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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies


Gaming4Satan Founder
Hey Kt what is his new bnb? I have not heard about that, and I do agree with you to a point, delaying that dash under as a mix up is an option but with the fact that b1 does not OTG anymore, makes it a very...questionable risk, but it isnt completely gone. And as for the hero cards most of them require you to have won a certain amount of online battles with GL
22 or b1 or b23 into:

EX Rocket, F3, j2, b13, (trait), 223, ender

41-43% for 1 bar


If you don't cross them up they don't get the wakeup attack they wanted... You guys need to think more out of the box because from what I can see each character has 1 invincible wakeup and it has to get input at a fairly specific timing. So if they don't know what side they will be on they will have to guess in order to wakeup out of the mixup. It's gonna start getting really character specific, but it's there and it's dirty


If you don't cross them up they don't get the wakeup attack they wanted... You guys need to think more out of the box because from what I can see each character has 1 invincible wakeup and it has to get input at a fairly specific timing. So if they don't know what side they will be on they will have to guess in order to wakeup out of the mixup. It's gonna start getting really character specific, but it's there and it's dirty
That has always been there dude. But before it was one of many options you had off of MB LM because you could do anything you wanted, comfortable in the knowledge that your opponent basically had to block because he was forced to respect b1. That respect is gone. And now your little dash under or dash late mixup is all you have left because that respect for b1 is gone and people are gonnna wakeup alot more. You'll see dude.


All I'm saying is you need to take a different approach to stuffing wakeups than just b1 now... Yes, people will wakeup more. Yes, it's much better for them overall. No, this is not the end of MB Lift to setup a reset. If your attack still beats wakeups provided you guess the side correctly it's still a damn good option because you can beat wakeups with all buttons provided you guess a 50/50 and you can bait and punish them if you like as well.


All I'm saying is you need to take a different approach to stuffing wakeups than just b1 now... Yes, people will wakeup more. Yes, it's much better for them overall. No, this is not the end of MB Lift to setup a reset. If your attack still beats wakeups provided you guess the side correctly it's still a damn good option because you can beat wakeups with all buttons provided you guess a 50/50 and you can bait and punish them if you like as well.
It isn't about whether its possible or not, sure you can guess right. But your burning a bar of meter for this. Meter is GLs lifeblood. He can't burn it on random ass guesses like this. I agree the approach to playing GL has to change, but burning meter for this now weak ass setup seems bad to me now. The options suck now. If this was a poker hand we went from holding pocket aces after MB LM, to holding Jack,5 offsuit. Id fold that setup.
I don't know, I don't see it as a big deal. 99% of the time after an EX lift ender I would do dash under f3 which always got beat by wake up attacks if they did one. I'm also 99% sure that they can't roll away in time after EX lift so they have to guess which side and whether I'm going to do b1/f3 or gamble on a wake up that's likely unsafe. However, if they can now roll and get away (which I haven't checked) then THAT would be a killer to this tactic.

Also, GL's new optimized bnb's definitely alleviate some of his reliance on meter. getting 12% more out of a 1 bar combo is a big deal


would you or anyone else know how to unlock the green lantern Icons for the hero cards? I've seen people with cool ones like a chain gun and fighter jet but I can't figure out what to do to unlock them :(
Star lab

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I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
So has anyone discovered anything with GL that can remotely make up for the loss of the vortex? Cause it seems like a lot more people are disrespecting GL now that it's gone.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
I have a question, can anyone tell me if the d1 reset still works? I was never able to do it but if it does this may be a way to bring the vortex back into play.


come at me
So has anyone discovered anything with GL that can remotely make up for the loss of the vortex? Cause it seems like a lot more people are disrespecting GL now that it's gone.
I have a question, can anyone tell me if the d1 reset still works? I was never able to do it but if it does this may be a way to bring the vortex back into play.
no its gone. The otg stuff is all gone. Forget about playing gl that way.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
no its gone. The otg stuff is all gone. Forget about playing gl that way.
Damn....there went most of GLs pressure....:( I guess we will just have to go for raw damage now, and since the otg is gone, the jailhouse special is essentially useless as well since the opponent does not have to respect b1. Also Marvaz, or anyone do you have any idea if this works still? not sure if it counts as an OTG.
I did come up with a front extension of the vortex where instead of dashing under you jump forward and time a jump1 as late as possible to reset them standing and you can immediately 50/50 them. It's hard to time though but doable

