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Injustice General Discussion


Dojo Trainee
So I just noticed this and it's really dumb. Not sure if ranked is the same way, but as far as player matches, your "Rank" is based SOLELY on how many wins you've accrued. That's it. Just wins.

So for example, my record is 786 - 149 and my Rank is 208, whereas someone who is 884 - 999 is ranked even higher (150-ish), even though my win rate is ~84% while they're well below .500. That is just stupid.
same thing was in MK. they simply cuont wins. retarded but it's really hard our days to create valid ranking system


I don't play Borderlands 2 anymore because it was major disappointment, but I just saw they have a new DLC class, and he looks totally like regime Bane.. (stripes on shoe-tips, pouch on the left leg, knee-pad). Another case of plagiarism referencing by Gearbox or just a coincidence? (and fuck them for A:CM)



Bird woman!
I love Metropolis rooftop's music, the lex stage's music and fortress of solitude's music. I think watchtower's music is good too.
Small rant:

Why are there so few good players on the eu psn, even on tym I'm trying to find a maximum amount of eu players but there are just so little! Region lock isn't helping either(okay it would have been unplayable because the netcode isn't amazing but still).

99% of the time when I try to find random players they're casuals that don't know a single thing about the game, tried fighting the people with high ranks in the leaderboards but they're just as bad nearly everytime... ;-;.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Odd question, but why is it that with the new DLC character Lobo the Archives never updated the character section? Everyone else I can go into archinge->character->ending, but Lobo was never added to that list for me to select and as such I can never rewatch his ending unless I beat the game again.

Will they not be adding a character viewer slot for DLC characters so we can view this?


Waiting for Havik
Best stage music:
1. Gotham City Alley
2. Gotham City Rooftop
3. Aquaman palace (I dont remember the stage name)


Odd question, but why is it that with the new DLC character Lobo the Archives never updated the character section? Everyone else I can go into archinge->character->ending, but Lobo was never added to that list for me to select and as such I can never rewatch his ending unless I beat the game again.

Will they not be adding a character viewer slot for DLC characters so we can view this?
Sad thing is that they did the same thing with MK9 and despite all the negative feedback they got they didn't fix it for Injustice.It can't be that hard to do programming wise. At least in MK9 you could view the models and endings with a trick


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Holy crap I cannot wait for the online community to grow up.

Beat a guy twice. Third match he sees me getting a life lead...rage quits. I had chosen a different character every match and wasn't even hitting combos. Just punishing.

Run a set with a guy. Lose one to his Batman. Take two off his Batman as Green Arrow after that. He switches to Deathstroke and plays like a retard.

Run into someone else. They choose Deathstroke. I decide to make them suffer if they are gonna play like an idiot and choose Bane. Sure enough they play like an idiot and I destroy them. They panic. They choose Superman to counterpick with his trait. I destroy Superman for 2 rounds. They immediately choose Watchtower for the interactibles. I jump them and wait. They try again and miss again. Rage quit.

I play a guy and destroy his Catwoman with Green Arrow. He chooses Deathstroke and Ferris Air craft. I immediately dash forward betting he'd go for missile. He did, I sky alert into full combo and pretty much corner him and roflstomp. He chooses Deathstroke again and this time goes to Fortress of Solitude. Can you guess how this match went? Yup...he jumped for the interactible right out the gate, I dash under sky alert and corner stomp him...AGAIN. He rage quits.

Why is it if folks are losing they immediately go for Stroke or Interactible heavy stages and if it doesn't work they quit? For God's sake man I had one set where I went 4-0 as Bane vs a guy who was decent at Batman and then he finally takes a match and quits. Dude, keep playing your getting the hang of the matchup! You're hurting yourself by leaving.

If Im losing expect me to stick it out. Its called learning. If I win a match after a bunch of losses expect me to stick around even longer because its paying off. God help these people if they ever did an online training mode because they'd probably rage quit the lab.


Dojo Trainee
If possible, just try and ask for matches with people here or any other forums you post at. Playing with randoms just generally isn't the best. At least in my experience...


I've a question for experienced IGAU players and yet another complaint about the game.

Sadly Tom Brady's WKA/AA thread was closed before I could ask.

Complicated stuff:
In MK9 I knew that if I read jump in, I would punish it. And I'm not saying necessarily AA it, just punish.
Later, when Jumping kicks were found it became a 50/50 which still was favorable for defending player
You could guess, you could outzone it in a way where punch would wiff but you'd still punish a kick, you could always armor through it etc etc.

In Injustice, however, Air mixups elude me
As most of us know by now, some characters cannot AA, some have such a good AA tools, that cannot be AA by even the best AA in the game if timed (justframed) correctly.
Frame data varies greatly from move to move, depending on how low to the ground your character was, doing a move.
1) If your opponent does his jump in 1 as an AA atack (inputs it early) it has almost no recovery on landing/wiffing.
2) If he does it somewhere in the midle jump arch it will have disadvantage on block.
3) If he does it during landing it will have the most recovery and most advantage on block
Depending on atack used (1 or 2 or 3) it also has different hitbox and different recovery (also vary from char to char). As a good example of how different each jumping atack is look at Aquaman.
4) ON TOP OF THAT some characters have Air Dashes, Air Fireballs and DiveKicks.
5) All that makes AA very difficult already, but there is also a matter of reaction. In MK9 there was WAY more time to see jump and react to it. Hitboxes of most Air atack are active at zenith, so if you want to AA/zone you have to _know exactly_ where your opponent will land ATM his feet left the ground.

