Been enjoying my time with sinestro right now. Its not easy though. I seem to struggle when people get in close but I guess thats what everyone is having issues with by the looks on frame data and lack of fast reversals.
I just wanted to ask a few questions regarding sinestro and I hope this thread is the place to do so
1). spacing game! I'm new to zoning characters the only ones ive really tried are Mu12 from blazblue which I really dont play often as it's not really my type of game. How does everyone approach this? right now I try to get to fullscreen as fast as possible. and then i throw fireballs to try and force a jump for db2. However this doesnt seem to work all the time. What way should i approach zoning in a strategic way? I dont wanna be that guy who guys shoots random fireballs and wins. I want to make sure i'm approaching it correclty is all.
2). Trait. is it worth charging this over combo's when shackles are on? when do people usually try and charge a trait?
3). Wake up? do I just block? frame data doesnt look promising for df2 and it hits high? so it doesnt allways land
I hope these arent annoying or pre asked questions that I should know allready. Just wanna make sure im doing to sinestro corps justice! I really cant seem to combo online. my b13 into b3 just doesnt land at all online ><
Thanks in advance to those that can help me out with this.