While I would have had a better time watching paint dry than watching that tournament besides the GF, it isn't about anybody but the people playing and putting the time in and going to these tournaments.
If they are having fun playing Superman, Black Adam, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Bane, Grundy, Lobo, who cares.
Fun means different things to different people. Like I said before, nobody wants to lose. So good for them if they are having fun AND winning.
HOWEVER, if this continues were we have 3-5 characters out of 30 (assuming we will hit 30 by the end of DLC) then that's pretty sad.
I keep hearing "At the highest level of play". Well, at the highest level of play, in a balanced game we should see at least 10-15 or more characters winning majors or even locals.
It's too early to tell and I think we should let the game play out and let the "professionals" flush out the game before people start panicking.
I only play MvC3 for shits and giggles and I frequent SRK just to see what's going on, sure there are people bitching about Morri/Doom/Vergil but there are a TON of awesome threads and posts over there with brainstorming on how to beat this "unbeatable" team.
I think this community and the people who main characters needs to get some groups together to brainstorm and figure out the tough MU's of their characters.
This doesn't only apply to the tournament goers and professional players but us online warriors and casuals that are on this board.
I had an amazing set of games last night against a great DS player and afterwards he added me and we chatted about how to counter each other for awhile and we will continue to do so.
I honestly thought Aris was a fucking dickhead and an idiot when I first saw his DS, but you know what? I gained a lot of respect for his evolution of his DS and his reads, especially last night when he played against some Black Adams and adapted well. He gained mad props for getting better and better.
Instead of being a bitch about it, lets find out what we need to do about these bad MU's and try to take them on, whether you are pro or not.
I don't think we should give up after a month and submit to cheesing out because we can't figure out a MU. Until all areas are explored and we can all tech possible against those higher tier characters, we can't blame anybody but ourselves.
Peace out.