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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1

As for now the X-Box One has more / stronger exclusive games:

Crimson Dragon,
Killer Instinct,
Project Spark,
Halo 5,
Quantum Break,
Forza 5,
Ryse - Son of Rome,
Dead Rising 3

VS the PS4's:

Infamous - Second Son,
The Order 1886,
Drive Club,
Deep Down (but I wouldn't even count that one at this point, because Capcom tends to lie to the customers big time)

X-Box One has the better exclusive titles IMO, as for now. But having better exclusive titles as for now does not outshine all of the heavy, heavy, heavy disadvantages the X-Box One has, because of it's bad policy, anti-consumer practices and most importantly attitude.

That is purely subjective. In terms of pure fact what advantage does the X1 have over the ps4?


Too old for this Shit
No, cars serve different purposes.

When it comes to GAMING. Whichever console has better specs for GAMING wins.

And what was the point of your warcraft example? That can happen sure. Its an option that developers can take, if they are suicidal.

How does making that mandatory, make it better? PS4 exclusives won't have any form of DRM has said sony, just up to publishers. With microsoft, its damn well mandatory for every damn game.

Give me a single advantage that the xbox one has. That's wall I ask of you.
Where is the Dreamcast and Sega in this conversation? Right....

I will take the step....
The advantage that the XB1 has over the PS4 is already set in stone with the proven success of Steam on the PC..
The more research I see and do on the XB1 and Microsofts vision the more it echo's bringing Steam to the console.. IF successful and IF they are able to pull it off would set Nintendo as well as Sony back at least a generation (as Microsoft more than likely has a future vision if this current vision proves a success) giving Microsoft the overall edge. Microsoft (from a gaming standpoint) has been nothing but successful with its vision and ventures (entering a market while two powerhouses Sony and Nintendo are vying for #1 spot in markets) and not only lasted, but can be argued bested one or both (I am not here to argue or discuss this) Simply using it as a point that when Microsoft means business.. they play for keeps and not on a whim.. That being said, the only thing that holds me back from believing Microsoft CAN pull this off is the timing at which it is arriving put together with the current state of things (I would have truly MORE faith if this had been announced in 2015 as opposed to 2013).. While you are going to brush this off as wishful thinking or not physical proof of something the XB1 has over the PS4... The fact that Microsoft is having this vision and implementing it AS we speak.. The future of gaming could be on our doorstep prior to Jan 1, 2014... If that is the case Jared... Microsoft is in the driverseat, Nintendo goes the way of Sega and Sony has a LOT of catching up to do.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
No you don't. You have a copy of said product, that the content maker has mad available to you, but even still with "your stuff," their are limits to what you can do.
Of course there are limits to what I can do with the games I buy... but I buy them to play them and if I feel like it, lend it or sell it to someone else or hell... use it as a fucking frisby. It's my choice.

All I'm saying is don't take away my rights (ie: to actually play the games I put up money for) because I don't "check-in" every day.

We let things like what M$ is doing happen to us then what's next? Will I have to log in to a government server from my car (that I own) telling it my location and expected destination before I can drive it with the gas I've already purchased sitting in the tank?

I just want people/companies/government to stop taking away my freedom. I am free to not support the future of M$, so that's what I will do.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
As I said, there will likely be permissions that you can set. At the very least the rights holder will have priority.

They haven't released the specifics yet of how you set your list, how often you can change it, how permissions will operate, etc.
I hope it works better than I am envisioning it.

I want to like the X1 and buy it... I love Halo, Gears, and am a HUGE KI fan... but I will not support gaming prison.


That is purely subjective. In terms of pure fact what advantage does the X1 have over the ps4?
If someone breaks into your house, he won't steal your X-Box One, because he will think it's an old ass VHS recorder ?_?

- Digital game library that I can access from any other XB1
- Kinect 2 OS integration
- Stronger media integration
- SmartGlass integration, which, as an owner of multiple iOS platforms, is very important to me
- Exclusive titles that are more attractive to me than the Sony offerings
- A move toward complete digital distribution, so I don't even have to leave my apartment to buy a game
1) Does that justify that you will never be able to buy a game used / or to sell it, to rent the game, or to lend it to a friend? Just how often will you access your account from other consoles?
2) Kinect is not an advantage. This is not Minority Report, this is real life, son.
3) Where are you from? Possibly from America? If so, then I don't even wonder how you can consider that, you insensitive brick. Basically all the other countries won't even profit from your so called "stronger media integration"
4) SmartGlass as in putting your controller to the side, to active the attilery in games like Dead Rising 3? SmartGlass is yet another gimmick and there is no advantage in there.
5) I can give you that one, but in the end of the day it's always about the taste
6) How much do you weigh? LOL!

