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Hector comments on 'testers' remarks, "They are winning because they are great players"

I was just thinking how I would have been able to go to these tournaments and beat Tom Brady, REO, Pig of the Hut, Perfect Legend, ChrisG, and that lot, but the only possible reason I couldn't is because they played an old version of the game for a week in February. Also, the reason I can't beat them in MK9 is because they play-tested Injustice for a week in February. The global recession too was caused by those guys play-testing an old version of Injustice for a week in February.


It will be the same guys getting top placements at these tournies 6 months from now, a year from now, so it doesn't matter what the stream monsters say. I don't think any of the people that actually go to the events think like that anyway, its just the stream monster kids on twitch that troll for the sake of tolling cause they think its kool. I usually just ignore the stream chat and fullscreen these days.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
No way should these people be ridiculed or banned...they are great players in general. However...the real conspiracy would be if they played the game far longer than a few weeks and had more input. I never believe official stories or statements.... ;)


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
People think the testers haven't practice after the game release. Idiots..y'all need to give them props to these people called,"testers" when they practice all day. They practice all day and practice more than anyone here talking smack.
We have time to practice? Well... at least I don't.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
TRUTH. Good players play well at tournies. These guys got to poke through the game a week more than everyone else and this "ban the testers" stuff is stupid at this point. Seriously we've had the game a month. If you haven't learned to play your character in THAT amount of time its on you. Having helped test to balance shit that would've been broken doesn't make you an auto-win at tournies.

Hell if I was doing a fighting game I'd also be grabbing the best in the business to tell me how NOT to screw up a game's roster with stuff. I wouldn't be making them better at a game so much as they'd be making ME better at making a game worth playing. Being a tester doesn't grant them magical knowledge to be a better player. Being a tester grants NRS magical knowledge on how to design a better game they can't break.


'Ban the testers' is more of a running joke now rather than a serious argument. We can either let it die or keep it running as a joke. Either way is fine.