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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread

I recently had noticed that literally none of my buttons will work in any game mode except for the stick (cannot dash either) and the left trigger (most pointless button in the game). All of my costumes were gone as well. The game went through all the menus just fine but when you actually go into a fight, NOTHING works. I returned my game for a brand new copy and lo and behold, I was dealing with the same problem on a brand new copy! My controllers and Xbox are just fine as I had tested them with other games with no problems. I cleared the cache on my memory as well and still the problem persists. Is anybody else dealing with this? This is unendingly frustrating. I literally cannot play this game at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Just checked both xbox and Ps3 versions of the game, and yeah, only xbox is having the "no inputs" problem right now. Im betting they introduced a hotfix that just BROKE EVERYTHING...

Edit: also, im so glad its not just me having this problem... i thought i broke my friend's fightstick... lol


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Also, if you disconnect from the internet completely, then boot up the game again, everything works fine. Thus presenting evidence in favor of my "broken hotfix" theory.


Tired, But Strong
During a private 1v1 match, a strange glitch took place: When I accidentally tapped the circle button on character select, the game acted as though the exit prompt had appeared, but it didn't. Unfortunately, pressing buttons to figure out what was going on ended the game (since the menu has you press X if you want to quit). Haven't replicated.

Has there been mention that, when in flight mode, it seems as though Hawkgirl can only use interactables via the dedicated button instead of the 1+2 shortcut? Very problematic on stick.


Dojo Trainee
- No way to safely leave KOTH without taking a loss.
- No way of either player leaving if it's 2 players on KOTH without taking a loss.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I looked through the thread, and I don't think it's been posted yet, but I guess it's not too major.

Just finished doing work in training mode and I noticed that, if you have full mater, then you do 2, f+3 MB really quickly, Super will come out instead. I tried it with several characters including Killer Frost, Green Arrow, and Nightwing. I also did it with Lex, but it required 2,2. Also, I don't know if it works on both systems, but I can do it on the PS3 for sure.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
I recently had noticed that literally none of my buttons will work in any game mode except for the stick (cannot dash either) and the left trigger (most pointless button in the game). All of my costumes were gone as well. The game went through all the menus just fine but when you actually go into a fight, NOTHING works. I returned my game for a brand new copy and lo and behold, I was dealing with the same problem on a brand new copy! My controllers and Xbox are just fine as I had tested them with other games with no problems. I cleared the cache on my memory as well and still the problem persists. Is anybody else dealing with this? This is unendingly frustrating. I literally cannot play this game at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem almost at the exact same time you did. i figured out a fix, but it has the downside of deleting most of your save data.
Go into your Xbox memory, go to injustice, and delete everything that says anything involving "save data". I didn't delete Lobo, the latest patch, or any of the DLC costumes.
Restarted my game up, and all inputs work fine now.
But like i said, the downside is that all my unlocked stuff was gone. All of the Insurgency and Regime costumes gone, my level reset to 1 (i was at 70), and all my unlocked starlabs missions, battles, backgrounds, icons, and pictures gone.

But im just glad the game works again. :3


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
I have a suggestion for the online "rage quit" problem.

Instead of having a quit button, have a "Surrender button" or just make it that when a person quits out it makes their life bar drain to zero and the other player gets the win.

They would then leave after the win pose.

Make it happen.
that would help
All my unlocks and lobo have disappeared. Archives won't let me in because I need to be "signed into an Xbox live profile" I have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. Ideas?

Edit: Just started screwing around in practice mode when my inputs went insane. All kinds of directions would register buttons I didn't even press. It happened with two controllers. It was the same pattern. I'm utterly baffled. I think it must be possessed by Satan or something.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Biggest one should be Sinestro's trait. It's too unfair to Sinestro players who grind the whole match to power up that stupid trait only for it to disappear after a clash...complete and utter bs and i don't even main that Walt Disney looking motherfucker. Same goes for other traits i can't remember right now.

Apologies for the background noise. I'm recovering from a cold and my baby brother is sat across the room from me throwing crayons.

When I say unlocks, I mean everything. This includes iphone unlocks.

Advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
All my unlocks and lobo have disappeared. Archives won't let me in because I need to be "signed into an Xbox live profile" I have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. Ideas?

Edit: Just started screwing around in practice mode when my inputs went insane. All kinds of directions would register buttons I didn't even press. It happened with two controllers. It was the same pattern. I'm utterly baffled. I think it must be possessed by Satan or something.
Look to my previous post above.
I'd really rather not lose my save data. The time and effort put into star labs and the ios game alone really make reluctant. I pray for a fix tomorrow because at this point the game is unplayable.


You're going to shoot guns at me?
I'm sorry NRS but what is this I'm seeing here?

I had a relatively major game-breaking issue occur yesterday. I'd left Injustice running on the main screen (Where CPU demos run after a little while and such) for a couple of hours or so, and after entering a match literally no inputs worked except the PS button for both me and my opponent. Restarting the game or console didn't help because whatever glitch this is was saved, pretty much corrupting my save data. Deleting all the save data got rid of it and b/c I could connect online there I was thankfully able to re-update the game, but an utterly game-breaking glitch that apparently comes from just leaving the game on the main screen should probably be looked in to. If anybody has run into this or knows what actually causes it, I'd like to hear it. I also want NRS to know about this asap since it could be a very annoying issue to come up during tournaments.

Also that same day on another PS3 I ran into serious frame dropping that messed up inputs to the point where my friend couldn't do 112 with Doomsday at random points, and this was on multiple stages (Watchtower, Lex Insurgency and Aquaman's stage). On my PS3 (A very new one, mind you) I've also experienced similar lag on the watchtower stage with that giant sun thing. Screwing up inputs mid-tournament is a really ugly thing to have happen, so NRS should definitely look into that as well.
colt I want to make sure this doesn't slip under the radar.


You're going to shoot guns at me?
Sure did lol, thanks. This is kind of a serious issue, and seeing as in my case it came up during a tournament it could potentially be a big problem.


There are many dialogues in the game that nobody probably ever heard. b/c of awkward timings and the fact that when you input atacks dialogue options stop.

For example CatWoman vs Robin. Do MB Cat Dash (bf+2~MB) then do nothing (Do a couple of them, b/c dialogues are sort of random.). After a split second Cat starts saying funny phrases like
"Back off birdboy!" or "Back to the nest, Robin".

I'm sure there's other stuff like that in the game, which wasnt heard by the majority of players. I call for some kind of fix to that, b/c its cool and funny.
Change Quick Reference to show who ever paused the game character special moves only not both of them that way you can fit all of the characters special moves on the screen.


*Supreme Member*
Ability to skip your turn in KotH lobbies and Survivor would be nice.

Also Black Screen of Death needs to patched.