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Tom Brady's and REO's Early Injustice: GAU Tier List

this list is is terrible , this is why you dont make a tier list 3 weeks into a game in which half the cast is being used.
tier list are based on match ups not tools a character has basing anything on just tools is a foolish idea.
in my opinion we only know so much about the cast ability in a tourney.
with most of this community flocking to one to a small set of characters, most of the cast are not being used.
cyborg is not number no way,DS in the same tier as superman what are you smoking.
why are people down playing KF that bitch is s tier, she is very broken.
the real list should have been

S tier superman , aquaman , killer frost
A tier batman , green lantern, black adam,doomsday,sinestro

B tier wonder woman , raven ,deathstroke , cyborg, green arrow, hawk girl, solomon Grundy,Ares ,nightwing ,catwoman ,The joker

C tier harley quinn , the flash lex luthor ,shazam , bane Lobo

D tier there are no unviable characters as off now people are just people lazy and settling with what other players have found out hence you have a tourney in which everyone is playing superman and black adam


Last Bastion of Arcades
I have to agree with you. In do time , tournaments will be at most 5 different chars.
But you'll get the Marvel and 3S defenders in here talking about how those perfect games have at best four viable characters.

Five is just too much.


I write too much.
To everyone saying how the tier list is wrong, or X character is better/worse than they think:

This is a month 1 tier list based on the opinions of two people, although admittedly very good people.

This is almost definitely going to change. For example, I can't imagine GL staying that high 4 months from now, but who knows?


Zoning Master
The tier list has been reorganized a little bit.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Shazam
C Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
D Bane, Lobo


Diamond Dust
I'm hopeful that KF does eventually move up :( I wanted to main her since the moment I saw the trailer!! A+ or S+--won't really change it for me.
The tier list has been reorganized a little bit.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Shazam
C Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
D Bane, Lobo
just stop with these treads and rubbish changing you're list every min .
the list sucks stop making tier list this early in the game makes no sense.
youre very undecided and tier list suck so for get the topic


Zoning Master
just stop with these treads and rubbish changing you're list every min .
the list sucks stop making tier list this early in the game makes no sense.
youre very undecided and tier list suck so for get the topic
Mortal Kombat 9 had a community tier list two weeks after the game's release. Injustice was released a month ago. An early tier list is appropriate at this moment.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Yeah they never said there tier list was official, it's just their opinion

Btw I disagree with Lobo, I think if people stop trying to always execute combos with him, keep a sweeping range and use 3 into specials, but I don't know yet, I'm in no position to say he's not either

But out of curiosity what would help Lobo to move up to A- or. Even B


Last Bastion of Arcades
Yeah they never said there tier list was official, it's just their opinion

Btw I disagree with Lobo, I think if people stop trying to always execute combos with him, keep a sweeping range and use 3 into specials, but I don't know yet, I'm in no position to say he's not either

But out of curiosity what would help Lobo to move up to A- or. Even B
Dude . . . you need combos especially with Lobo at high level. What you have to keep in mind is that the point of a combo is to maximize damage off an opportunity. Now each hit is just that and as you get better, as knowledge and reactions improve the number of openings per match is bound to go down. Now some characters create these openings better than others. . . Lobo has a decent game at creating good damage and decent openings, but only with meter, frame advantage and trait loaded and proper spacing.

So Lobo has a few ways to get frame advantage, two safe ways to get trait (one of which is high execution), and nothing to help him keep proper spacing except his excellent forward dash.

Even assuming he could get more than 18% off a standing 3 cancelled into special, that's off an unsafe special (DB2) and if it's blocked is going to get full combo punished. He has other safe specials, in gunshots and MB charge, but unless you have meter to spend the gunshots all end negative and your opponent then has a viable opening for closing with you. At point blank range and negative frames Lobo is completely out of luck.

To move up to a B or maybe an A- he needs three things in my opinion.

1.) He should be able to load trait safely on any hard knockdown. He's already trading his best damage opportunity (Hard knockdown) for a future mixup, he should get that without penalty.

2.) He needs a more reliable combo extension off of low gunshot than b1DBF2 it works, but it is very very execution prohibitive, and it doesn't even give you exceptional damage. Plenty of characters have safer better mixups at that range (Wonder Woman) that lead to similar damage and don't use trait, meter, and one of the hardest cancels in the game.

