I'm THAT fast
basically I think he's kind of a rushdown character who has trouble with rushing down due to having short arms and legs, and no really fast normals. All of his specials are basically unsafe and he builds meter slowly. He needs meter to get more than about 25% mid screen. His trait is really good, except that it has crazy-long cool down, only lasts about 5 seconds and gets shut off if he gets hit, pushed blocked or clashed. The majority of his "mid" attacks can be crouched by most of the cast. He has no good answer to zoning because his speed dodge special doesn't work the way it is supposed to, and his running man stance doesn't go under things properly. His anti-air is basically non-existant. He doesn't even have a very fast walk speed.Could i have a overview on the flash please, involving where you think he places on a tier list atm and his pros n cons.
much appriciated.
As it stands, he's basically a whiff punishing character with no fast whiff punishers. If you like to work really hard against everybody else in the game to get wins, then the flash is probably for you.
Apologies if this sounds somewhat flippant, but I (and probably most of the other Flash players here) truly feel this is how Flash is. He needs a lot of help. If I had to give some pros, he can punish things pretty well at mid screen because lightning charge is very fast, and if you actually get a punish situation up close, he does a lot of damage with his 1 meter + trait punish combos (like 50-60%). If you can get a knockdown, he has a pretty good 50/50 game up close, but most characters can just back dash him and get away for free. His overhead string is crouchable in the middle for a full punish, in spite of the fact that it is supposed to hit mid.