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Match-up Discussion Bane Matchup Discussion


Vertebral Subluxationist
I like 113 xx raging charge and d1 in the neutral game against those chars. You don't get as much damage out of it as you would a b23 combo (113 MB raging charge is decent damage tho), but against those chars heavy zoning isn't as much a problem so it's ok if you're not doing 40%+ combos every touch. And remember, if you're not buffering d1 into double punch or body press, then you should be hit confirming it into b23/b21. That's a really good frame trap.


Some write-ups for Green Lantern and Ares. Feel free to comment with your thoughts.

Green Lantern: 4-6(possible 3-7?)
This match-up is definitely an uphill one. Green Lantern does not need to come at you ever. Minigun absolutely rapes any attempt at armoring from beyond point blank and at full screen he's pretty happy to shoot you with shit for free. MB projectile launches for a full combo and since it's two hits it will beat out armor as well. When Bane gets in GL gets to check him with all kinds of obnoxious shit and he risks eating huge damage compared to his own pathetic output. GL can easily lame Bane to death and it's rough trying to get in. On the other hand, GL does have to expend meter to get these options, whereas Bane can sit on his all day since there's no situation to spend it on.

On the plus side, Venom does wonders if Bane can finally get in. The armor combined with command grab makes GL's life hell on a knockdown since his mobility is ass, making it difficult to escape Bane's oki game on a wake-up. Invincibility is negated by his armored c.grab/double punches so Bane can harass him with it when he gets him grounded. Level 3 Venom is suicide, stay at level 1 and go level 2 if you need it to keep the pressure on just a bit longer and corner GL(where the game is over lol). Level 3 should only be reserved for kill shots if you KNOW or it's very likely you'll land it.


Ares: 5-5(Could go either way tbh)
I feel like Bane has the upper hand here. Ares' wake-ups and mobility are HORRIBLE so Bane will absolutely rape him when he gets in. Don't even bother using Venom for anything except continuing pressure. If you corner Ares the game is over, because he isn't getting out without spending up precious meter, while you can sit on yours. You can get in on Ares with just walking up to a certain distance and then dash blocking. It's fairly simple here.

On the other hand, Ares can create problems beyond Bane's favored distance. Axe is a really good keep away tool in this match since it's mid and for some reason doesn't count as a true projectile. This renders Bane's projectile immunity null(if you're for some reason at level 3) and will beat out armor from closer distances(I don't think it hits multiple times further on.) Ares also has a solid footsie game of his own, but this can be easily checked with armored Venom moves.

Of course, this isn't to say Ares is helpless; he gets damage that shadows Bane's BnBs with ease, and with no need to use meter save the random MB Fireballs, he's usually got the ability to spend it for huge damage and sending Bane back to square one at full screen. He's got some decent mix-ups that you have to use Venom in order to armor through and retain pressure(as back dashing will end your pressure but it's the safest option). Since Bane has no projectile to speak of, he has no worry about trait weapons disappearing so he can use them at his own discretion.

Ares is also pretty vicious in the corner. He does insane damage for little or no meter and can space himself to counter Bane's wake-ups. However, he really cannot harass Bane on wake-up and can(to my knowledge) avoid Ares' reset as his Venom Uppercut is invincible on its wake-up. Venom'd moves will also armor through so smart Venom usage is key here.

Juggs Input?


Aht Aht Aht!
Although I feel GL is one of Bane's worst match ups, a strategy I've been employing seems to work decently well against the multitude of online GL players. Since nearly all of them wake up with the lift move, (and if your timing is off on your armored specials, you won't punish it properly on wake up) many times it is beneficial to just block the lift move when you are fairly certain they will wake up. You can full combo punish with b.23.
This doesn't change the matchup favorably too much as the issue is still getting in and staying there, but once they stop waking up in general or change their wakeup option you are free to do whatever you want.


victory has defeated uuuu...
Lol, I've been seeing a lot of catwoman, ww counter picks due to Their nearly invisible hit/hurt boxes, so wat suggs. To get in def for ww


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I've been learning to back away more with Flash because you're right he can be punished. But I can't lie, when they can't zone I just want to rush them down and grind them into the dirt and I end up making mistakes or a bad read/decision.

