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BnB, Max Damage, & Setup Combos Discussion [OLD THREAD. OUT-DATED]

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The Outworld Prince
I have 67 or 68% reset combo with trait 2 bars, not sure how much damage it was but it was almost 70%!

Slide (bd3) U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 (10 u3's) 2~ MB iceberg (db2) b3 MB command grab (dbf2) f113 dagger (df1)

The timing for the command grab is kinda strict but its worth guys :) Just breaking the ice ;)


I have 67 or 68% reset combo with trait 2 bars, not sure how much damage it was but it was almost 70%!

Slide (bd3) U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 U3 (10 u3's) 2~ MB iceberg (db2) b3 MB command grab (dbf2) f113 dagger (df1)

The timing for the command grab is kinda strict but its worth guys :) Just breaking the ice ;)
If you look at the combo vid I made, you can get 66% for 1 bar and much less input ;)


Milly Vanilli
Is there a specific timing associated with the DB2 MB and forward jumps I'm missing? I can do F112~DB3, U3, U3, 22~DB2 MB consistently, but sometimes KF just doesn't let me jump forward to do a J3... but sometimes, she does.


Are there any setups with her airdash? Thought after MB DBF2 doing a jump back into airdash you end up almost right above opponent for an ambiguous setup was pretty nifty, though you give up around 10% though. I recon it can be done after most untechable knockdowns. Got the game few days back and only now i can invest a bit of time in it, so don't know if it is any good, still trying to get her BnBs down. pretty new to KF and Injustice as a whole atm.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Are there any setups with her airdash? Thought after MB DBF2 doing a jump back into airdash you end up almost right above opponent for an ambiguous setup was pretty nifty, though you give up around 10% though. I recon it can be done after most untechable knockdowns. Got the game few days back and only now i can invest a bit of time in it, so don't know if it is any good, still trying to get her BnBs down. pretty new to KF and Injustice as a whole atm.
After they thaw they can just back dash and avoid the setup before you get there, or you even risk getting hit out of the air if your timing isn't right or they react correctly. Any time you do the command grab and freeze I think it makes sense to take the easy damage into the standing reset. Then you can pretty much pick from a slew of options since you are at least at +9 frame advantage.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
GGA 16 Bit

What are you guys using for a meter less follow up to the vortex ender? I've been using f3/slide u3u3 1133~iceberg. Nets about 75-80% including the original combo and pushes them full screen. Obviously this is not good against zoning characters but it's what ive been doing to create some space after taking big damage. Thoughts?


After they thaw they can just back dash and avoid the setup before you get there, or you even risk getting hit out of the air if your timing isn't right or they react correctly. Any time you do the command grab and freeze I think it makes sense to take the easy damage into the standing reset. Then you can pretty much pick from a slew of options since you are at least at +9 frame advantage.
Yeah i noticed they could dash out, pretty bummed about that, might be good for only once during a match lol.
I'm a bit behind on what is good or bad in this game and for Killer Frost. Need to look up some gameplays of good KF players to get an idea of how to play her.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
GGA 16 Bit

What are you guys using for a meter less follow up to the vortex ender? I've been using f3/slide u3u3 1133~iceberg. Nets about 75-80% including the original combo and pushes them full screen. Obviously this is not good against zoning characters but it's what ive been doing to create some space after taking big damage. Thoughts?
I use that sometimes if I am managing my meter, or something else ending in iceberg. If you are worried about pushing zoners away you can always sacrifice some damage and end the combo with f112 slide. The slide won't hit, but it will end with you right next to them. From there you can go into some balls of steel type offense or sit back and see if they wake up, but at least you will be close.


Wonderful Woman
Yeah i noticed they could dash out, pretty bummed about that, might be good for only once during a match lol.
I'm a bit behind on what is good or bad in this game and for Killer Frost. Need to look up some gameplays of good KF players to get an idea of how to play her.
Fiddle around with MB Ice Grab > NJ2 > f+23, untechable knockdown with slightly less damage than the typical dagger ender.


This one's for you
Impractical combos are impractical. Just trying to get the highest damage possible with these...

61% meterless wall combo, 65% meterless wall combo, 67% meterless midscreen combo, 72% two bar midscreen vortex combo, 73% midscreen super combo, 84% meterless wall combo with the dumpster, 89% four bar combo with the dumpster, and 76% four bar stage transition.



TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
beef_supreme on that meterless follow-up you can also just do 1133 trait cancel as an opportunity to charge your trait at least half way if you want to sacrifice 4%.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
GGA 16 Bit

What are you guys using for a meter less follow up to the vortex ender? I've been using f3/slide u3u3 1133~iceberg. Nets about 75-80% including the original combo and pushes them full screen. Obviously this is not good against zoning characters but it's what ive been doing to create some space after taking big damage. Thoughts?

The same old meterless combos I posted originally. So slide u+3, u+3, f+1,1,2~daggers or 2,2~daggers or f+3, slide, u+3, u+3, 2,2~iceberg.

I don't do any of those triple u+3 combos. I barely go for double u+3 into mb command grab actually.


Dojo Trainee
So I've been dropping the f+113xxdaggers at the end of my resets and just using the hitstun off of j.2. I think it's a much better setup overall.

Sure, you lose 11% on your combo, which looks big. However, you're still doing 33% on each successful mixup, so you're still in a 2-mixup win situation as you would if you leave in the f+113xxdaggers.

In return, you get a LOT more advantage. The j.2 leaves them in that odd stagger state that was in MK where you can't do anything but block. It makes the f+3 or slide mixup much, much tighter.

On the other hand, ending with daggers leaves you at only at +9. That means if you're going straight into overhead, the enemy has 10 frames to do something. Slide is even slower.

Using only j.2 means no chances to backdash, jump, poke, or use an armored move. It's also basically error-proof on KF's end - no need to be nearly frame perfect on the f3 or slide anymore. You can even buffer either move during the jump attack.

The tradeoff has been working very well for me. I don't even notice the loss in damage because, again, it's still going to take 2 successful mixups to kill after reset regardless. But enemies aren't getting out nearly as often, whether my fault or theirs. I'm more than happy to exchange inconsequential damage to increase the odds of succeeding on any given reset.


All in a day's work
So I've been dropping the f+113xxdaggers at the end of my resets and just using the hitstun off of j.2. I think it's a much better setup overall.

Sure, you lose 11% on your combo, which looks big. However, you're still doing 33% on each successful mixup, so you're still in a 2-mixup win situation as you would if you leave in the f+113xxdaggers.

In return, you get a LOT more advantage. The j.2 leaves them in that odd stagger state that was in MK where you can't do anything but block. It makes the f+3 or slide mixup much, much tighter.

On the other hand, ending with daggers leaves you at only at +9. That means if you're going straight into overhead, the enemy has 10 frames to do something. Slide is even slower.

Using only j.2 means no chances to backdash, jump, poke, or b1/3 mb for armor. It's also basically error-proof on KF's end - no need to be nearly frame perfect on the f3 or slide anymore.

The tradeoff has been working very well for me. I don't even notice the loss in damage because, again, it's still going to take 2 successful mixups to kill after reset regardless. But enemies aren't getting out nearly as often, whether my fault or theirs.
for me i wouldnt want to sacrifice the damage from the reset just to get a free jump in attempt into whatever. You can still do the reset, get the damage and the advantage ( +9 isnt anything to dismiss either) and then force them to have to guess whats coming next rather than 100% blocking whatever you do after the j.2. and losing out on potential damage...just my opinion :)


Dojo Trainee
for me i wouldnt want to sacrifice the damage from the reset just to get a free jump in attempt into whatever. You can still do the reset, get the damage and the advantage ( +9 isnt anything to dismiss either) and then force them to have to guess whats coming next rather than 100% blocking whatever you do after the j.2. and losing out on potential damage...just my opinion :)
Maybe I wasn't clear. You're still setting up a reset, it's not a jump in attempt. Instead of doing MB grab, j.2, f+113 daggers, you just do MB grab, j.2. You lose 11% from the combo but get much more advantage, making the reset more likely to succeed.


Wonderful Woman
So I've been dropping the f+113xxdaggers at the end of my resets and just using the hitstun off of j.2. I think it's a much better setup overall.

Sure, you lose 11% on your combo, which looks big. However, you're still doing 33% on each successful mixup, so you're still in a 2-mixup win situation as you would if you leave in the f+113xxdaggers.

In return, you get a LOT more advantage. The j.2 leaves them in that odd stagger state that was in MK where you can't do anything but block. It makes the f+3 or slide mixup much, much tighter.
What are you dropping with f+113 xx BF1? Maybe we could help.

Remember, it's not just damage, it's meter you're losing too. Could be the difference between the next combo having a bar to burn on it. Plus the damage can matter a bit, two strong combos means you only had to hit with a few Glaciers or anti-airs or whatnot.
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