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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread

The Gabriel

Mean Man
another "bug" - when you select rematch in a player match, it takes you back to character select. that's not a rematch, that's a return to character select. can we get a real rematch option?
I believe someone suggested that in ranked match you should quit before facing that person without a loss. To go with that, there should be a way to determine the opponent's connection, the ping does not show up at all, so either have that fixed or have a connection bar.

Also, I just simply hate the counter picking :/. Especially in ranked, at least in ranked can this not happen?

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
Anybody else having an issue where they cant see there multiplayer hero card? ( I can change it ) but I cant view my record or any of those stats

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
in online lobby you can't sort players by in match, king of the hill, or inactive.

a 15 min inactive kick in the lobby would be great to.

If you hit down, forword, back,1 you still get a down back 1 special. making you unable to use back+ 1,2,3 from crouch without alt controlls.
Anybody else having an issue where they cant see there multiplayer hero card? ( I can change it ) but I cant view my record or any of those stats
This, and being able to spectate matches without being committed to battle (Mainly KOTH/Survivor).

The "Light + Medium + Heavy" input for enhancing specials does not perform the other functions of the meter burn button, clashing and pushblocking.

Taken from the Stick thread:

"You cannot cancel into roundhouse kick interactables from strings using 1+2. You must use the interact button. This is all stages but you can see it on the Wayne Manor fountain, Atlantis throne, etc."

Also, the combinations of attack buttons for throw, and I believe the other things, need to be done on the same frame, whereas any other fighting game with an action that is performed with a combination of buttons has some amount leniency in the input.

This is more of a personal desire than a bugfix, but could you please make Light + Medium + Heavy + Power perform supers? Along with fixing the above buttons, that would make the game into a 4 button game.

Despite directional dashing instead of a run button in MK9 and directional blocking instead of a button in Injustice, it seems NRS can't shake their old ways of adding dedicated buttons for new actions, instead of using the inputs that are already there.


you can currently crouch block by holding down, which disables more mindgames than people realize


Crouch block should be changed to down+back. Crossup techniques are huge part of many 2D fightings and are not limited to jumping atacks.

Walk speed (at least forward walk speed) should be increased. Right now normal walk isnt used.
Came in here to say this. Deffo on the walkspeed.


in online lobby you can't sort players by in match, king of the hill, or inactive.

a 15 min inactive kick in the lobby would be great to.
I would prefer a "20 seconds to confirm your match" option, or you get sent to the back. This allows for people who just want to watch, or live streamers to host and broadcast.


This one's for you
-Green Arrow gets a guaranteed damage reset by using his super as soon as the opponent becomes unfrozen from a freeze arrow. They can't jump, backdash, armor, or even use their own super to escape this set up. More guaranteed resets are most likely waiting to be found.

-Problem with the tank machine gun interactable in Metropolis: If you're in training mode and use this interactable mid combo, then press select during the combo, the interactable will stop working altogether. So if you want to keep practicing set ups with the tank, you'd have to leave the stage and come back. I'll test more tomorrow but it happened to me a lot today.


Crouch block should be changed to down+back. Crossup techniques are huge part of many 2D fightings and are not limited to jumping atacks.
Holding down will only block lows and mids. Overheads will still hit.
not a bug but :
king of the hill is done really bad:
  • you can't skip fight
  • you can't watch stats/chat if you are a king
indeed! you should also be able to set player cap and moderate the room, only needed to kick ppl with horrible connections for king of the hill
-Green Arrow gets a guaranteed damage reset by using his super as soon as the opponent becomes unfrozen from a freeze arrow. They can't jump, backdash, armor, or even use their own super to escape this set up. More guaranteed resets are most likely waiting to be found.

-Problem with the tank machine gun interactable in Metropolis: If you're in training mode and use this interactable mid combo, then press select during the combo, the interactable will stop working altogether. So if you want to keep practicing set ups with the tank, you'd have to leave the stage and come back. I'll test more tomorrow but it happened to me a lot today.
like Joker's unblockable corner setups with teeth. Only half the cast can escape it with a wake up. It can be looped.


I have a HUGE gripe with this game. I'm a dash player. I cannot stand the transition from MK to Injustice because of the fact that I cannot poke out of a dash with any kind of decent speed with ANYBODY. Other people may disagree with me. I cannot stand the time and distance that is covered in a dash, and how slow most of them are. it really feels like it renders a poke game almost useless. I honestly think a lot of high-level players will feel the same way.

Besides that, I enjoy Injustice on a fun-factor level. I don't think I'll ever get serious with the game though. MK has better fighting mechanics.

So I guess that brings me to my suggestion: Please NRS (if anyone is listening...) patch this game so that I may poke out of a dash at a reasonable speed.


Administrator and Community Engineer
another "bug" - when you select rematch in a player match, it takes you back to character select. that's not a rematch, that's a return to character select. can we get a real rematch option?
This one was already listed.

CRKFIEND I think that's more of a core gameplay decision than a bug or minor feature.


This one was already listed.

CRKFIEND I think that's more of a core gameplay decision than a bug or minor feature.
I agree with you. It's my suggestion to make the game better. I see Injustice proving to be too slow of a game for most high level gamers to stick with it. I may be proven wrong. Time will tell.


Administrator and Community Engineer
At a high level it's actually pretty fast -- see Chris G or Tyrant vs. Justin Wong.