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Are interactables too good?

Are Interactables currently a little too powerful?

  • Yes

    Votes: 131 77.5%
  • No

    Votes: 38 22.5%

  • Total voters


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I don't agree because this demand assumes the interactables to be an option of lesser importance. If you but shift your point of view to the assumption that stage selection is equally important as character selection then the interactables are perfectly fine. Your demand assumes that your opinion on the importance of interactables is correct and that they should play a lesser role. This is fine as is every opinion. But calling it "a fact" is simply wrong.

Can you say that again but without using unnecessary words and actually making sense? lol


Dojo Trainee
Transmission start. Stop
You think interactables shouldn't be so important. Stop.
That is your opinion and not a fact. Stop.
Interactables are meant to play a major role just like character selection. Stop.
Stage selection needs to be a choice and not a chance. Stop.
Transmission end. Stop.



Transmission start. Stop
You think interactables shouldn't be so important. Stop.
That is your opinion and not a fact. Stop.
Interactables are meant to play a major role just like character selection. Stop.
Stage selection needs to be a choice and not a chance. Stop.
Transmission end. Stop.

That's why interactables suck. :v


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I think some interaction shouldn't fully track you, and there should always be a way out of Interaction (there's actually more ways out than you think)

But other than that are cool, and by the looks of it It happily looks there here to stay


My opinion on the matter is the damage on interactables needs to be tweaked and infinite respawning interactables need to stop and be one use (cars, flying robots, roomba, etc.)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Transmission start. Stop
You think interactables shouldn't be so important. Stop.
That is your opinion and not a fact. Stop.
Interactables are meant to play a major role just like character selection. Stop.
Stage selection needs to be a choice and not a chance. Stop.
Transmission end. Stop.


I never said interactables shouldn't be so important, I said they're currently too strong. It's obviously my opinion since, you know, I'm the one saying it. I don't get your point.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Not shockingly, people are largely oversimplifying this. The one big issue with interactables is how they effect characters and make some stages hard counters; that itself is contingent on a lot of much smaller problems that are likely going to take careful, individualized attention on NRS's part to sort out.

As they stand, interactables are harming the game, but only because they have too much effect on matchups and it's too easy to get a stage that's really good for one character and/or really bad for another. I'd even go so far as to say part of the reason Ares, Deathstroke and Batgirl are good are because they have no particular stage weaknesses (Ares and Batgirl get virtually free escapes from interactables, while Deathstroke can stuff many on reaction), even without accounting for stage strengths. The idea of banning them outright is as silly as wanting to ban walled stages in Tekken - interactables are about stage control, and 2D players are just not used to that concept outside of simple corners. They definitely do not remove depth from the game.

I already have quite a few thoughts on what to tweak to improve things across every stage and make them more balanced for each class of character, which I may post later if my all-consuming laziness doesn't take over.


Dojo Trainee
I never said interactables shouldn't be so important, I said they're currently too strong..
Power = importance. No? Less powerful = less important. Not such a difficult concept to grasp. By saying they should be less powerful you directly say they should play less of a role in match and be less important. I am indifferent on this subject but what bothered me was this:

This isn't a knee jerk reaction, I've played over 1,000 games while playing great players like Arturo, Detroitballn, PL, Smarrgasm, Pig, WoundCowboy, etc, and I've watched every Injustice tournament that I could. This is a conclusion based on evidence.
I humbly invite you to present to us said evidence and your conclusion henceforth. I haven't played as many matches as you have but I have watched every match that was ever streamed and my conclusion is different. Stage selection matters. It is hugely important and can decide who wins. It is more important than match-up disparities. Therefore stage selection needs to be a tactical decision balanced in a competitive environment. UFGT9 did it wrong.

I even think this forum and this community is doing it wrong. Every character subforum should have a sticky thread that deals exclusively with stage selection and strategies. It is that important. Maybe even more important than combo threads.


1 2 3 drink
The only thing i feel is a bit too powerfull is the tracking, wich makes it really hard to avoid. Anyone complaining about the flower in arkhym asylum, im sorry but thats not a problem at all...


What a day. What a lovely day.
You'd think the amount of complaints about this game would tell the devs something.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The only thing i feel is a bit too powerfull is the tracking, wich makes it really hard to avoid. Anyone complaining about the flower in arkhym asylum, im sorry but thats not a problem at all...

lmao, the flower is my favorite. It's such a trolly interactable, plus the sound it makes, just so good, lol.


