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Tom Brady's and REO's Early Injustice: GAU Tier List


Nerf Superman, Nerf Black adam, Nerf all the characters except the ones people claim aren't Brain dead. etc etc. Nerf everyone to complete shit tier. oh Nerf the traits too oh lord please Nerf everything. Kappa


biggest cyborg upplayer
Yay! I use 3 A+ characters.

I think some characters could be a tier higher, like Lobo, Ares, WW and GA. But the rest is fine.

I also would like to know why Raven is in the same tier as GL, NW, WW and DD, she looks like an A tier character to me (but I dont know that much about her).


Administrator and Community Engineer
Are we still saying DS isn't that good, just duck and walk? It's easy to beat him, since he has no options up close, just block everything he has, take hardly any chip, walk in and destroy him? Eh? :D

Also is Doomsday still that not great of a character, just punish the Supernova and pushblock him and you win? ^^

Just a minute, let me go get my glasses so I can read this tier list.


bye felicia
Are we still saying DS isn't that good, just duck and walk? It's easy to beat him, since he has no options up close, just block everything he has, take hardly any chip, walk in and destroy him? Eh? :D

Also is Doomsday still that not great of a character, just punish the Supernova and pushblock him and you win? ^^

Just a minute, let me go get my glasses so I can read this tier list.
depends on if the person you're asking plays offline/online


Deathstroke is really good. (Just not as good as scrubs say he is).

Low combo damage is his only glaring weakness I can think of off the top of my head. Who needs mind shattering combos though when you have those amazing 50/50s?


bye felicia
It was top offline players that told me that DS isn't that big of a deal, just walk and block :)
I was joking, I don't think anyone with a brain ever denied DS was good, just not the OMG TIER everybody was claiming day one.

We're bound to see dynamite performances from all characters eventually, top tier or bottom.


Unban Joker
It was top offline players that told me that DS isn't that big of a deal, just duck and walk :) I think there were even some videos. It's supposed to be a piece of cake.
I remember these videos specifically prefacing themselves with "Deathstroke is a top ten character", so no, I don't think anyone ever said a good Deathstroke is a piece of cake.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Deathstroke is really good. (Just not as good as scrubs say he is).

Low combo damage is his only glaring weakness I can think of off the top of my head. Who needs mind shattering combos though when you have those amazing 50/50s?
I honestly wouldn't classify his damage output as low. He does fine meterless damage and can save most of his meter for his zoning tools which is pretty good by design.


I honestly wouldn't classify his damage output as low. He does fine meterless damage and can save most of his meter for his zoning tools which is pretty good by design.
This is true, I wouldn't use my meter up close unless I wanted to combo into super to finish my opponent off.


Deathstroke does free 37 percent damage with no meter. Low damage???
Off a ji2 though, not exactly DS's best normal compared to the much superior ji3.

I'd say most of his combos off his good normals hit 30-33% no meter.

Still very good for a character with such great zoning though so you might be right.


In Zoning We Trust
The ranking here seem a bit bias to make the game appear more balanced than what it really is so far to be honest. Lex, Shazam, and Joker just are not that close to Doomsday, GL, NW, and WW. If some game changing tech is found in the future then possibly. At this stage of the game currently? No, not even close. They would get outright bodied by those guys and "B Tier vs A+" seems way too generous in that regard.


Are we still saying DS isn't that good, just duck and walk? It's easy to beat him, since he has no options up close, just block everything he has, take hardly any chip, walk in and destroy him? Eh?
Deathstroke is a character without a specific place on a tier-list.

The more mistakes the opponent makes, the higher is Deathstroke on the tier-list and that reaches from an annoying, hard match-up, to NERF BROKESTROKE NRS!


Deathstroke's up close game is very solid for a zoning character. Much better than Freddy's and still a little better than Kenshi's.
At least there is none as braindead as Kenshi in mk9, even deathstroke is not as braindead, even tho he does need nefts.

Red Son

Eshi said:
Doomsday is extremely beatable by most of the cast, especially after the patch since it nerfed jD3. He only destroys people that don't know the match-up.
I know the matchup, its the only match I'm focusing, and I know he's beatable, I was kidding, but he's more than A+ for sure, I can't beat him and I practice with my friend, who plays him, almost everyday, I play Harley by the way, maybe that's the problem, but another problem is his d1, which is -2 on block and has a super range, I think it's the best poke in the game, and his trait is top 5 for sure, combined with his overhead-low, which is pretty difficult to block, and almost impossible to punish (cause of the push-back) and his MB dash which ensures a free d1, or a grab if I'm expecting the d1. I'm sorry, but I think u never fought against a good Doomsday, he's S for sure...


The ranking here seem a bit bias to make the game appear more balanced than what it really is so far to be honest. Lex, Shazam, and Joker just are not that close to Doomsday, GL, NW, and WW. If some game changing tech is found in the future then possibly. At this stage of the game currently? No, not even close. They would get outright bodied by those guys and "B Tier vs A+" seems way too generous in that regard.
Guess you havent seen pig or nyc fabs lex luthor? Plus shazam can give doomsday a run for his money granted that he doesnt get cornered.. Doomsday himself isnt that huge of a threat when you punish correctly and push block correctly..

Alots of the characters are unexplored and it shows when people mindfucked by x character

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