The K1 Effect
Have no idea if this is known since I just picked up hawkgirl literally 5 min ago and havent read anything on these forums, but if you choose to end an air combo with j.2 xx j.d3, you get a free safejump by just holding upforward....very similar to ryus sweep > safejump in sf4. just saying.
Also, since im here, could someone relate hawkgirl to another character from a different series? preferably from the SF4, 3s, or MvC series. Thanks yall
edit: nvm, not a safejump setup. I thought it was, but I was very wrong lol. Deathstroke gets a free sword spin before you land....but its close.
double edit:
Also, if you choose to end an air chain with j.2 xx flight > Fly 2, you can cancel the fly 2 into downward mace throw and youll catch them on roll back or regular wakeup. You can adjust the timing to catch whatever you think theyll do. Also, It seems pretty safe considering how far away she is (if you mistime it and the mace whiffs). If the mace DOES hit, it hits as an overhead, for an additional unscaled 7%. For example:
1-2-3 > 1-2-3 > j.2 xx fly > fly 3 (28% damage)
1-2-3> 1-2-3 > j.2 xx fly > fly 2 xx downward mace (26% + 7% > 33% total)
just something I was messing with and it looked interesting
oh, it also leaves you in flight mode, you can move freely pretty much right after the mace hits / is supposed to hit, and it beats some wakeup reversals......well, it beats deathstrokes wakeup sword flip clean at least.....his wakeup sword spin makes the mace whiff, but youre both at a neutral in that situation.
Idk, just trying to be helpful / post anything I find lol
Also, since im here, could someone relate hawkgirl to another character from a different series? preferably from the SF4, 3s, or MvC series. Thanks yall
edit: nvm, not a safejump setup. I thought it was, but I was very wrong lol. Deathstroke gets a free sword spin before you land....but its close.
double edit:
Also, if you choose to end an air chain with j.2 xx flight > Fly 2, you can cancel the fly 2 into downward mace throw and youll catch them on roll back or regular wakeup. You can adjust the timing to catch whatever you think theyll do. Also, It seems pretty safe considering how far away she is (if you mistime it and the mace whiffs). If the mace DOES hit, it hits as an overhead, for an additional unscaled 7%. For example:
1-2-3 > 1-2-3 > j.2 xx fly > fly 3 (28% damage)
1-2-3> 1-2-3 > j.2 xx fly > fly 2 xx downward mace (26% + 7% > 33% total)
just something I was messing with and it looked interesting
oh, it also leaves you in flight mode, you can move freely pretty much right after the mace hits / is supposed to hit, and it beats some wakeup reversals......well, it beats deathstrokes wakeup sword flip clean at least.....his wakeup sword spin makes the mace whiff, but youre both at a neutral in that situation.
Idk, just trying to be helpful / post anything I find lol