3.) His trait high gunshot should hit fullscreeen. The ability to threaten past 1/2 screen even if only with trait would make some of his most vicious matchups more feasible. And if it retained the hard knockdown it'd give him space to dash in if he nailed it on counterzoning.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
i feel like

#1. we shouldnt compare this game to mk, sf4, mvc, etc

#2. It is extremely unbalanced and apparently everyone is scared to admit it.

When you guys realize im right in 4-6 months call me
FINALLY lol i said that to my clanmates and friends that this game is bullshit unbalanced they started 2 troll me -.-
thank u hut u r my hero now <3


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Dude . . . you need combos especially with Lobo at high level. What you have to keep in mind is that the point of a combo is to maximize damage off an opportunity. Now each hit is just that and as you get better, as knowledge and reactions improve the number of openings per match is bound to go down. Now some characters create these openings better than others. . . Lobo has a decent game at creating good damage and decent openings, but only with meter, frame advantage and trait loaded and proper spacing.

So Lobo has a few ways to get frame advantage, two safe ways to get trait (one of which is high execution), and nothing to help him keep proper spacing except his excellent forward dash.

Even assuming he could get more than 18% off a standing 3 cancelled into special, that's off an unsafe special (DB2) and if it's blocked is going to get full combo punished. He has other safe specials, in gunshots and MB charge, but unless you have meter to spend the gunshots all end negative and your opponent then has a viable opening for closing with you. At point blank range and negative frames Lobo is completely out of luck.

To move up to a B or maybe an A- he needs three things in my opinion.

1.) He should be able to load trait safely on any hard knockdown. He's already trading his best damage opportunity (Hard knockdown) for a future mixup, he should get that without penalty.

2.) He needs a more reliable combo extension off of low gunshot than b1DBF2 it works, but it is very very execution prohibitive, and it doesn't even give you exceptional damage. Plenty of characters have safer better mixups at that range (Wonder Woman) that lead to similar damage and don't use trait, meter, and one of the hardest cancels in the game.

3.) His trait high gunshot should hit fullscreeen. The ability to threaten past 1/2 screen even if only with trait would make some of his most vicious matchups more feasible. And if it retained the hard knockdown it'd give him space to dash in if he nailed it on counterzoning.
Good points, your your right, he needs a lot safer specials to play the way I suggested


Filthy Casual
this list is is terrible , this is why you dont make a tier list 3 weeks into a game in which half the cast is being used.

the real list should have been

S tier superman , aquaman , killer frost
A tier batman , green lantern, black adam,doomsday,sinestro

B tier wonder woman , raven ,deathstroke , cyborg, green arrow, hawk girl, solomon Grundy,Ares ,nightwing ,catwoman ,The joker

C tier harley quinn , the flash lex luthor ,shazam , bane Lobo

D tier there are no unviable characters as off now

just stop with these treads and rubbish changing you're list every min .
the list sucks stop making tier list this early in the game makes no sense.
youre very undecided and tier list suck so for get the topic
Maybe you should just stop posting?


Your Emporer
I recently talked to Tom Brady and REO, two testers and high level Injustice: GAU players, on Skype. I asked them to opine about a tier list after a month of the game’s release. The following is their tier list. The characters are listed in alphabetical order within each tier.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Shazam
C Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
D Bane, Lobo

Lobo is not D tier, REO is just melodramatic about him (see his Rant thread), even accepting all his flaws he would be low down but not D tier.


TYM White Knight
this list is is terrible , this is why you dont make a tier list 3 weeks into a game in which half the cast is being used.
tier list are based on match ups not tools a character has basing anything on just tools is a foolish idea.
in my opinion we only know so much about the cast ability in a tourney.
with most of this community flocking to one to a small set of characters, most of the cast are not being used.
cyborg is not number no way,DS in the same tier as superman what are you smoking.
why are people down playing KF that bitch is s tier, she is very broken.
the real list should have been

S tier superman , aquaman , killer frost
A tier batman , green lantern, black adam,doomsday,sinestro

B tier wonder woman , raven ,deathstroke , cyborg, green arrow, hawk girl, solomon Grundy,Ares ,nightwing ,catwoman ,The joker

C tier harley quinn , the flash lex luthor ,shazam , bane Lobo

D tier there are no unviable characters as off now people are just people lazy and settling with what other players have found out hence you have a tourney in which everyone is playing superman and black adam

I read this...


