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INJUSTICE: Killer Frost and Ares Official GameSpot Reveal Trailer


"Behold! The God of War!" The moment many have been waiting for has arrived! As we are less than one week away from the official release of Injustice: Gods Among Us in the United States on the 16th (19th for U.K.). Today, exclusively by GameSpot we are invited to enjoy some game-play from the last two officially confirmed characters to complete the roster in Injustice, Killer Frost and Ares, God of War!

edited by STORMS*

Source: GameSpot



Don't give up!
Why do so many characters look so fun in this game?

And holy balls, Ares can stay invisible forever. Man that is going to be fun.


End Of Humanity
Why people compare ARES to shitty raiden ? Besides teleport and being god I dont see any similarities -,-


Slave to burgers
I'm impressed. I want to main the Doomsday so bad... but likely my Shang Tsung syndrome will take over, then IGAU turns into Pokemon -> Gotta play 'em all.