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General/Other Batgirl confirmed in Xbox Live Downloadable Content Area

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Milky Holmes
I don't use twitter. Many people don't. I also know many people who don't use facebook nor go to gaming sites. They just do their thing, go to work, have social lives but remember batgirl growing up. She has her OWN New52 comic, the fact you ignore that alone just trips me out. I truly feel like I'm talking to somebody who just wants to troll, there is no way a human being is this dense, I just can't fathom it. I'm trying so hard to give you credit but your making it impossible
You are saying that the majority of people don't have facebook or twitter now... and comic book fans are the majority.

Listen to yourself. You offhandedly dismiss people on twitter as 'hardcore' but people who buy comics are part of the mainstream.

To say that most people dont have facebook, and then say that I'm dense, is hilarious.


I believe Boon made that Poll after they were done with her to test the waters. After they saw that nobody wanted her, they probably put her in the Season Pass because nobody would buy her seperately.That still doesn't explain Zod and especially Scorpion though since EVERYONE wanted MMH since the beginning


Where is crossplay?
You are saying that the majority of people don't have facebook or twitter now... and comic book fans are the majority.

Listen to yourself. You offhandedly dismiss people on twitter as 'hardcore' but people who buy comics are part of the mainstream.

To say that most people dont have facebook, and then say that I'm dense, is hilarious.
*sigh* Your lack of reading skills are just baffling

Show me where I said "MOST PEOPLE" don't have facebook. I said "many people" don't. Is that the majority? PLEASE tell me you are not in college or have a high paying job where people depend on you. PLEASE tell me you are flipping burgers or digging a ditch. And over years and years and years of time, 2 entire generations remember Batgirl. She has A BRAND NEW COMIC STARRING her, that's relevant now.

Just admit your trolling me cause you totally win
You know what I like about this thread? All the raging and assuming that this character was placed in the game over everyone else's favorite character. I don't like either Martian Manhunter OR Batgirl, I think Batgirl was a terrible idea on NRS's part, and would've rather had someone that could've brought something new to the table. *insert "get at me" image here*

*hours upon hours of bitching and moaning about how cool my favs could've been in this game*

Now that I've gotten all that off my chest, lets see here. We got Batgirl instead of someone we expected. Hmm. Well, I hope she has an awesome playstyle. Seriously guys, we aren't even going to care about this shit once she's in tournaments or w.e (assuming she'll be accepted in tournies/she's not bat-shit broken, no pun intended). Everyone raged about She-Hulk's inclusion in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Was it wise? Hell no, I wanted mother fucking Scott Summers, not that whore bag. Was she completely different from Hulk, and accepted as a character worthy of being on the roster after people played her? Yes. Have people complained about her being in over "x" Marvel character recently? no, they are busy playing the game.

Get the hell over it guys, yes it's bad and she sucks. Accept that she'll be in the game now. This is the part where we theorize how she'll play or how NRS plans on making her a completely different character from Bruce and Dick. Hell, I'm game for talking about who should voice her even. You don't like her the very least bit, oh well. Assuming she'll be a good character when she releases, y'all will have to hold that when she makes top 8's n shit.


I wonder what kind of crazy moves NRS will give to Scorpion? Spear maybe? Something with fire? SO EXCITE


Where is crossplay?
You know what I like about this thread? All the raging and assuming that this character was placed in the game over everyone else's favorite character. I don't like either Martian Manhunter OR Batgirl, I think Batgirl was a terrible idea on NRS's part, and would've rather had someone that could've brought something new to the table. *insert "get at me" image here*

*hours upon hours of bitching and moaning about how cool my favs could've been in this game*

Now that I've gotten all that off my chest, lets see here. We got Batgirl instead of someone we expected. Hmm. Well, I hope she has an awesome playstyle. Seriously guys, we aren't even going to care about this shit once she's in tournaments or w.e (assuming she'll be accepted in tournies/she's not bat-shit broken, no pun intended). Everyone raged about She-Hulk's inclusion in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Was it wise? Hell no, I wanted mother fucking Scott Summers, not that whore bag. Was she completely different from Hulk, and accepted as a character worthy of being on the roster after people played her? Yes. Have people complained about her being in over "x" Marvel character recently? no, they are busy playing the game.

Get the hell over it guys, yes it's bad and she sucks. Accept that she'll be in the game now. This is the part where we theorize how she'll play or how NRS plans on making her a completely different character from Bruce and Dick. Hell, I'm game for talking about who should voice her even. You don't like her the very least bit, oh well. Assuming she'll be a good character when she releases, y'all will have to hold that when she makes top 8's n shit.
*standing ovation* *girls throw bras and panties*


I wonder what kind of crazy moves NRS will give to Scorpion? Spear maybe? Something with fire? SO EXCITE
Copy paste of his MK9 moveset most likely, with some minor adjustments to fit Injustice's mechanics. Make him too different and the few people who actually wanted him will start bitching

Problem is Batman is already Scorpion with less-antizoning


bye felicia
-snipped, on account of my post's length-
Dude, my point is that the awareness / exposure you're talking about does not exist. Fighting games do not generate fans on any tangible level. They can increase awareness and maybe it does entice a few (and I mean, a scant few) to do a little research, but we're not talking about an attach rate that matters to anyone. They're not shifting book sales #s, they're not even swaying twitter trends, we're not even talking new facebook fan pages. Now compare that to the instant cathartis of including a character people actual know.

