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Injustice General Discussion

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Heres the link

My psn: DizzyPhyziks

Im pretty aite,I wouldnt say "good" but i know what im doing. When i find people better than me they usually end up on my friends list lol. But yea most randoms will be button mashers and random special spammers so its hard to learn the real nitty gritties fighting that nonsense. Its great for learning how to punish, tho
Patient Raven Players are an absolute nightmare.
A Raven players worst enermy is an even more patient player, I had to learn the hard way but now whenever she activates her trait I just block and if she teleports I'm ready, I think in "normal" mode her gravity squeeze doesn't hit full screen and also not anti air but not sure about that, don't get me wrong though it's still a tough ass fight for some characters
Easy there, turbo. Go ask 100 americans to do a "european" accent and you'll *probably* hear 51 badly done british ones. Everyone knows americans in general are somewhat ignorant when it comes to knowledge of the rest of the world
I know this has gotten OT, but I object to this as somewhat unfair. I'm an American who has been throughout Europe, Asia, South America, and I find most non-Americans are pretty horrible at American geography. They might know California, New York, but most of them can't point to most American states on a map. They've heard of Las Vegas, but can't point it out on a map. Major states like Ohio (with 11.5 million people, which beats some top 10 EU countries) most of them have never even heard of. America has 50 States. You can take Germany and drop it into Texas without its borders touching the sides of Texas. So, if you are an American with its half a billion people and know the 50 States, but are not solid on European geography, you are considered ignorant on geography. If you are in the European Union with its half a billion people and slightly less than 50 countries, but you know those countries and suck at American geography you are considered superior? That's BS. The USA covers almost 3 million sq miles, the EU covers 1.7 million sq miles. I don't think someone in the EU who knows their territory, but sucks at USA geography is any better than someone in the USA who knows their territory, but sucks at EU geography. Just because one has "states" and one has "countries" doesn't mean s--t to me. If I ever run across a non-American outside of the USA who knows American geography really well, I'll let you know.

Captain Hammer

These aren't the hammer...
I'm not sure how I managed it, but I managed to pick characters that all have a weakness to characters good at keeping characters out. Which characters are pretty good at getting in on zoning/projectile characters?


Tekken, SF4: AE, BB: CP, and Persona 4: Arena
So I've decided to pick up this game and see what's the hype. Really feeling Harley in this game. So shoot me an invite/friend request so you noobs can learn me in this game.


I'm not sure how I managed it, but I managed to pick characters that all have a weakness to characters good at keeping characters out. Which characters are pretty good at getting in on zoning/projectile characters?
If you're willing to shell out some cash for DLC characters, Batgirl and Scorpion are each very good at shutting down zoning.


Fabulous Goofball
My fellow Gaymers don't seem to take losing so well, joined a Gay KoTH and they left as soon as I beat them. :confused:

If you're willing to shell out some cash for DLC characters, Batgirl and Scorpion are each very good at shutting down zoning.
Your name is very familiar......


My fellow Gaymers don't seem to take losing so well, joined a Gay KoTH and they left as soon as I beat them. :confused:

Your name is very familiar......
Three possibilities.

1) You have played the classic game
2) You enjoy Louis CK
3) You have played me on XBL


I'm talking about seeing you on other forums....
Mmmmm, not likely. Probably posted three times on Shoryuken forums total, and one of them was a troll Vergil post. I do post on their front page all the time though, commenting on things related to Injustice/MVC.

Unless you're talking about GOW forums way back when.


1 2 3 drink
Is playermatch search broke or what is this, im looking for a game for the last 30 minutes and not a single player was found....I can find games in koth tough....


I have a dream, a dream that Netherrealm Studios will do something soo balsy that we will have no choice but buy it. I am talking about of course...Injustice Gods Among Us Vs Marvel Universe. Think about it, it would contains the best of both worlds. Fans on both side would flock to buy this game, sure its a big risk...but the potential it could have!


Get over here!
I have a dream, a dream that Netherrealm Studios will do something soo balsy that we will have no choice but buy it. I am talking about of course...Injustice Gods Among Us Vs Marvel Universe. Think about it, it would contains the best of both worlds. Fans on both side would flock to buy this game, sure its a big risk...but the potential it could have!
What would the risk be? I mean it will never happen... but I fail to see the risk. :confused:
Fuck that.

DC vs Marvel better be a capcom game

I understand theres no real reason it would be. But umvc3 is extremely hype and dc vs marvel should be


Fabulous Goofball
Marvel vs DC.... I'm going to come up with a roster right now!

Also, I don't trust capcom after the MvC3 and UMvC3 thing....


Thats the Risk right there, making another MK Vs DC and MvC3. Both truly terrible games. I prefer the gameplay for Injustice more then the MvC, for example, Cyclops special power could increase his eye beams, with his Special being him taking off his visor and releasing a full blast. Storm could fly or have lighting fists.
2 buttons to dash and having dashes cancellable are what really make that game amazing. The mobility pushes the pace to rediculous speeds.

The footsies, mind games, setups, are all there just in fast forward. And if you think about it, the MAX damage you can do on UMVC3 is 33% considering that 1 character is 1/3 of the life of your team. This of course excludes killing 2-3 characters at once

Basically what i mean to say is a 100% combo on a character is really only a 33% combo to your team.
(i kno they all have different hp, im just sayin)

Umvc3 is a great game.


Fabulous Goofball
Alright, I can't come up with a full Marvel vs DC roster without going over 50 characters so I'll just list what characters I personally want in the game should it ever come to exist:


Beast Boy
Green Arrow
Black Manta
Ra's Al Ghul
Killer Croc


Rocket Raccoon


Iron Man
Captain America
The Hulk
Black Widow
The Wasp
Spider Man
Scarlet Witch

The Mandarin
Doctor Doom
Grim Reaper
Doctor Octopus
Winter Soldier
Absorbing Man

Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Steven Trevor

Lex Luthor
The Joker
Captain Cold
Black Manta
Poison Ivy
Black Adam

That's my Marvel VS DC roster picks


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I have a dream, a dream that Netherrealm Studios will do something soo balsy that we will have no choice but buy it. I am talking about of course...Injustice Gods Among Us Vs Marvel Universe. Think about it, it would contains the best of both worlds. Fans on both side would flock to buy this game, sure its a big risk...but the potential it could have!
What would the risk be? I mean it will never happen... but I fail to see the risk. :confused:
Not really one of those scenarios where someone hasn't done it because they didn't have the balls to do so. The rights to DC's digital and Marvel's digital game licenses simply have always been in competition with each other in the hands of rival studios before. Everyone who has ever touched either license has wanted the chance to do a DC vs Marvel. Nice thing is comic book companies (despite the whole rivals at shelf image) are most definitely not against doing such crossovers.

DC and Marvel for decades have had major full universe crossovers to help boost sales during predicted slow seasons or sometimes during hot spells to draw fans from each market into the other's titles as well.

And now Marvel is being made by one of Warner Bros game studios...LEGO MARVEL is a a game. And we know for a fact Marvel guys have been coming up short on their Marvel property as of late as neither MVC3 title really pulled profit and of course several games made using Marvel with other studios have straight flopped as well (most notorious was Xmen Destiny).

With Marvel already having a game made by WB and NRS showing signs of being one of the few studios capable of making a fighting game with a model that pulls profit these days its becoming increasingly likely DC vs Marvel may happen and at NRS at somepoint. Fingers crossed because if it does that means that we also will see entirely new playstyles for folks like Spiderman and Ironman who are long since overdue for an overhaul.