What it all means:
So many options leave no reliable way to benefit from your reads - if you MB f+3/b+3 early jump atacks recover fast enough to block or interrupt , if you zone you cannot punish some of those b/c you will be interrupted before you can hit your opponent, unless you stay too close in which case - different hitboxes come to play - you never know WHICH your opponent is going to use and eventually AA game becomes sort of random. Am I missing something?

I would also point out that most complaints about air probably dont come from lack of tools, but from insane difficulty and random factor that comes with AA in Injustice.

PS: I dont know how to tag ppl, could someone tag Tom Brady and REO here?


Clipeum Aurea
I've a question for experienced IGAU players and yet another complaint about the game.

Sadly Tom Brady's WKA/AA thread was closed before I could ask.

Complicated stuff:
In MK9 I knew that if I read jump in, I would punish it. And I'm not saying necessarily AA it, just punish.
Later, when Jumping kicks were found it became a 50/50 which still was favorable for defending player
You could guess, you could outzone it in a way where punch would wiff but you'd still punish a kick, you could always armor through it etc etc.

In Injustice, however, Air mixups elude me
As most of us know by now, some characters cannot AA, some have such a good AA tools, that cannot be AA by even the best AA in the game if timed (justframed) correctly.
Frame data varies greatly from move to move, depending on how low to the ground your character was, doing a move.
1) If your opponent does his jump in 1 as an AA atack (inputs it early) it has almost no recovery on landing/wiffing.
2) If he does it somewhere in the midle jump arch it will have disadvantage on block.
3) If he does it during landing it will have the most recovery and most advantage on block
Depending on atack used (1 or 2 or 3) it also has different hitbox and different recovery (also vary from char to char). As a good example of how different each jumping atack is look at Aquaman.
4) ON TOP OF THAT some characters have Air Dashes, Air Fireballs and DiveKicks.
5) All that makes AA very difficult already, but there is also a matter of reaction. In MK9 there was WAY more time to see jump and react to it. Hitboxes of most Air atack are active at zenith, so if you want to AA/zone you have to _know exactly_ where your opponent will land ATM his feet left the ground.

What it all means:
So many options leave no reliable way to benefit from your reads - if you MB f+3/b+3 early jump atacks recover fast enough to block or interrupt , if you zone you cannot punish some of those b/c you will be interrupted before you can hit your opponent, unless you stay too close in which case - different hitboxes come to play - you never know WHICH your opponent is going to use and eventually AA game becomes sort of random. Am I missing something?

I would also point out that most complaints about air probably dont come from lack of tools, but from insane difficulty and random factor that comes with AA in Injustice.

PS: I dont know how to tag ppl, could someone tag Tom Brady and REO here?
You have to block the cross-up and the follow-up in Injustice, then punish that. Sadly, blocking the jump-in itself does absolutely nothing. You can uppercut it with d2 like in MK, but i'm not sure if everyone can do that. Superman can. But some like Joker and his stupid j3 will beat all uppercuts, unless done very, VERY early.

Characters that have AAs(Harley Quinn, Batman, Superman, Doomsday), have psychic AAs. You have to predict the jump-in, you can't react to it. You just can't, unless the one doing the jump-in is Bane with his notoriously slow bottom.

Meter-burn the b3 also works with characters that have enough range on it(once again, like Harley Quinn). Armor moves in general are good in stopping jump-ins.

Dive-kicks are all safe. Black Adam, Superman, and i'm sure i'm forgetting somebody, they are all 100% safe. Just gotta live with it. Air fireballs aren't safe, they have recovery on landing, and iAFBs are generally not worth it.(unless you feel like being a cheap Cyborg)

For tagging you do this: REO and this Tom Brady . Quote my post and you'll see the code. The number is in his profile page link.


I'd like to second that. Anti-airing feels close to impossible.
I come from SF background where you have to input your AA command (either normal or a special) pretty late, when the opponent is already descending. That gives you enough time to understand that the opponent has jumped, gauge the distance and choose your AA depending on the situation.
This kind of thinking doesn't work here. Judging by personal experience I feel that AAs should be done as soon as the opponent's feet leave the ground. And even then they are not very reliable. At least normal AAs, like, d2. I've played a lot of matches as a GL vs Batman and out of countless times I tried to AA his close jump-in with d2 haven't hit him even once as far as I remember.
Would like to add that it seems that using MB b/f3 to AA may even make the opponent's attack a crossup and if you haven't done MB b/f3 it would hit front.


I think layout-wise, communtiy-wise and netcode-wise, this has to be one of the shittiest online experiences I've had with a game

Keep getting denied in Player Matches no matter what player I'm matched up with. Even if they have a good record

Close to half of my recorded losses have come from my opponents ragequitting against me

Can't access my own player card (seriously what?)

Can't block or hitconfirm for shit

Need separate online BnBs for my characters due to input lag
Intractables are going to be banned. I can tell already. Deathstroke for instance can put you in totally unwinnable situations where he corners himself on horizontal hitting, constantly re-spawning stage hazards most of the characters can literally do nothing. There are a ton of other totally absurd situations involving these things that even a cheap ass old school asshole gamer like me thinks are totally stupid and non-competitive.


Backdash or armor through them, everything on Ferris that DS can use can be punished if you're aware of both your positioning and aware of your options.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Only need a few more stars for certain characters to get that Flash costume:

Cyborg (5) Done
Green Arrow (3) Done
Deathstroke (2) Done
Black Adam (11) Done
I like to play with the more unorthodox characters. I receive no satisfaction from playing well with Superman, Batman, Deathstroke, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, and Black Adam. They are so easy to learn and play at a moderate to high level and EVERYONE uses them.

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