And this isn't even about $s. You think the Marvel playing community has any idea know who half of the MvC3 characters actually are or they're just celebrating their memories of previous games, saturday morning cartoons, and big budget movies? How many people shouting BIONIC ARM! know its made of 100% Grade A Ground Wife? How many know who Sam Alexander is or what character in the game debuted as a Captain America foe? 95% of the time, the right answer will come from someone who already knew before the game came out.

So who, in any arena, would bank everything that goes into making a fighting game character on a 5% play? Even if we bump it to 15%, no, lets say 25% of the people who buy and play fighting games bother to look into the characters. You're telling me this fictional marketing illuminati should play up a 25% chance of developing interest in a little character over the 100% certainty that players have already heard of a big character? You, in particular, have spent the entire campaign of this games development declaring what would be the best picks for this games exposure and development, yet here we are, at 25% Batman on all fronts and a hugely successful launch. The Manhunter and Cold armies did not rise to strike NRS down, and Killer Frost / Harley are getting more play than Wonder Woman.

This is why the whole "deserves it, requires it, demands it" theory of casting is worthless. It inflates the value of a character pick way beyond its merits. Nobody at DC or Marvel is dumb enough to think they're gonna build a fanbase from a character in a fighting game. Look at comixology. The Injustice Book is in the top 10 because its hot, but did anyone else climb up there as a result of being featured in the game? Are Nightwing or Green Arrow's numbers up all of a sudden since April 16th? Please send me a link to all that Hawkgirl fanfiction and DeviantArt that was inspired by her inclusion.

tl;dr, this entire casting circle jerk is about pleasing existing fans, not building new ones. Freddy proved it. Freddy (released last) is the most bought, most rated, and most played of the MK9 DLC characters by a huge margin, while Scarlet (released first) is absolutely on the bottom.


Where is crossplay?

send them some hate mail here and let them know how bad they fucked us up
Stupidity like this is why developers don't do extra things for gamers and 100% dismiss the hardcore community. Really appreciate you helping to make us all look bad. It's not like they gave us a 5 star game or anything, put in multiple entertaining modes, made offline tournament play competitive (and involved our top players and didn't have to), put together the best roster of any DC FG ever and.........

Wait I really shouldn't even have to explain this as it's painfully obvious. I truly hate ignorance
Stupidity like this is why developers don't do extra things for gamers and 100% dismiss the hardcore community. Really appreciate you helping to make us all look bad. It's not like they gave us a 5 star game or anything, put in multiple entertaining modes, made offline tournament play competitive (and involved our top players and didn't have to), put together the best roster of any DC FG ever and.........

Wait I really shouldn't even have to explain this as it's painfully obvious. I truly hate ignorance
They asked for the fans' opinions. They're gonna get it.
Copy paste of his MK9 moveset most likely, with some minor adjustments to fit Injustice's mechanics. Make him too different and the few people who actually wanted him will start bitching

Problem is Batman is already Scorpion with less-antizoning
Lemme ask a question, compadre. Now this is extremely off the topic of Batgirl making everyone salty, but I wanna ask this one question real fast. I played MK9, pretty sure you did too. Can you tell me how Batman is Scorpion? I mean, last I checked, Scorpion didn't have a move that summoned three projectiles that home in on the opponent, a normal projectile that's safe to use whenever you please, an air-to-air move, or a parry. And last I checked, Batman's grappling hook didn't grant free combos on hit, he doesn't have an air-throw, he doesn't have an unblockable and tracking move, and doesn't use swords for his strings. So uh, are we comparing characters because of a lone meter burned variant of a special now? In that case, Gen is Vega, since they both hop on walls and have a special where they roll towards the opponent.

in the very small chance you may have not played a Street Fighter game that featured Gen, he's a character with two stances. You know, like Nightwing. And he's all rushdown with his hundred hand slap moves n stuff. If you haven't played a game with Vega included, well, you need to go outside and play more fighting games bro


Stupidity like this is why developers don't do extra things for gamers and 100% dismiss the hardcore community. Really appreciate you helping to make us all look bad. It's not like they gave us a 5 star game or anything, put in multiple entertaining modes, made offline tournament play competitive (and involved our top players and didn't have to), put together the best roster of any DC FG ever and.........

Wait I really shouldn't even have to explain this as it's painfully obvious. I truly hate ignorance
Why do I make you all look bad? because I am a customer and I have the right to express my opinion about something? It's not like I sent them mail swearing and insulting them, I just wanted to express my disappointment with how they handled DLC.

