, the sample itself has to be picked very carefully to secure that it is as representative as possible. I might be wrong, but I don't think these numbers have been picked in such a manner?


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Its a binary poll. You have two options. There is no way to spin it. 94% on amazon prefer sony.

Look at the pre order charts... they indicate sales. Sony are winning too.
The issue though is that small sample cannot be accounted for an entire consumer base. I am not discrediting it, but I just want folks to understand that polls aren't the 100% way to gauge popularity. Also keep in mind this Amazon pre-sales we are discussing, these poel have not actually forked over any money nor have they purchased the product yet. There exists a probability some will either switch their pre-order or not even fulfill the purchase of it when it releases.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Maybe not, but I am familiar with scientific research, but I guess the criteria for these kind of polls are waaaay more lenient than scientific calculations:p

I am pretty sure though, that if anyone wants to make claims for a small sample size, the sample itself has to be picked very carefully to secure that it is as representative as possible. I might be wrong, but I don't think these numbers have been picked in such a manner?

Are you saying that amazon customers are biased? Its people who shop at amazon that were polled... to say that amazon is in favour of sony is well... stupid.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
The issue though is that small sample cannot be accounted for an entire consumer base. I am not discrediting it, but I just want folks to understand that polls aren't the 100% way to gauge popularity. Also keep in mind this Amazon pre-sales we are discussing, these poel have not actually forked over any money nor have they purchased the product yet. There exists a probability some will either switch their pre-order or not even fulfill the purchase of it when it releases.

Its not a fucking small sample. 1000 is enough for a representitive sample.

This is 23k. Its a huge sample.


Too old for this Shit
The issue though is that small sample cannot be accounted for an entire consumer base. I am not discrediting it, but I just want folks to understand that polls aren't the 100% way to gauge popularity. Also keep in mind this Amazon pre-sales we are discussing, these poel have not actually forked over any money nor have they purchased the product yet. There exists a probability some will either switch their pre-order or not even fulfill the purchase of it when it releases.

Thank you Spore...


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Its not a fucking small sample. 1000 is enough for a representitive sample.

This is 23k. Its a huge sample.
Not exactly when considering a market as large as the video game industry 1000 is almost miniscule, also I have been quite respectful to most you on here and have agreed to many of your points on here as well, so please leave the profanity out. No need to get upset.

Now if this sample was somewhere in the 10 or more thousands maybe it can be considered a sizable sample.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
Are you saying that amazon customers are biased? Its people who shop at amazon that were polled... to say that amazon is in favour of sony is well... stupid.

I am saying that the people rushing to amazon to pre order their next gen console is not representative for the whole population that will buy these consoles, but a very specific group of people with certain values and needs.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam

Thank you Spore...

You are literally the most deluded person I've ever seen. You say you want to be open minded but you ignore this:

Xbox has worse hardware.
It costs more.
It has privacy issues.
It doesn't support used games.
Forces you to connect online.
Excludes 70% of the worlds population including eastern europe and asia.
All polls show that a landslide of people favour PS4.

And you still won't even admit that its looking bad for xbox 1... it will be a console war.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Now if we are to consider pre-sales as possible evidence of popularity, then we factor in multiple sources of pre-sales, such as including Gamestop, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, ect. as well retailers outside the US then you may have a more accurrate count of popularity.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Forcing me to do something against my will = rape as defined as "any violation or abuse" (ie: the rape of freedom)
Oh man, please don't go there. They're not forcing you to do anything and your use of that word in this context is incredibly tacky.

I stopped at Diablo 2.
Most didn't. D3 is one of the top selling PC games of all time.


Forcing me to do something against my will = rape as defined as "any violation or abuse" (ie: the rape of freedom)

I stopped at Diablo 2.

Please, you aren't fooling anyone. You played Diablo 2 on Battle.Net and not offline in single player where the SP save game didn't even save your game, it just saved your character.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
As simple as I know how I put it Jared...

1000 < 23k
23k < 70 MILLION


I have no words at how stupid you are. Polling is representative. Having a sample size that is 10 times bigger, does not make you 10 times more accurate. Just because 70 million were sold doesn't mean that 70 million customers exist considering all the fucking RRODs. I have two xboxes break down. Guess I am 3 people.

