Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
i agree with you wound, i think ppl who say give it sometime are awaiting false hope, i dont see this game being as close to or having even half the the amount of tech that was discovered in mk to change this game, the only way this game can be better is by actually releasing a legitimate patch with legitimate changes, not troll patches that nerfs chars that wasnt even that much of a problem, and nerfing S tier chars damage by 2% lmao...i love how they said they were gonna nerf supes damage, and after the patch the corner combo i was doing that normally does 70% dropped to 68, seriously nrs? Lol
With that kind of mentality, of course you're going to not like this game in the future. It's pretty obvious that you and the other top players are still caught up on Mk9. Also, people are still discovering tech in this game dude. There's probably a bunch more out there to find out especially when a large amount of the cast is being slept on right now. Tech takes time to discover. We both know this.Mk9 was and still partly is a pretty busted game which caused many people to drop it early on. Injustice has problems but not nearly as much as Mk9 had. Give it time dude. Mk9 was embarrassing to watch very early on in its lifespan because of how messed up the game was and how "green" the players were. Many of these gripes are a product of "I haven't touched anything but Mk9 competitively."
You not liking certain aspects of the game doesn't mean that they're necessarily bad. It's just different from what you're used to. However, I can agree that interactables need to get toned down.