Sinestro in A Tier? Above Deathstroke, Grundy, NIGHTWING!? Are you serious?

Killer Frost is not fucking S tier. I cannot fathom why people do not understand how to fight this character. Yes I still lose to Killer frost, but the matches are always really close when I do. Sinestro is good, but there is no way in hell he is above the aforementioned characters.


For it being an early tier list I think its pretty ok for now..
But I think in the future charcters like Black Adam, Killer Frost, and Doomsday are gonna go down a couple of spots.

While characters like Wonder Woman, Harley, Raven, and Green Arrow are going to move up slots..(Especially Harley).

Tom Brady

MK had the following viable characters after 2.5 years of play


So no its about the same
NONE of those characters would win if there was a Kabal at the highest level there besides MAAAAYBE KL or Kenshi.

4 MLG events:
1st one: CDjr won using Jax/Smoke
2nd one: Detroit won using Kabal
3rd one: Reo won using Kabal
4th one: Reo won using Kabal

PL gets 1st w/KL. CDjr second with Kabal. Pig 3rd w/Kenshi....

MK9 in reality was a 2 character game, PERIOD...

In our original Tier list it was..

S+ Cyborg (fireball block infinite)
S Superman, Batman, Black Adam, Aquaman, Deathstroke, Green Lantern, Nightwing, Killer Frost, Wonder Woman, Doomsday
A Solomon Grundy, Green Arrow, The Flash, Ares, Raven, Shazam, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Sinestro,
B Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
C Lobo, Bane

we discussed some things and amended the tier list to what Dave posted.

Cyborg, Superman, Batman, Black Adam, Aquaman, Deathstroke, Green Lantern, Nightwing, Killer Frost, Wonder Woman, Doomsday, Green Lantern, The Flash, Ares, Green Arrow, and Raven can ALL win major tournaments at the highest level.

Thats 16 characters that can win at the highest level...That seems pretty balanced to me.

MK9 had ONE character that could win at the highest level. MK9 was a Kabal wins game.

Also, do not take this list so serious. I have said multiple times that I have no idea what any sort of real tier list is. This was just a couple of players talking out some EARLY UNPROVEN OPINIONS. There is no fact anywhere in this list. This was only an early talking point made in response to Juggs thread about the possibility of talking early tier list.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
16 characters that can win tournments is not enough for you? then there are at least 5 more that have a chance to win. Thats 21 of 26 characters. What shit balance...
i still can't say about 21 of 26 chars can win
we will wait a year and see who will be the best
but thats still my opinion about this game i feel it is unbalanced not only about the chars
the stupid clash
op stages
too much damn zone
im not hating on the people who zone its their style but i hate the zone overall thats what makes me hate injustice
who knows i might love it later and play it more
but for now i feel it unbalanced and fucked up stages

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
i feel like

#1. we shouldnt compare this game to mk, sf4, mvc, etc

#2. It is extremely unbalanced and apparently everyone is scared to admit it.

When you guys realize im right in 4-6 months call me
I'm really glad you're saying it like it is...

I've been saying it looked really imbalanced since day 1. lol.. And everything since then has konfirmed it.

I originally mained Harley but no way am I going to use her. You wouldn't expect this from someone who never used another character besides Sektor in tournament prior to the release of Injustice. So much for character loyalty.

I got top 8 at WNF knowing only one kombo with Supes.. lol. I don't even practice him at all and I still beat people with him.

This game really is an Injustice..


i still can't say about 21 of 26 chars can win
we will wait a year and see who will be the best
but thats still my opinion about this game i feel it is unbalanced not only about the chars
the stupid clash
op stages
too much damn zone
im not hating on the people who zone its their style but i hate the zone overall thats what makes me hate injustice
who knows i might love it later and play it more
but for now i feel it unbalanced and fucked up stages
Keep in mind that he's talking about it being played at "High Level"

Tom Brady

i still can't say about 21 of 26 chars can win
we will wait a year and see who will be the best
but thats still my opinion about this game i feel it is unbalanced not only about the chars
the stupid clash
op stages
too much damn zone
im not hating on the people who zone its their style but i hate the zone overall thats what makes me hate injustice
who knows i might love it later and play it more
but for now i feel it unbalanced and fucked up stages
The game is certainly not zone heavy.