Seriously some of you people need to stop bashing on others so hard


bye felicia
Wait I really shouldn't even have to explain this as it's painfully obvious. I truly hate ignorance
The good news is, devs like NRS are trained that this sort of blowback is meaningless, the weakest dog always barks loudest, and Batgirl is going to be a huge success. All they have to do is focus on doing a good job and ignore this typical wounded-ego gamer diatribe and make the reasonable among us happy.


Reading this thread really sounds like a good amount of people here just care for the DLC characters but don't play the game at all.


Well-Known Gay Member
Stupidity like this is why developers don't do extra things for gamers and 100% dismiss the hardcore community. Really appreciate you helping to make us all look bad. It's not like they gave us a 5 star game or anything, put in multiple entertaining modes, made offline tournament play competitive (and involved our top players and didn't have to), put together the best roster of any DC FG ever and.........

Wait I really shouldn't even have to explain this as it's painfully obvious. I truly hate ignorance
so you want us to shut up and accept anything they gave us coz they made a good game? we appreciated the good game by buying it - the question is their stupid DLC -
They shouldn't have gone around saying - you know DLC is all about characters that fans really wanted in the initial roster but that didn't make it, coz except for Lobo none of those characters were on high demand!
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya :coffee:


Where is crossplay?
Why do I make you all look bad? because I am a customer and I have the right to express my opinion about something? It's not like I sent them mail swearing and insulting them, I just wanted to express my disappointment with how they handled DLC.

Seriously some of you people need to stop bashing on others so hard
That's not what you said, don't act different now. You said this "send them some hate mail here and let them know how bad they fucked us up. That is not the same, or even close to "I want to express my disappointment with how they handled DLC". Totally different thing. One way is sending them feedback on suggestions and acting like an adult, and the other is how you originally said it. People like me wouldn't bash on people like you if you didn't beg for it w/posts like that. Nobody said don't be upset, it's how you say it. We learned this in elementary school right?


Milky Holmes
*sigh* Your lack of reading skills are just baffling

Show me where I said "MOST PEOPLE" don't have facebook. I said "many people" don't. Is that the majority? PLEASE tell me you are not in college or have a high paying job where people depend on you. PLEASE tell me you are flipping burgers or digging a ditch. And over years and years and years of time, 2 entire generations remember Batgirl. She has A BRAND NEW COMIC STARRING her, that's relevant now.

Just admit your trolling me cause you totally win
You are asserting that a majority of people like her.

And in order to prove this, you start going on about how most people don't have facebook.

Let me tell you this, there are hundrends of millions on facebook. Comic books sales range in the 10s of thousands.

Now, you are saying to me, that 'oh lots of people don't have facebook', but 'look at all the comic books she sold'.

If you are making a point about her having support, you need to be specific about where her support comes from.


Df1 Specialist
so you want us to shut up and accept anything they gave us coz they made a good game? we appreciated the good game by buying it - the question is their stupid DLC -
They shouldn't have gone around saying - you know DLC is all about characters that fans really wanted in the initial roster but that didn't make it, coz except for Lobo none of those characters were on high demand!
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya :coffee:
You're quite the pleasant person to converse with I've noticed!

Also, nobody is forcing you to buy the dlc. If you're not a fan of the character, don't buy it?


Well-Known Gay Member
That's not what you said, don't act different now. You said this "send them some hate mail here and let them know how bad they fucked us up. That is not the same, or even close to "I want to express my disappointment with how they handled DLC". Totally different thing. One way is sending them feedback on suggestions and acting like an adult, and the other is how you originally said it. People like me wouldn't bash on people like you if you didn't beg for it w/posts like that. Nobody said don't be upset, it's how you say it. We learned this in elementary school right?
you know i am usually not one for violance but they do deserve some hate mail ;)
Pig Of The Hut, I expect your transformation soon, we should all witness it, you should slowly become Zod, every post from now on should have a hint of Zod, he's pretty much confirmed. I am glad you won BNB with Sinestro, because now, Zod hath comes :p.


bye felicia
so you want us to shut up and accept anything they gave us
No, that's the misunderstanding here. Nobody wants you to be happy about not getting your character. We've all got characters we wanted but didn't get. What we want is for you to shut up complaining about not getting him. We have heard you rag on about MMH four hundred times now, and it is old. We have heard the anti-batman rants a million times, we have heard the manface complaints a million times, and you know whats common about all you complainers? You still bought the fucking game. You still bought it, you still bought the season pass, you still read every shred of news, you still turn up in every damned thread, and its tiring.

We all know everybody's opinion on the internet is a beautiful unique snowflake that should be loved and cherished and shared with all the children of the earth, but you whiners are just slamming your heads into the wall and we "white knights" are tired of cleaning up your dried blood and teeth. Either make good on your threats and start complaining somewhere where it will matter, or suck it up and try having fun with what we have.
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