What he asked you was for advantages of the X-Box One over the PS4. What you gave him as an answer was a bunch of questionable statements of your opinion regarding the topic. You might be into all that crap and that's nice for you, but at the same time you're ignoring all the bad stuff that comes along with the X-Box One and trying to call out people who have a problem with all of that and are vocal about it.
If you enjoy the idea of the X-Box One, then continue to enjoy it, but at least have some common sense and except that there are people who have a problem with it and the videos and numbers are showing us on a daily basis that there are quite many people who have a problem with it.


Too old for this Shit
I hope it works better than I am envisioning it.

I want to like the X1 and buy it... I love Halo, Gears, and am a HUGE KI fan... but I will not support gaming prison.
I appreciate your stance and understand your skepticism... It is my true belief that Microsoft does also... HOWEVER... come street date it is going to be on Microsoft to put its money where its mouth is and prove it...With the money MS is investing and the technology they are shooting for... I do not see them missing their intended mark by much (if at all).. However, like you... I remain skeptical.. In my case it will be until I see the final result.

Edit: also can be given to Spitfire Riggz in regards to our digital media discussion


My GT: UncappedWheel82
What cliffy has to say is completely unbiased isn't it? It's like me bringing up a quote from Hermen hulst from guerrilla games...
Whether you like him or hate him, he is more educated on the intricacies of the VG business then either you or I.

Did you even read the article though? If you didn't I would say you'd agree it's meassage, that the even though the Industry is the way that it is, consumers had no part in it. I don't agree, but I just wanted to get some more opinions.


Xbox One = better games so far, better-looking games graphically as well, has Twitch, some pretty cool stuff built in with voice and motion.
PS4 = Better user policy and less restrictions. Better indie support.

Hardware = similar.

It's a tradeoff; but it's def. not a 1-sided battle.
So much wrong with this post, dude.

X-Box One = better games? Subjective. I personally would agree on it, because the only PS4 game that has my attention is Infamous, while I would be interested in few of the X-Box One games.
X-Box One = better looking games? No, just no and I'll come to that one soon.

Hardware = similar? Fuck no.
The PS4 has 8 GB DDR5, while the X-Box One has 8 GB DDR. You have already there a big difference. One more interesting thing is that the OS on the PS4 is using 1 GB DDR, while the OS on the X-Box One is using 3 GB DDR. So you're not only having less power overall, you're having even less-less power, because of the X-Box One OS which bombards you with stuff you don't even need, yet it someone has to get supported.
The PS3 has better hardware than the X-Box 360 and it's showing in the games which matter the most and the same will apply for the next gen consoles. The PS4 clearly has the graphics on it's side.

It not being an one-sided battle? You might wanna check out the pre-orders, overall sales-talk, the articles on the gaming sites, Microsoft taking down interviews, the amount of comments everywhere bashing the X-Box One and praising the PS4. Oh this is as one-sided as it gets, brotato.

Whether you like him or hate him, he is more educated on the intricacies of the VG business then either you or I.
Did you even read the article though? If you didn't I would say you'd agree it's meassage, that the even though the Industry is the way that it is, consumers had no part in it. I don't agree, but I just wanted to get some more opinions.
If you want to see someone smart and edjucated talking about the X-Box One VS PS4 topic, check out Total Biscuits Youtube channel. You won't fight a smarter person in the industry, who gives his opinion on the topic.


And yes, he is as unbiased as it gets.
- Digital game library that I can access from any other XB1 Valid Fact
- Kinect 2 OS integration Subjective
- Stronger media integration Subjective
- SmartGlass integration, which, as an owner of multiple iOS platforms, is very important to me Valid Fact with some personal opinion
- Exclusive titles that are more attractive to me than the Sony offerings Subjective
- A move toward complete digital distribution, so I don't even have to leave my apartment to buy a game Valid but subjective (Its hard to say right now if we should completely go digital especially with all of our rights being stripped away like they are, also all PS4 games will also be available for download on the same date of release so this is not an advantage over PS4 RIGHT NOW)

These may not be advantages that are attractive to you personally, but these are the ones that attract me. Currently, it looks like the console that would better suit my needs.

So yeah a lot of things that attract you and a few other people but most of it is theory and opinion. I just hope that they don't start taking advantage of you guys (more than they already are).


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
If someone breaks into your house, he won't steal your X-Box One, because he will think it's an old ass VHS recorder ?_?

