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Hector comments on 'testers' remarks, "They are winning because they are great players"


Ever since it became known who in the fighting game community helped test out Injustice: GAU, which is a crucial process that helps a game's development, the phrase "ban the testers" became quite popular. At first people meant it due to certain players thought to be having an "unfair advantage", which is false. As Hector states below, not only did certain testers only play the game for one week, but the game has changed dramatically ever since. We are way passed that though and now it's become a "stream monster" phrase. The fact is, NetherRealm Studios reaching out to various communities to help tweak and balance their game has been absolutely vital.

Producer at NetherRealm Studios, Hector Sanchez, commented on this phrase via twitter with the following when someone made a joke about Chris G winning Injustice at UFGT9:

The "consultants" played for 5-7 days RT @mvcPeMo: I guess people would be more skilled to if they been playing the game for over 4 months
5-7 days 4 months ago. The game has changed so much now, it's insulting to the REAL QA testers (who have been working for over 1 year)...
to call the few "pro-players" who came in "testers." We chose the team because they were 1.) skilled players and 2.) represented diff styles
They are winning because they are great players. IGAU on May 26 is diff than IGAU from February. Just as it will be different in a month.
The REAL testers are the guys and gals in Chicago and Montreal who work 12+ hour days, sometimes weeks on end with no break. #respect
Source: hecterrific
Credit: EventHubs


John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
They were all great players before they were testers, regardless of how long they played the game.

Everyone needs to stop fucking crying about it. The reason they picked them to BE testers in the first place is because of how good they are and their fighting game knowledge. It's a shame he even needs to address this.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Its a bit of a chicken and egg.

Did the testers win, because they were testers?
Or did the testers become testers, because they were great?

I think its the latter. Great players were chosen, and great players are winning. I don't think I'd be winning many tournaments if I was a tester.


lol! its a video game website! who cares! you act like you are reading the NY Times!
But TYM is just like NY Times to me and actually to everyone else who is intested in video games (Injustice).

When it comes to real life, I don't want the news paper to tell me about the rice bag which fell over in China and when it comes to TYM I don't want the front page news to tell me about boring stuff the phony Hector Sanchez said.


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
MK players win Injustice tournaments all the time, fuck are you even talking about. REO, Brady, CD Sr, GGA Jeremiah, Tyrant, Cat, RDK godspeed have all won tournaments with capcom players in attendance. What was the cap com players excuses then?
Fuck are you talking about? This has nothing to do with Capcom vs MK. People keep crying about these people being ahead of the curve by "months" until Hector revealed they were only brought in for a mere few days.

Stilll Alive

It's stupid, I mean if I was a tester I still prolly wouldn't be beating Tom Brady and reo, but the truth is, Tom Brady an reo have been good at all NRS games even the shit like mk vs dc lol so if they had the test privilege or not, you don't think their still gonna be champs?

Check my channel out for combo videos ranked matches montages and more http://www.youtube.com/user/TequilaMockingburd

And no I don't type my signature out everytime, im using Tapatalk app lol


Online Punching Bag
I was a beta tester for Warcraft 3. Mostly what we looked for were bugs in game and discussing balance. Don't see how that gives them that much of an edge unless they were abusing a glitch. So they had a few days to practice combos, one that likely don't even work anymore.
Fuck are you talking about? This has nothing to do with Capcom vs MK. People keep crying about these people being ahead of the curve by "months" until Hector revealed they were only brought in for a mere few days.
Calm down man, it just sounded like you were attacking the MK community. TYM has gotten a lot of new members since IGAU, I have a feeling some of them are Capcom fans.


People think the testers haven't practice after the game release. Idiots..y'all need to give them props to these people called,"testers" when they practice all day. They practice all day and practice more than anyone here talking smack.