All the free people just please ask reo and tom brady how easy it is to get out of f23 breath. Its too funny sometimes
Why don't you tell us?
I'm a little perplexed on how to get out of this for characters like Grundy.
Edit: Well SHEEIT!! After 10 minutes of training I realized that if I (the Grundy) time my backdash just right, the f2 whiffs BUT I still have to block the 3. So now, taking into account that I (the Grundy player mind you) got my first backdash to work (and if the superman doesn't time his f2 to catch my backdash attempt) , I can backdash for a SECOND time and the 3 will whiff as well. And now where both back at neutral.
And don't ask about Grundy armor, because Supes is floating in the air, if I do walking corpse it will absorb the f2 then the grab will whiff and then the 3 will hit. My only viable option is to do an armor trait, but again, Supes can read this and punish with a full combo. Not to mention that Supes can cancel into his trait and blow up any armor attempts made by any character.