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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread


too smart to play MKX
Game keeps freezing on the screen that tells you about the auto-save indicator. If I fast forward through it, it just freezes at a black screen.

Has this happened to anyone else?


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NetherRealm Studios
Game keeps freezing on the screen that tells you about the auto-save indicator. If I fast forward through it, it just freezes at a black screen.

Has this happened to anyone else?
delete (ONLY) the title update in the xbox system menu - storage - injustice then rerun the game and everything should be ok.


You're going to shoot guns at me?
Hawkgirl's Mace Toss Up(read Mace Toss Info)meter burn animation is glitched it changes back and forth bewteen (air)shoulder charge follow up and (ground)shoulder charge follow up. Someone please make a youtube video of the glitch.
This was on Xbox 360.
That's not a glitch, you can choose which charge you do by holding up or not for both fireball EXs
Wtf So they get the Hero Cards to work..finally!! So I look and I see I have 31 disconnects.. WTF? I have not ragequit one game. I finish every match or others ragequit on me.. I take my loses like a man.. So it kinda pisses me off that I have 31 disconnects when I never quit a match.. They never said if they fixed this issue...


you get a disconnect if game lags out. like (game session no longer available)

and who honestly cares about that s***
you get a disconnect if game lags out. like (game session no longer available)

and who honestly cares about that s***
Ahh me? Because I wont play people with alot of disconnects... Its not simple lag.. when people ragequit it shows as a disconnect..


Stay Free
Holy Santa Clause Shit! Can people PLEASE stop bitching for one moment?

Cool, your disconnects aren't because of rage quitting, but they're there. Deal with it.

And other guys, no need to taunt or talk down about him. I agree its a bit childish to bitch about, but let it be.


i have a hard to believing that you've never rage quit based on the irrational amount of anger being displayed here

Wtf So they get the Hero Cards to work..finally!! So I look and I see I have 31 disconnects.. WTF? I have not ragequit one game. I finish every match or others ragequit on me.. I take my loses like a man.. So it kinda pisses me off that I have 31 disconnects when I never quit a match.. They never said if they fixed this issue...
You just did you moron...
and here
Are you replying yet again after you said you wouldnt? Are you stuck on stupid? you gave your input and said you were not going to reply yet you keep doing it.. Have a nice day...
Holy Santa Clause Shit! Can people PLEASE stop bitching for one moment?

Cool, your disconnects aren't because of rage quitting, but they're there. Deal with it.

And other guys, no need to taunt or talk down about him. I agree its a bit childish to bitch about, but let it be.
Alot of people view playing videogames as childish in general.. Whats your point? We are on a videogame forum talking about comic book super heroes and the videogame they are in.. I dont see a bunch of wisdom and maturity coming out of these forums in general.. If that was the case I wouldnt get sarcastic pricks as my replies..

i have a hard to believing that you've never rage quit based on the irrational amount of anger being displayed here
My Op is not done in rage.. more like a little fustration.. My second reply was civil in explaining why it matters to me.. My third reply was to show how stupid he was.. If you're going to say you're not going to waste brain cells by replying then its already too late..


Joker's Red Hood costume doesn't have his 1.03 changes applied. It even reflects in the move list. His other two new costumes are fine.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Then everyone just play people regardless of their disconnects :rolleyes:. If they do quit, then you can just chose to not play against them in the future (talkin' bout dem player matches).


Guess I should post this here and not where it was....

I would really like to see a change to the input timing of most, if not all, back+forward (light,med,hard) special moves... It seems that 75% of my attempts end with a forward whiff; with The Flash being the only character to pull off his back+forward special move reliably. The issue seems to lessen after switching to alternate controls, but there is still a high percentage of inconsistency. I've tried different speeds of input, but again Batman, Superman, Shazam, Catwoman, and Bane whiff where The Flash succeeds every time.

I'm also getting the loading screen freeze again even after the latest patch. Cleared updates and cache, but a freeze seems inevitable...X360


Stay Free
Alot of people view playing videogames as childish in general.. Whats your point? We are on a videogame forum talking about comic book super heroes and the videogame they are in.. I dont see a bunch of wisdom and maturity coming out of these forums in general.. If that was the case I wouldnt get sarcastic pricks as my replies..
If you can't see my point I have nothing more to say.
Good luck.


In Zoning We Trust
Whenever someone rage quits on you, sometimes you were getting the disconnect depending on how it happens. I've only disconnected one time when my girl unplugged the Internet on accident. Says I have 46 disconnects. With my great record it looks like I just rage quit everyone when in reality I've only dropped a match once, it's them who raged me and gave me a "loss" on my record.

Yea it's some real bs, but nothing we can do about it now. If you plan on playing the game for a long time then a year from now those D/C's will look like nothing so think of it that way.