The funny thing is, American culture is just a combination of mixed and mashed customs from other foreign countries. Years of intermingling and exposure from past immigrants are what formed the frankenstein that is america. Apple pie, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, baseball, St.Patricks Day, Pizza Rock n roll etc. These are staple american things that are foreign in origin. The thing is, this country always needs a scapegoat, and Mexicans are it now in modern times. There was a time in this land when Irish, Eastern Europeans, and Italians were discriminated against and considered inferior and non american. Hell, some were even lynched, especially italians. They also had the shit jobs and worked for peanuts, and were considered an invading threat. Does it surprise you that the best old time boxers were predominantly irish italian and jewish? After a century they have all now become part of american culture. The same will happen with mexicans, it will just take time for it to happen. Unfortunately the stereotypes will probably linger as they did for the aformentioned groups.