Man, we rape GL from full screen, but there always comes that moment when he makes his way in, and that's never fun...
I'm not a top level player, so maybe this doesn't apply, but I'm surprised nobody mentioned backdashing to cause whiffs, then punishing with b13. Most GLs I've seen (That have any idea what they're doing anyway) don't randomly throw out force lift since it's unsafe on block unless they see you do something. Once they get in that slide range I usually see the high/low mixup used a lot (Online, offline and on tournament streams, so I'm going to assume most, if not all, decent GLs use that string extensively). If you can predict the slide, you can backdash and B13.
Alternatively, standing 3 is also really good at that range and trading standing 3 with anything is very much in your favor.
I admit I find the hardest range to play against GL at though is roughly at the B13 max range, where all zoning tools get punished on reaction and all mid-range zoning tools like F2D1 get punished on reaction. At that range, dashing either forward or backwards just to get out of that zone has worked for me, although sometimes I'll eat a force lift instead, or using trait charge to bait something can work too. Sadly though, there's not really any "great" option. You could B12 as well since it's safe on block and makes distance, but keep in mind that if he ducks the 2nd hit will whiff and you'll be super punishable.
Hope some of that helped.
While I play offline (When I'm not at work on fight nights...) and have a decent scene, we're definitely not top level players and admittedly a lot of my matchup experience comes from online play as well, so I don't know how much that will apply for top level play.
SquirtMcGirt: You spell his name right