Do you ever not use the standard launchers against these types of chars because they can beat it and just go with some other set ups? It's so engrained in me it's hard not to use it lol.
Honestly I block on wake-up and try to fake out what I can. Launchers are meh.
Holy **** **** the Superman match up! It's like Hawkgirl, but worse. Absolutely nothing I could do but dash up and eat lasers. If I ever did bf1 with venom while he did air lasers he would just float down next to me and punish. Bane seriously needs something similar to Grundy's walking corpse cancel or reduce the start up on his bf1.


I like to play bad characters
Although I feel GL is one of Bane's worst match ups, a strategy I've been employing seems to work decently well against the multitude of online GL players. Since nearly all of them wake up with the lift move, (and if your timing is off on your armored specials, you won't punish it properly on wake up) many times it is beneficial to just block the lift move when you are fairly certain they will wake up. You can full combo punish with b.23.
This doesn't change the matchup favorably too much as the issue is still getting in and staying there, but once they stop waking up in general or change their wakeup option you are free to do whatever you want.
True, most of the GL players are rather predictable at the level i'm at and on-line in general. If you know their tricks you're one step ahead on taking them out. Then it's just down to who makes better choices many games.


Lol, I've been seeing a lot of catwoman, ww counter picks due to Their nearly invisible hit/hurt boxes, so wat suggs. To get in def for ww
Bane beats Catwoman. If you can score a knockdown you can abuse Venom command grabs since her MB Dash isn't fast enough to break it,.

I think it's 6-4 Bane to be honest.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
I've been having a lot of trouble with the Black Adam and Flash matchups? any tips or thoughts on them?
Adam has been running me ragged the last few days. It's tough to move in on him for me where he has the low lightning strike and the fast overhead boot stomp.


I really don't think Green Lantern is that bad for Bane.

I suppose my viewpoint is skewed now. After being abused repeatedly by Superman and Batman, most matchups probably aren't going to feel that bad.


Vertebral Subluxationist
Adam has been running me ragged the last few days. It's tough to move in on him for me where he has the low lightning strike and the fast overhead boot stomp.
When you get about half screen, always block Black Adam high and just react to the low lightning. He doesn't have any low strings or starters. A little off subject, but the same (opposite) goes for Aquaman. At mid range, always block low and just react to the overhead.


For Batgirl, if you suspect she's going to do her teleport thing, if you use any level of venom and use raging charge it will catch her


Trust me, I'm a doctor
For Batgirl, if you suspect she's going to do her teleport thing, if you use any level of venom and use raging charge it will catch her
This for the most part. Do not use Venom upper, 9/10 times it won't work and you'll get bopped.


My english it's not good
Not to much already, but in a nutshell batgirl users that i found use very few low attacks, if not any, as she has only one low starter.

All her special attacks hits high/mid/overhead, except the follow up of bat-cartheel(Bat rueda in spanish, don't know if it's that translation), wich starts in an overhead and follows with low or high, so if you see it just crouch the follow-up hit.

Her teleport it's very unsafe, you can punish her with almost anything, but ihas a really quick start up, so if you are in the air she will catch you, so jumping against her it's not advised.

Her batarang hits high, so you can crouch-advance it without problem, but her batarang that shackles you hits mid, so keep that in mind. Also their recovery time it's pretty high, so you can charge on reaction. The only con it's that the second one can be dash canceled, but it's pretty rare to see that.

Many batgirl that I have see tries to jump against me, eating armored venom uppercut for free.

I have much to test yet, but that's my first impression of her


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Fun Fact:
dookieagain said:
Batgirl can meter burn bf1 without meter and reset bolo knockdown using a whiffed move. Makes for super easy infinites.
She's glitched and will have to be hotfixed.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Superman isn't even close to Batman IMO. But maybe I've played better Batman players than Superman players.

The new dash makes getting in on Superman a LOT easier.

F23 is faster than everything you have. It takes a single F23 for him to get his trait out safely, and then, its just a matter of wrecking you.