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From a Dedicated MK fan


|| Seven ||
You're right, the only thing that matters is why this clusterfuck of a thread is still open. And its annoying you felt the need to pollute mku with it too.
There have been some good discussions on here and for your information, there are a of bunch of people on here and even more people on MKU that have agreed with what was said in the initial post, just because something was said that you didn't particularity like, doesn't mean the thread needs to be closed. It's childish people like you that should remain off the internet.
'Paltry' my ass. Ever seen a videogame industry so successful that revenue of one single country is enough to sustain it and justify creating more and more games? That's arcade games in Japan.

WTF are you talking about...

1. You Imply that MK and Injustice don't copy 99% of their mechanics from existing fighting games. (Not saying it's bad. Making a good game is also knowing what to copy and how to implement it)
2. Innovations come in small steps. Huge leaps are usually fancy gimmicks that are never implemented well and don't make for a better game.
there is no existing fighting game that plays like mk9 at all. there is no other fighting game that has that many different original special moves: a smoke bomb, teleports, an ice clone, kung laos dive kick and teleport, cage nutpunch.

the corner game isnt like any other fighting game.

anti air, hitconfirm, whiff punishing all work different. is there any real chip damage like in mk9 in other games? what about breaker?

all fighting games play different, but mk9 has implemented the most in this recent game and there is no arguing that.


The Prettiest
He is my companion, wtf do you want me to say? And I don't think he has an account on here, he's always been a MKU member.
So let me get this straight. Even though you are both members on MKU, and he could have easily PM'd you there or made a thread, he decided to email you? That's some G shit.
Reactions: RYX


there is no existing fighting game that plays like mk9 at all. there is no other fighting game that has that many different original special moves: a smoke bomb, teleports, an ice clone, kung laos dive kick and teleport, cage nutpunch.

the corner game isnt like any other fighting game.

anti air, hitconfirm, whiff punishing all work different. is there any real chip damage like in mk9 in other games? what about breaker?

all fighting games play different, but mk9 has implemented the most in this recent game and there is no arguing that.
I see you don't know many fighting games. It's cool bro I forgive you.
lol this thread is stupid. I'm so glad that NRS and Boonie are doing things different than Capcom. This guy wants MK in the hands of capcom, that'd be my worst nightmare.
Seven something you and your friend need to realize, these guys (NRS) work for Warner Brothers. They do what they are told and make their game how they think most fans will like it. Balance is something they work on very hard but it is definitely not their first priority cause as always competitive gamers are maybe 1% of the people that will buy this game. I love that NRS is trying new things. I dont want game clone after game clone with minimal changes. Either way i will probably love this game just like i did MK9 and its new and exciting and moving forward for our community.
gotta say i think Boon and NRS are basically in charge of how they make their games... i highly doubt WB is in there saying you cant do this or that.


A prop on the stage of life.
The one that IS NOT in the final game and seven thinks his copy is the same as his ERMAC.........a day 1 copy.
Vanilla Ermac makes me salivate. Do not mention him plz!

Also, Seven Injustice is the first drastically different game that NRS has made...well...outside of shaolin monks and whatever that game was that had Tremor in it. Anyway, can one not like a franchise for reasons other than "the company didn't try to innovate" or w/e? <- I mean to say ask your friend.

Can your friend not see that NRS is indeed TRYING here? MK9 was a HUGE step from mk vs dc, but Rome wasn't built in a day, it just took 9 iterations. :p