If the fact that polling is a representative tool used to gauge public opinion escapes you, then honestly, I'm glad you're buying the xbox one so I don't have to see or hear from your retarded ass. You deserve to let microsoft assfuck you. Your stupidity, warants you purchasing the inferior console. Its karma.


Now add up ALL your polls, add angry Joe into the equation and does that equal the amount of paid 360 subscribers? And if so.. Does it reflect the proper number of those bailing on Microsoft as a whole?

23k represents such a small fraction of the established and combined console player base it's laughable. These polls don't mean shit.


Too old for this Shit
You are literally the most deluded person I've ever seen. You say you want to be open minded but you ignore this:

Xbox has worse hardware.
It costs more.
It has privacy issues.
It doesn't support used games.
Forces you to connect online.
Excludes 70% of the worlds population including eastern europe and asia.
All polls show that a landslide of people favour PS4.

And you still won't even admit that its looking bad for xbox 1... it will be a console war.
*sigh* Jared.. I am open minded that Microsoft may be the one that delivers us console gamers to the evolution of console gaming as we know it. I do not have my preorder in for XB1 OR the PS4..I am waiting to see how faithful Microsoft is to its promises (this is not presidential election where you have to blindly put faith based on rhetoric and promises only to see how it winds up post election with crossed fingers as hope for the best) this is gaming.. And it is a luxury/hobby in which educated decisions can be made post-launch to pick up what best suits you the gamer.

Throw specs at me all you want.. At this point and time your spec and poll mambo jumbo and calling it a clear cut winner is like viewing all E3 demo footage and claiming GAME OF THE YEAR right there.. Off of something you have yet to touch.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
23k represents such a small fraction of the established and combined console player base it's laughable. These polls don't mean shit.

Apparently every single xbox fanboy in existence has conveniently has no knowledge of how polling works.

You know yougov and other political polling organizations. You know their sample size? 1000. Must mean shit because a country like the UK has a population of 60 million. Or it could be that you're stupid. Or yougov are wrong wrong wrong...


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I have no words at how stupid you are. Polling is representative. Having a sample size that is 10 times bigger, does not make you 10 times more accurate. Just because 70 million were sold doesn't mean that 70 million customers exist considering all the fucking RRODs. I have two xboxes break down. Guess I am 3 people.

If the fact that polling is a representative tool used to gauge public opinion escapes you, then honestly, I'm glad you're buying the xbox one so I don't have to see or hear from your retarded ass. You deserve to let microsoft assfuck you. Your stupidity, warants you purchasing the inferior console. Its karma.

Xbox one is def looking like it will have a hard time competing with ps4 sales in the hardcore gaming population, but the 23k from that poll doesn't speak for the millions of non-hardcore gamers (I really don't know if xbone will be more popular in this population, but I don't deny the possibility which you seem to do). What matters to the hardcore gamers doesn't always to the rest of the gamers out there. For all I know the average Joe will cream his pants because he can now go all scifi on his xbox and give voicecommands for everything :p


Apparently every single xbox fanboy in existence has conveniently has no knowledge of how polling works.

You know yougov and other political polling organizations. You know their sample size? 1000. Must mean shit because a country like the UK has a population of 60 million. Or it could be that you're stupid. Or yougov are wrong wrong wrong...

I'm going to ignore the entire PSN player base to make this point. Jared, go and do the math for those poll numbers (23,000) and divide it by the estimate current Xbox Live user base of 50 million. Please reply with only the solution.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
You are literally the most deluded person I've ever seen. You say you want to be open minded but you ignore this:

Xbox has worse hardware. (Opinion, the problem here is it not the hardware it is how it used)
It costs more. Fact
It has privacy issues. Both Fact and Opinion
It doesn't support used games. Infactual, XB1 has very defined and clear policies concerning this issue
Forces you to connect online. Fact
Excludes 70% of the worlds population including eastern europe and asia. Not true fact, but it can fully proven
All polls show that a landslide of people favour PS4. Fact

And you still won't even admit that its looking bad for xbox 1... it will be a console war.Opinion, though many would agree
I want you to know JaredL I am not discrediting you here, but you are missing some facts too, though, as I said I don't support MS at all These policies I think are terrible too, also I am very unhappy with taht lil pun made toward sthe military earlier (the nuclear sub comment). Please understand I am not trying to attack, but rather help, if you make any claim that you are to call a fact, you must back it it up and show that is a true fact, I pointed out a few discrepencies in your post to at least show you waht I mean.