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Tom Brady's and REO's Early Injustice: GAU Tier List


Cage ban wagon?
Yeah, I played MK since day 1. You are talking about Michelangelo.

I would like to see someone doing the cyborg infinite without messing up. I am actually surprised that no one has uploaded it yet. I watched your video, but you only do like 2 or 3 in a row.
If you listen to it when I put my phone down I did all of them except for 1. For some reason when you do the playback the recorder doesn't account for the delay you get when something is done on block so the timing of the lag of the blocked fireball screws up the computers next iafb. Listen to it you hear me hitting it everytime except for once.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Yeah, I played MK since day 1. You are talking about Michelangelo.

I would like to see someone doing the cyborg infinite without messing up. I am actually surprised that no one has uploaded it yet. I watched your video, but you only do like 2 or 3 in a row.
Wrong. Online Tony destroyed everyone at WNF a few weeks in a row with it. Mike won three majors without the infinite. Know your history ;)
If you listen to it when I put my phone down I did all of them except for 1. For some reason when you do the playback the recorder doesn't account for the delay you get when something is done on block so the timing of the lag of the blocked fireball screws up the computers next iafb. Listen to it you hear me hitting it everytime except for once.
Listen to your buttons to know you're doing the infinite..wut

Please post a video of you doing the infinite in a match?
Your video is the only visual representation at all really and it's insanely grainy training mode footage need more vidss


I recently talked to Tom Brady and REO, two testers and high level Injustice: GAU players, on Skype. I asked them to opine about a tier list after a month of the game’s release. The following is their tier list. The characters are listed in alphabetical order within each tier.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Shazam
C Bane, Lobo

This tier list is not official. I will also be making changes according to Tom's and REO's input.


When I play as Harley I have no problems with Catwoman, Grundy or anyone B and below. Deathstroke is about 60/40 in my favor, depending on how well they zone, but she can get over it and inside. He is open to full punish from her frequently. As Harley it's a pretty fair fight with batman and superman. Aquaman has advantage if he's a "runaway" type player. Black Adam isn't a problem, and I haven't seen enough cyborg to give it a good estimate. She's definitely AT LEAST A if not A+
Just because Superman is super easy, doesn't mean Harley is bad. Thats a really BAD way to look at it.
I've seen 3 good Harley players, all unique in style, if you combined all of their styles together she'd be a fucking stupid character, she's already difficult to deal with.

If people stopped playing musical characters and hopping about every 5 minutes, maybe we'd find another character thats a diamond in the rough. But as far as I can see, ALOT of players on here are tier whores and will just follow the words preached by REO and Brady to the death.

There is no way this game is more unbalanced than MK, because when it came down to it, MK was ruled by the KKK, and nobody else.

Nothing to see here.....

got to realize this game has only been out for a month............ quite illogical to state already that in balance it beats mk9 when at the beginning of mk9 we had cyber sub in a top 8...... where has he gone.... smh.
Reactions: SLy
Thanks guys, this was the laugh that I needed to start my day. I almost choked on my breaksfast at the part where Pig and Cat said MK9 was balanced. Best joke thread ever.
actually no fighting game is balanced...... just saying bcuz as long as there is bottom/top tier, balance becomes completely obsolete.
Harley has great tools. Fast lows, decent overhead, decent zoning, high damage, standing reset, great b3/f3, and a j2 that stuffs most other jump attacks. She does suffer from t-Rex syndrome a bit and can become heavily reliant on silly slide to low/overhead mixup. I've had a few opponents that learned if the tantrum stance doesn't immediately come out, block high because the overhead is coming. Then I would do B2 starter and get a full combo anyway. Not sure what this means for her on the tier list. Great tools would have made for a op character in mk9 but in this game, u need dirt to compete. She has great tools but nothing I would consider dirt.
Can't wait for the post-UFGT tier list where we see some of these mid tier chars go to S+

Also to everyone saying the game is unbalanced, yes I agree. Zoning is a plus, if you don't have it, you're at a disadvantage. Many of the best zoning chars also have the best tools upclose. Getting "in" on zoners often means you are now at an even or disadvantage playing field.
preach Dizzy!!! haha, one month in and ppl thinking this game completely beats mk as far as balance goes, I have came to the conclusion none are balanced anyways, when a game has all mid tier chars, it'll be balanced, hasn't happened yet tho.........., and yeah chars without zoning have big issues vs chars in this game.
Going to haft to disagree. Most the time its only gl and superman and a block inf cyborg that give my raven any real problems.
You forgot about Sub-Zero and Sektor, people have placed top 8 with those characters multiple times and actually won tournaments with those characters. Liu Kang placed top 8 at EVO, and placed top 8 at many tournaments. That's not tournament viable? Chris g and MIT made Reptile viable.

MK9 actually had alot of viable characters, I always hated when people said that MK9 is "only a 5 character game." Bullshit
the words of a King, all hail Foreverking haha.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Uncle Bernie, this site is having a Civil War when we were supposed to train and play in both games, apparently that didn't happen haha. Off topic, will you be at UFGT? me and denzell will!!!!!
Fuck. I need to make UFGT now.