Also incorporating missiles more and confirming full combos off of traitmissles
KT Smith silly question but dose the ">" mean dash or can you stand still and do f3 and have it connect in this comb?
b13, trait, lift, 223, EX lift > f3, b23, EX rocket, b233


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Ok guys I found out something very interesting that might help us out. After mblm if you time b1 correctly you rest the opponent standing, and if they do not block you can hit confirm this into b13 lift and rest them again into 223, not sure if this is still known but I thought it might help. I have also confirmed that you can do this using the dash under, though the timing is super strict, however it does indeed work, tested in the the training room on killer frost, and batgirl, it stuffed both killer frosts slide and her super "endless without white" and it stuffed batgirls smoke bomb and her "flying bat" wake up.


come at me
Ok guys I found out something very interesting that might help us out. After mblm if you time b1 correctly you rest the opponent standing, and if they do not block you can hit confirm this into b13 lift and rest them again into 223, not sure if this is still known but I thought it might help. I have also confirmed that you can do this using the dash under, though the timing is super strict, however it does indeed work, tested in the the training room on killer frost, and batgirl, it stuffed both killer frosts slide and her super "endless without white" and it stuffed batgirls smoke bomb and her "flying bat" wake up.
damn bro great discovery i dont think anyone knewabout that


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
damn bro great discovery i dont think anyone knewabout that
I have also confirmed that it works on superman, DD, and most importantly, Solomon Grundy, on both same side and cross up.
Update: this also works on blackadam as well.


Does anyone have any tips for this combo:

F3, JI3, 12, OR MB, 123, LM
41% One bar.
Credit: @WS sentinAL

Really struggling with it in practice. Basically there are two issues. First, it seems like the timing when you need to hit 3 in the jump is really tight in order for you to land soon enough to hit your 12 and before the opponent drops. The next issue im having is with the 123 at the end. For some reason the kick doesn't connect 90% of the time for me.

Anyone have any tips?
Does anyone have any tips for this combo:

F3, JI3, 12, OR MB, 123, LM
41% One bar.
Credit: @WS sentinAL

Really struggling with it in practice. Basically there are two issues. First, it seems like the timing when you need to hit 3 in the jump is really tight in order for you to land soon enough to hit your 12 and before the opponent drops. The next issue im having is with the 123 at the end. For some reason the kick doesn't connect 90% of the time for me.

Anyone have any tips?

If you're cool with dropping to 40%, change the 123 at the end to 223, LM.

As far as connecting the 12, just keep at it and it'll stick. I have to land the j3 a little late in the jump arc. Hope that helps.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
An easier combo for the same amount of meter and the same amount damage is: f3, j3, b13xxtrait, s2 ORmb, 223, LM. 41%
Another combo is: f3, j3, b13xxtrait, s2, ORmb, 223, LMmb, b13, LM. 45% 2 bars of meter.


Gaming4Satan Founder
IMO the extra 8% isn't worth it to do over his meterless f3 combo

(Unless it will win the match)

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
So, I'm confuse, what happened now? I just learned the lm MB dash 50/50 stuff, is that stuff worthless now or should I still do it?


Scorpion Scrub
I'm not 100% sure but if you get someone with OA's rocket MB and then lift MB, B3, F3 it's probably unclashable haven't seen anyone clash out of it yet unless they don't clash because they don't expect it at all. It's good if you're just zoning them and their lifebar is low, it's turned games to my favor a couple of times. Damage is up there too I know the full combo does over 40%

I also have a corner mixup tech that i'll show on my next video

So, I'm confuse, what happened now? I just learned the lm MB dash 50/50 stuff, is that stuff worthless now or should I still do it?
I still use it while I come up with a new tech but yes your opponent can wakeup if they guess right, most people just block though haven't seen many wake up out of it yet maybe because the dash crosses over them so when they try to wake up the input is wrong and it doesn't work so it actually helps you because if they try to wake up on the wrong side they will get hit so it's still tricky if you think about it.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
So, I'm confuse, what happened now? I just learned the lm MB dash 50/50 stuff, is that stuff worthless now or should I still do it?
No its not worthless, and a lot of people are not aware that it still works. The timing for b1 is different in the sense that you cant brain dead it. But as I posted earlier in this thread b1 will still stuff wake ups, how ever it is timing specific. You must throw out the b1 right before the opponents hands touch the ground. What this does is it resets them standing and if they are trying to wake up it blows them up, however if they block then it will just reset them standing. And basically once your opponent learns that you can still indeed do this, it goes back to the 50/50 guessing game cause then they understand that if all they do it try to wake up they are going to get blown up.