1) Does that justify that you will never be able to buy a game used / or to sell it, to rent the game, or to lend it to a friend? Just how often will you access your account from other consoles?
2) Kinect is not an advantage. This is not Minority Report, this is real life, son.
3) Where are you from? Possibly from America? If so, then I don't even wonder how you can consider that, you insensitive brick. Basically all the other countries won't even profit from your so called "stronger media integration"
4) SmartGlass as in putting your controller to the side, to active the attilery in games like Dead Rising 3? SmartGlass is yet another gimmick and there is no advantage in there.
5) I can give you that one, but in the end of the day it's always about the taste
6) How much do you weigh? LOL!
1) That wasn't the question, but for me, yes. Used game sales are very damaging to the industry, but beyond that, I vastly prefer Steam to any physical media. I have a PC and Mac at work, a PC at home, and a PC at my in-laws' place. All of them have my Steam account. Awesome.
2) It is for me. Please stop assuming that you are the only consumer in the world. Some of us have families and children who love the thing.
3) I live in the San Francisco. Using your logic, if a Kalahari Bushmen can't enjoy a PS4 because of their lack of access to power, than your devotion to the system makes you an insensitive "brick".
4) You have no idea what you're talking about. The integration they have NOW with the 360 is already very cool. I can use my iPad to surf and then swap over to controlling the Xbox. Great stuff, and a huge advantage for me.
5) Agreed.
6) I live in SF. Getting to a game store takes a long-ass time. It's not like it's easy to drive around here.

What he asked you was for advantages of the X-Box One over the PS4. What you gave him as an answer was a bunch of questionable statements of your opinion regarding the topic. You might be into all that crap and that's nice for you, but at the same time you're ignoring all the bad stuff that comes along with the X-Box One and trying to call out people who have a problem with all of that and are vocal about it.
Don't shift the goal posts. he asked me what the advantages are. There is no such thing as an intrinsic advantage of one game system over another, because they are merely objects and it is in the use of an object that we define value (existence preceding essence and all that existentialist stuff).

If you measure the value of an item simply by the results of one test, say weight or velocity, without relying on the perception of the person interacting with that object, you are taking an objective view of a subjective matter. A comet is faster than my car, but I can't drive a comet to work.

If you enjoy the idea of the X-Box One, then continue to enjoy it, but at least have some common sense and except that there are people who have a problem with it and the videos and numbers are showing us on a daily basis that there are quite many people who have a problem with it.
Holdon, you just went on a point-by-point refutation of my opinion and the advantages that I saw in the system, and then you essentially told me that my opinion is invalid because there are people who disagree with it. All I have been doing in this thread is trying to explain the realities of the market and the position MS/Sony is actually in, and what their goals are for their next systems. I'm not even planning on purchasing either system... I'm merely advocating that people step away from the tribalism and make an attempt to understand why decisions are made, and that their individual needs are not the only needs that should be catered to.


Administrator and Community Engineer
X-Box One = better looking games? No, just no and I'll come to that one soon.
Ehhh... What did you see on PS4 that looked better visually than MGS5 Ryse and Titanfall?

Again I have both company's systems, so I'm not really partial to either side; but I think it's not-that-honest to argue that PS4 has the better looking games.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Ehhh... What did you see on PS4 that looked better visually than MGS5 Ryse and Titanfall?

Again I have both company's systems, so I'm not really partial to either side; but I think it's not-that-honest to argue that PS4 has the better looking games.

I'm not trying to argue ps4 vs Xbox but Watchdogs looked gorgeous.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'm not trying to argue ps4 vs Xbox but Watchdogs looked gorgeous.
As impressed as I was when Watchdogs dropped, stuff like Ryse and Forza + MGS running on the One is on another level and really defines what 'next gen' looks like to me. Not that Watchdogs doesn't look great; I think it'll be awesome. But within the first 20 seconds of seeing a few of the Xbox titles my jaw was on the floor.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
As impressed as I was when Watchdogs dropped, stuff like MGS running on the One and Ryse is on another level and really defines what 'next gen' looks like to me. Not that Watchdogs doesn't look great; I think it'll be awesome. But within the first 20 seconds of seeing the Xbox titles my jaw was on the floor.
I'm sure MGS will run just as good on the ps4 as well.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'm sure MGS will run just as good on the ps4 as well.
Yup -- I'll have to wait till I see it on both platforms, but Ryse and Forza were also on a ridiculous level graphically. I was really impressed by the PS4 launch event; but I think MS visually stole the show at E3.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Ehhh... What did you see on PS4 that looked better visually than MGS5 Ryse and Titanfall?

Again I have both company's systems, so I'm not really partial to either side; but I think it's not-that-honest to argue that PS4 has the better looking games.

Dude it was confirmed that all the xbox ones at the event were just laptops.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Yup -- I'll have to wait till I see it on both platforms, but Ryse and Forza were also on a ridiculous level graphically. I was really impressed by the PS4 launch event; but I think MS visually stole the show at E3.

I'm sorry, but those games don't compare to the graphical beauty that is Sunset Overdrive. :joker:


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'm sorry, but those games don't compare to the graphical beauty that is Sunset Overdrive. :joker:

Destiny visually shocked me especially when you factor in that it is a MMO shooter
Yeah, but I think that a lot of that is Bungie's amazing art direction. They have some of the best designers. It wasn't like Ryse where you were like "wow.. that almost looks real at some points" due to the sheer graphical power; but artistically it's top notch and that's what the company is known for.

I think Destiny will end up being one of the true highlights of the PS4 lineup.