Flash top 5
Flash top 5
Do what I did, stop playing online. I faced the exact same problem as you, almost every match I had to face Superman spammers and a lot of times I couldn't counter or punish them because the netcode is bad. I don't care for online records 0r tr0phies so SP suits me just fine. And I find the AI a lot more challenging and clever (Hard difficulty and above) than your average braindead spammerthe online play in this game is really killing the overall experience for me.. its becoming superman lasers and other nonsense that's hurting the game and thats why people are saying the dont like this game. Its not that i cant stop it, i dont wanna deal wit that shit 1 of every 4 matches its really turning me off the game at a fast pace and i really like this game i really do with over 1500 matches played i have time in the game its just getting to that point where all the tedious bullshit is getting to me.
smokeytheblunts this is for you tooDo what I did, stop playing online. I faced the exact same problem as you, almost every match I had to face Superman spammers and a lot of times I couldn't counter or punish them because the netcode is bad. I don't care for online records 0r tr0phies so SP suits me just fine. And I find the AI a lot more challenging and clever (Hard difficulty and above) than your average braindead spammer
none of my friends play this game, they all play other shit so im stuck playin online. but i understand that u can just rush them but when it comes down to it, its not that i cant get around as i previously stated i just dont want to deal wit it on a daily basis its cliche but i aint got time for that lol. with 1500 matches played the competetion isnt wide open i either play someone with a similar record , a scrub, or i get denied wich is ALWAYS the casesmokeytheblunts this is for you too
Problem with the Very Hard AI is that it's predictable just like any other AI is. You can bait it into performing similar setups or responding with specific specials.
I recommend finding strong opponents and befriending them online.
Some players simply want to zone with Superman and I've found most of them have no idea what to do when you get in on them. If you can keep them on lockdown, you win. You also really shouldn't put any stock in random online matches until you find an opponent who's actually trying to play the game and learn to be better at their character despite the online.
I know plenty of people who have good connections and it's rather enjoyable to play online with them. It just takes some time.
what other nonsense do you mean? tbh supermans lasers can be punished if a scrub is doing it, but against good players sure it can be annoying but usually its not the lag that lets me lose, its just me getting outplayed. I agree sometimes the connection is bad and i cant do much, but this doesnt really happen too much.the online play in this game is really killing the overall experience for me.. its becoming superman lasers and other nonsense that's hurting the game and thats why people are saying the dont like this game. Its not that i cant stop it, i dont wanna deal wit that shit 1 of every 4 matches its really turning me off the game at a fast pace and i really like this game i really do with over 1500 matches played i have time in the game its just getting to that point where all the tedious bullshit is getting to me.
Wat hes saying is when you find someone with a good connection and is of comparable skill level, add them to your friends list and play those people. I also do this and its loads more fun than wiping your ass with randoms all day
Do what I did, stop playing online. I faced the exact same problem as you, almost every match I had to face Superman spammers and a lot of times I couldn't counter or punish them because the netcode is bad. I don't care for online records 0r tr0phies so SP suits me just fine. And I find the AI a lot more challenging and clever (Hard difficulty and above) than your average braindead spammer
You guys can do what I did:the online play in this game is really killing the overall experience for me.. its becoming superman lasers and other nonsense that's hurting the game and thats why people are saying the dont like this game. Its not that i cant stop it, i dont wanna deal wit that shit 1 of every 4 matches its really turning me off the game at a fast pace and i really like this game i really do with over 1500 matches played i have time in the game its just getting to that point where all the tedious bullshit is getting to me.
trust and believe if i had a ps3 i would play it lol im dying too !!You guys can do what I did:
Play "The Last of Us" and take a break from Injustice, I haven't played Injustice since I played that game.I'm going to start playing Injustice again once Zod is released.
I mean, the loss should count if you leave in the middle of the fight, but if you leave during the character select screen, shouldn't count a loss for you, that shit bugs me.Anybody else still butt-hurt that leaving 1v1 survivor or king of the hill results in a disconnect/loss; therefore hurting your tr00 skill rank? You could play ten matches against someone, but eventually you want to do something else with your life and I really don't think you should get penalized for it.
lol swizz,gotta agree.hate the character and hate fighting him,as soon as he hits that ex lift I'm like 'fuck this shit' even supes's lazers arnt as annoying as a good lantern.Fuck Green Lantern in the ass, Garbage char.
Cheapest char I have ever played at a high high level.
I don't know where to get a full list, but I think ~ means just cancel into the next part.Could anyone here link me to a guide that tells me what these weird signs in combo guides means? ~ for example. Would like a full list, thanks in advance.
Befriend players on forums who play it and aren't known as spammers,cheats and quiters.the online play in this game is really killing the overall experience for me.. its becoming superman lasers and other nonsense that's hurting the game and thats why people are saying the dont like this game. Its not that i cant stop it, i dont wanna deal wit that shit 1 of every 4 matches its really turning me off the game at a fast pace and i really like this game i really do with over 1500 matches played i have time in the game its just getting to that point where all the tedious bullshit is getting to me.