I voted Yes, since there wasn't a different option I would have prefered, something like "Yes, but only because of weird hitboxes".

That's my main beef with the interactibles. The hitboxes are really fucked up.
I don't mind interactibles being unblockable, doing good damage and having various effects for various characters ... all of that is great and adds a lot to the meta and mind games, but ...

... some of the interactibles being unavoidable? That's too much.
There should be a sweet spot, where you actually have to time your jumps / backdashes perfectly to avoid every single one of them, because right now it looks like you can't avoid some interactibles for the hell if it, since they track way too damn hard and have gigantic hitboxes, which makes certain matches very weird.
METROPOLIS ROOFTOP: Power VS Gadget is probably the primary example. If youre not at full screen, it's near impossible to avoid the interactible, since it will hit you. Your only options would maybe be a perfect back dash, even though I have yet to see that happening, or a meterburned B3 / F3.

NRS should do something against that.


Dojo Trainee
Ok, let us theorize about how stage selection should (not) be done. Encounters are usually 2/3 or 3/5 in finals. What if the first match is 50/50 and loser's pick:

Match 1: 50/50 stage pick. A wins stage pick. A wins round.
Match 2: B picks stage. B wins round.
Match 3: A picks stage.

Match 1: 50/50 stage pick. A wins stage pick. B wins round.
Match 2: A picks stage. A wins round.
Match 3: B picks stage.

Due to the random stage selection in favor of A, he has the match advantage in both scenarios by fighting in two out of three stages of his choosing. This is an unfair advantage. The same principle applies to 3/5. Choosing the first stage completely random diminishes the problem slightly but still presents the same situation and can skew the fight in favor of either combatant. So the random element at the start needs to go. The idea that the loser can pick the stage is fine and in line with character selection. There are two ways to make this happen.
  • Have a default stage for the first match that is as balanced as possible for every character. This has the added benefit that every player can properly prepare for this stage because he knows he has to fight in it. This will probably still favor some character over others because I don't think there is any one stage that can be considered equal ground for everyone but this is still a better choice than this random nonsense. The problem will be to find a stage that most people can agree on. It is possible though. Even if it isn't then the tournament organizer can simply decide this. A community consensus would be preferable though.
  • Disable interactables for the first match. I assume the characters are balanced around the idea of the presence of interactables. So taking them away will hit some characters harder than others. However, the players know that there will be a match without interactables and they can prepare for this occasion. I think this is also an acceptable way to do it although I would prefer the first option. It is also awkward, prone to problems and time consuming to do this. Many a match will have to be restarted.
What do you think?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Stage select should be very simple. First match random, loser can pick or re-random. The 50/50 mechanic is retarded for tournaments, as GGA Dizzy has stated, it just makes it that much more based on luck. Just because we can use the 50/50, doesn't mean we should. The only time 50/50 should be even considered is the first match, but I still think first match random is the best.


Dojo Trainee
Stage select should be very simple. First match random, loser can pick or re-random. The 50/50 mechanic is retarded for tournaments, as GGA Dizzy has stated, it just makes it that much more based on luck. Just because we can use the 50/50, doesn't mean we should. The only time 50/50 should be even considered is the first match, but I still think first match random is the best.
First match random stage is BETTER than 50/50 but it isn't a solution. Still potentially unfair. First match predefined stage would eliminate most of the concerns as explained above.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
First match random stage is BETTER than 50/50 but it isn't a solution. Still potentially unfair. First match predefined stage would eliminate most of the concerns as explained above.

Which stage though, Atlantis?

Or, if it comes down to it, they could disable interactables for the first stage/match. Just a thought, lol.


Dojo Trainee
Which stage though, Atlantis?
Or, if it comes down to it, they could disable interactables for the first stage/match. Just a thought, lol.
You didn't read my post, did you? Scroll up a bit. Please? All is explained there in detail.


Retarted interactables, priority jump ins which takes away footsies and yolo clashes. This game is by far the scrubiest fighting game I have ever played.



Dojo Trainee
Retarted interactables, priority jump ins which takes away footsies and yolo clashes. This game is by far the scrubiest fighting game I have ever played.
Then why are you still in this forum wasting your own and our precious time?