Sadly so

You can zone us all day with batarangs and we can't do much about it. However on wake-up we have some options that are really hard to avoid, namely the command grab, the b.23, the f.2d, the d.1 double punch cancel... If we ever get that knockdown, you guys definitely need to know what options you have, otherwise you'll be stuck in knockdown for 21 seconds, give or take... And it only takes more or less 3 or 4 good reads from Bane to pull you from full to red, and all in all he can do it without having to leave level 1 venom.
The MU can be as in-your-favor from a distance as you want it to be, but once it comes down to oki and defence up close, that's what you need to have this kind of information for. Batman wins if he can keep Bane out. Once Bane gets in, its a whole different story.